Şeyh Osman Nuri Ölmeztoprak Bağdadı Türbesi

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Contact Şeyh Osman Nuri Ölmeztoprak Bağdadı Türbesi

Address :

66200 Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat, Turkey

Categories :
City : Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat

66200 Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat, Turkey
Sibel Bican on Google

Bu kadar gösterişli yapılmamalıydı. Maneviyatın yüksekliği bina ile ölçülemez.Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgemizde nice sahabe mezarı var sade ve huzurlu
It shouldn't have been so fancy. The height of spirituality cannot be measured by the building.

ولد الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي في محافظة بغداد في الدولة العثمانية عام 1881. والده محمد أمين أفندي والدته فهيم هانم. خلال طفولته وشبابه ، تعلم الشيخ عثمان نوري حضرة العلوم الدنيوية وقام بتعليمه في المدارس العسكرية ، من ناحية أخرى ، أخذ دروسًا في اللغة من المعلمين الذين احتجزهم والده خصيصًا في بغداد ، وفي القرآن ، تفسير ، الحديث في معلمين من المدارس. كان يتعلم العلوم الإسلامية. واصل تعليمه الغامض في النزل الدراويش للنبي الشيخ عمر ضياء الدين. الشيخ عثمان نوري قداسة سيده من قبل والدته ووالده ، وكان صوفي في الحياة الصوفية هو الشيخ الصوفي الشهير ضياء الدين ، أحد الصوفيين المشهورين في العراق. وهو نجل الشيخ عثمان سردين الدين ، وهو خليفة مولانا هاليد البدادي. كان الشيخ عثمان نوري مرتبطًا بجناحه ، مرشد ، الشيخ عمر ضياء الدين بحب روحاني عظيم في سن مبكرة جدًا ، وحصل على درجات روحية رائعة في وقت قصير جدًا برعاية سيده وجهوده وجهوده. وفاة عمر ضياء الدين بموته ، أكبر ألم في حياته ، هذا الألم والانفصال الذي لا يطاق ، ابنه الوحيد ، الشيخ محمد نجم الدين ، الذي حل مكان الشيخ عمر ضياء الدين ، كان لديه دين صغير واستمرت رحلته الروحية التالية تحت قيادته. الشيخ محمد نجم الدين كذلك كشرط لإرادته ، رفعه والده عمر ضياء الدين ورفعه إلى أعلى مستوى من النضج الروحي الذي يمكن للشخص أن يأتي إليه. وهكذا ، قام الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي ، الذي جاء إلى مكتب السيد ، بواجبه في القيادة الروحية. أمضى حياته كلها محبة لمهنة صعبة مثل الخدمة العسكرية في فترة الحروب والحرمان ، وعيش الحياة الصوفية دون المساومة مع كل المحنة والصعوبات. الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي بدعوة من قداسة الشيخ عمر ضياء الدين والشيخ محمد نجم الدين قداسة ، وواصل نشاطه في حياته ، وهذه المرة واصل نشاطه وأحب محبة الله ، وطعم العبادة ، والسلام الروحي ، والبشر. لقد بذل جهودًا كبيرة للتعلم من خلال تحمل مسؤوليته ومحبته. إنهم لا يعتقدون حتى أن أقاربهم وطلابهم الذين يرونه وهم على قيد الحياة أو يموتون اليوم لا نهاية لهم لدرجة أن كتب الشيخ عثمان نوري حضرة حول المحادثات والاكتشافات والمعجزات لا يمكن أن تعيش ، وأن مثل هذا الشخص الذي سيذهل لا يمكن أن يعيش في هذا القرن. بسبب هذه الدول الرائعة ، كان يسمى عبد القادر جيلانيسي في ذلك الوقت. الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي ، بعد تقاعده من المهنة العسكرية ، استقر هناك في ملاطية في عام 1931 ، وهاجر إلى ملاطية ، في إصرار ملاطية وإصرارها. الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي جمع قداسة الناس من حوله بمحادثاته ومعجزاته الرائعة ، الشيخ عثمان نوري أفندي ، سيده الكبير ، الصوفية العظيمة ، قطب الشيخ عثمان نوري باقدادي (KS) ، الذي جاء إلى يوزغات من ملاطية في ديسمبر 1943 ، قبله بنفسه وأحبه وأحبه في 40 يومًا. قال خلال أيام وفاته "دافعني عن تربة يوزغات". قام شعب يوزغات الذين قدروا الروعة بدفن ضيوفهم العظماء وممرضاتهم البالغون من العمر 40 يومًا في 23 يناير 1944 في موقع جامليك ألتي ، إلى مقبرة التربة الصفراء. ضريح يوزغات ، الموجود في مقبرة الأرض الصفراء ، هو نصب تذكاري حيث يزور الناس من جميع أنحاء بلدنا ويجدون الشفاء الروحي والسلام.. Şeyh Othman Nuri Efendi, 1881'de Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Bağdat ilinde doğdu. Babası Muhammed Amin Efendi ve annesi Fahim Hanım. Çocukluğu ve gençliği sırasında Şeyh Othman Nuri dünyevi bilimlerin varlığını öğrendi ve onu askeri okullarda öğretti, öte yandan babasının Bağdat'ta özel olarak tuttuğu öğretmenlerden dil dersleri aldı ve Kuran'da Tafseer, Hadis okul öğretmenlerinde. İslam bilimini öğreniyordu. Gizemli eğitimine Peygamber Şeyh Ömer Ziauddin'in derviş kökenli devam etti. Şeyh Othman Nuri, efendisinin annesi ve babası tarafından kutsallığı ve Sufi yaşamındaki Sufi, Irak'ın ünlü Sufilerinden biri olan ünlü Sufi Şeyh Diauddin idi. Şeyh Othman Sardin Al-Din'in oğlu ve Mevlana Halid El-Baddadi'nin halefi. Şeyh Othman Nuri, kanadı, akıl hocası Şeyh Ömer Diauddin ile çok erken yaşlarda büyük manevi sevgiyle ilişkilendirildi ve çok kısa sürede efendisinin bakımı, çabaları ve çabalarıyla harika manevi dereceler aldı. Ömer Ziauddin'in ölümüyle ölümü, hayatındaki en büyük acı, bu dayanılmaz acı ve ayrılık, Şeyh Ömer Ziauddin'in yerini alan tek oğlu Şeyh Muhammed Najmuddin küçük bir dine sahipti ve bir sonraki manevi yolculuğu liderliğinde devam etti. Şeyh Muhammed Necm el-Din de iradesinin bir koşulu olarak babası Ömer Ziauddin onu kaldırdı ve bir kişinin gelebileceği en yüksek manevi olgunluğa yükseltti. Böylece, efendinin ofisine gelen Şey
Sheikh Othman Nuri Effendi was born in the province of Baghdad in the Ottoman Empire in 1881. His father, Muhammad Amin Effendi, and his mother, Fahim Hanim. During his childhood and youth, Sheikh Osman Nuri learned the presence of worldly sciences and taught him in military schools, on the other hand, he took language lessons from teachers whom his father had specially held in Baghdad, and in the Qur’an, Tafsir, hadith in school teachers. He was learning Islamic science. He continued his mysterious education in the dervish descent of the Prophet Sheikh Omar Ziauddin. Sheikh Othman Nuri, the holiness of his master by his mother and father, and the Sufi in Sufi life was the famous Sufi Sheikh Diauddin, one of the famous Sufis in Iraq. He is the son of Sheikh Othman Sardin Al-Din, and he is the successor of Mawlana Halid Al-Baddadi. Sheikh Othman Nuri was associated with his wing, mentor, Sheikh Omar Diauddin with great spiritual love at a very early age, and he obtained wonderful spiritual degrees in a very short time with the care of his master and his efforts and efforts. The death of Omar Ziauddin with his death, the greatest pain in his life, this unbearable pain and separation, his only son, Sheikh Muhammad Najmuddin, who replaced Sheikh Omar Ziauddin, had a small religion and his next spiritual journey continued under his leadership. Sheikh Muhammad Najm al-Din also as a condition of his will, his father Omar Ziauddin raised him and raised him to the highest level of spiritual maturity that a person can come to. Thus, Sheikh Osman Nuri Effendi, who came to the master’s office, fulfilled his duty of spiritual leadership. He spent his entire life loving a difficult profession such as military service during the period of wars and deprivation, and living the Sufi life without compromising with all the tribulation and difficulties. Sheikh Osman Nuri Effendi at the invitation of His Holiness Sheikh Omar Ziauddin and Sheikh Muhammad Najmuddin His Holiness, and he continued his activity in his life, and this time he continued his activity and loved the love of God, the taste of worship, spiritual peace, and human beings. He made great efforts to learn by taking responsibility and love. They do not even believe that their relatives and students who see him alive or die today are endless to the point that Sheikh Osman Nuri wrote Hazrat on conversations, discoveries and miracles that cannot live, and that such a person who will be amazed cannot live in this century. Because of these wonderful states, he was called Abdul Qadir Gilanesi at that time. Sheikh Othman Nuri Effendi, after retiring from the military profession, settled there in Malatya in 1931, and immigrated to Malatya, in the insistence and persistence of Malatya. Sheikh Osman Nuri Effendi gathered the holiness of the people around him with his wonderful conversations and miracles, Sheikh Osman Nuri Effendi, his great master, the great Sufi, Qutb Sheikh Osman Nuri Bakdadi (KS), who came to Yozgat from Malatya in December 1943, accepted himself and loved him and loved him in 40 days. He said during the days of his death, "He defended me from the soil of Yozgat." The people of Yozgat, who appreciated the splendor, bury their great guests and their 40-day-old nurses on January 23, 1944 at the site of Gamlik Alti, to the Yellow Soil Cemetery. The Yuzgat Mausoleum, located in the Yellow Earth Cemetery, is a memorial where people from all over our country visit and find spiritual healing and peace .. Şeyh Othman Nuri Efendi, 1881'de Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Bağdat ilinde doğdu. Babası Muhammed Amin Efendi ve annesi Fahim Hanım. Çocukluğu ve gençliği sırasında Şeyh Othman Nuri dünyevi bilimlerin varlığını öğrendi ve onu askeri okullarda öğretti, öte yandan babasının Bağdat'ta özel olarak tuttulerdiyar dililıdınör dililıdınör dililıdınörıdınör dil ok ok okri İslam bilimini öğreniyordu. Gizemli eğitimine Peygamber Şeyh Ömer Ziauddin'in derviş kökenli devam etti. Şeyh Othman Nuri, efendisinin annesi ve babası tarafından kutsallığı ve Sufi yaşamındaki Sufi, Irak'ın ünlü Sufilerinden biri olan ünlü Sufi Şeyh Diauddin idi. Şeyh Othman Sardin Al-Din'in oğlu ve Mevlana Halid El-Baddadi'nin halefi. Şeyh Othman Nuri, kanadı, akıl hocası Şeyh Ömer Diauddin ile çok erken yaşlarda büyük manevi sevgiyle ilişkilendirildi ve çok kısa sürede efendisinin bakıdı Ömer Ziauddin'in ölümüyle ölümü, hayatındaki en büyük acı, bu dayanılmaz acı ve ayrılık, Şeyh Ömer Ziauddin'in yerini alan tek oğlu Şeyh Muhammed Najmudiyi birin veiineiineiir dıkirınir b soniineiırınirin Şeyh Muhammed Necm el-Din de iradesinin bir koşulu olarak babası Ömer Ziauddin onu kaldırdı ve bir kişinin gelebileceği en yüksek manevi olgunluğa yükseltti. Böylece, efendinin ofisine gelen Şey
Huseyin Altun on Google

Medet kurban çokgüzel manevi atmosferi var huzur buluyorum
Medet Kurban has a very nice spiritual atmosphere, I find peace
Faik Yildiz on Google

Allah yolunda ve ülkesi için ömür vermiş.
He gave his life in the way of Allah and for his country.
Sadettin Kılıç on Google

Şeyh Osman Efendi Osmanlı Subayıdır Ayrıca Bağdatlıdır Ve PEYGAMBER EFENDİMİZİN 43 Kuşak Torunudur Yozgat ve yozgatlıların Manevi Önderidir Türbesi Bağdat Yapısına Bakılarak Yapılmıştır Amaç Gösteriş Değildir Teşekkürler
Sheikh Osman Efendi is an Ottoman officer, he is also from Baghdad, and he is the 43-generation grandson of our PROPHET LORD. He is the Spiritual Leader of Yozgat and the people of Yozgat.
Bahri Ates on Google

Fevkalade güzel bir mekan.İçeriye girip bu büyük insanı ziyaret etmek insana olağanüstü bir ferahlık veriyor. Bu güzel yeri gezip görmek, burada dua etmek ziyaret eden herkesi rahatlatacaktır.Selam ve dua ile.
It is a wonderfully beautiful place. It is an extraordinary relief to go inside and visit this great person. Visiting this beautiful place and praying here will relax everyone who visits it. With greetings and prayers.
ALP ALP on Google

Allah Rahmet Eylesin bizlere Şefaatçi Eylesin.
May Allah have mercy on us and intercede for us.
Andreas Mauersberger on Google

(Scheich) Şeyh Osman Nuri Efendi wurde 1881 in der Provinz Bagdad des Osmanischen Reiches geboren. Sein Vater ist Muhammed Emin Efendi und seine Mutter ist Fehime Hanım. Während Şeyh Osman Nuri in seiner Kindheit und Jugend weltliche Wissenschaften erlernte und seine Ausbildung in Militärschulen fortsetzte, nahm er andererseits Sprachunterricht bei den von seinem Vater eigens eingestellten Lehrern in Bagdad und bei den Meistern der Medressen wie Kur’an, Tefsir, Hadis und lernte islamische Wissenschaften. Er setzte seine Sufi-Ausbildung in der Loge von (Scheich) Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, einem seiner Sufis, fort. Şeyh Osman Nuri ist Sayyid mütterlicherseits und sein Mentor im Leben des Sufismus ist Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, einer der berühmtesten Mystiker im Irak. Er ist der Sohn von (Scheich) Şeyh Osman Seraceddin, dem Kalifen von Mevlana Halid-i Bağdadi. Seine Exzellenz Şeyh Osman Nuri war seinem Mentor, Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, schon in sehr jungen Jahren mit einer großen spirituellen Liebe verbunden und er erreichte mit Hilfe seines Mentors und seiner eigenen Bemühungen und Bemühungen in kürzester Zeit große spirituelle Ebenen. Wir besichtigten die Grabstätte am 15.08.2021 und haben sie im "Reisebericht Yozgat Teil 76" erwähnt und als empfehlenswert beschrieben.
(Sheikh) Şeyh Osman Nuri Efendi was born in 1881 in the Baghdad Province of the Ottoman Empire. His father is Muhammed Emin Efendi and his mother is Fehime Hanım. While Şeyh Osman Nuri learned secular sciences in his childhood and youth and continued his training in military schools, on the other hand he took language lessons from the teachers in Baghdad and from the masters of madrasahs such as Kur'an, Tefsir, Hadis and learned Islamic Sciences. He continued his Sufi training in the lodge of (Sheikh) Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, one of his Sufis. Şeyh Osman Nuri is Sayyid on his mother's side and his mentor in the life of Sufism is Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, one of the most famous mystics in Iraq. He is the son of (Sheikh) Şeyh Osman Seraceddin, the caliph of Mevlana Halid-i Bağdadi. His Excellency Şeyh Osman Nuri was associated with his mentor, Şeyh Ömer Ziyaeddin, with a great spiritual love from a very young age, and with the help of his mentor and his own efforts and endeavors, he reached great spiritual levels in a very short time. We visited the grave site on August 15th, 2021 and mentioned it in the "Travel Report Yozgat Part 76" and described it as recommendable.

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