Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincai Cami

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Contact Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincai Cami

Address :

Kayseri Malatya Yolu No:1, 44740 Darende/Malatya, Turkey

Categories :
City : Darende/Malatya

Kayseri Malatya Yolu No:1, 44740 Darende/Malatya, Turkey
Samsa Çavuş on Google

Somuncu Baba Hazretlerinin kayın pederi olan Abdurrahman Erzincani hazretlerinin Bizans döneminde yaşadığı ve Hristiyan din adamlarıyla girdiği munazara sonucunda 40 tanesinin müslüman olmasına vesile olduğu kaynaklarda geçmektedir. Temiz ferah ve ailece ziyaret edebileceğiniz huzurlu bir mekân. Aynı zamanda cami içerisinde Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani hazretleri ve ailesine ait türbe mezarlar da bulunmaktadır.
Abdurrahman Erzincani, who is the father-in-law of the Somuncu Baba, is mentioned in the sources that 40 of them were Muslims as a result of the debate with the Christian clergy during the Byzantine era. It is a clean, spacious and peaceful place that you can visit as a family. There are also tombs of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani and his family tomb in the mosque.
abdurrahman cicek on Google

Abdurrahman erzincan-i turbesininde olduğu camii beşgen olarak mimarilendirilmis alt taraftaki odaları bile beşgen yapının en önemli özelliği ise minaresinin füze şeklini andirmasi
The most important feature of the pentagonal structure is that the minaret of the minaret resembles the missile shape.
M Aykut on Google

Estetik açıdan güzel, farklı bir mimariye sahip olan Abdurrahman Erzincani Camii görülmeye değer yerlerden. İslamın 5 şartını simgeleyen beşgen yapıdaki caminin minaresi Peygamber Efendimizin(S.A.V.) sancağını sembolize etmektedir. Minare sivri şekilde yapısı ile bir füzeyi andırır. Türbe çatısı eğik şekilde iç içe geçmiş gibi gözükür. Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani ise Yıldırım Bayezıt döneminde yaşamış olup Şeyh Hamidi Veli'nin (Somuncu Baba) kayınbabasıdır. 1432 yılında vefat ettiği tahmin edilmektedir. Buraya defnedilmiştir. Darende Malatya karayolu üzerinde Balaban Mahallesinde yer alan cami yol üzerinde yer almaktadır.
Abdurrahman Erzincani Mosque, which has an aesthetically beautiful and different architecture, is worth seeing. The minaret of the pentagonal mosque, which symbolizes the 5 conditions of Islam, symbolizes the banner of our Prophet (S.A.V.). The minaret resembles a missile with its sharp structure. The roof of the mausoleum looks obliquely intertwined. Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani lived in Yıldırım Bayezit period and is the father-in-law of Sheikh Hamidi Veli (Somuncu Baba). It is estimated that he died in 1432. She was buried here. The mosque located in Balaban Mahallesi on the Darende Malatya highway is located on the road.
Harun Kuscu on Google

Malatya bölgesinde balabanı balaban yapan degerlerdendir ilginç iç ve dış minare ve camii yapısıyla Türkiye'de ilk olma özelliği vardir.... geçmişten günümüzü imar eden gönül erlerinden şeyh Abdurrahman erzincani kabri camiinin içerisindedir...
In Malatya bittern NEW bittern is one who values ​​interesting interior and exterior minaret and mosque building by There are first of its kind in Turkey .... the sheikh Abdurrahman past to the present zoning from our hearts are in the erzincan new tomb mosque ...
melissa meltem on Google

Mimarisi içindeki güzeliği yaşamak lazim.etkileyici bir güzellik. Mutlaka görmeye çalışın.balaban da bulunan bu caminin ziyarete gelenler tarafından çok beğenildiğini tekrar gelmek üzere gezi listesine eklendiğini biliyorum.bu camiden çıktıktan sonra 3 km.ileride bulunan balaban içmelerini mutlaka ziyaret edin.suyun özelliği yumurta kokusunda olması.icilebilir ve bazı cilt problemlerinize iyi gelebilir..
It is an impressive beauty. This mosque in balaban is very much liked by those who visit it. I know that it is added to the trip list to come again. After you leave this mosque, you should visit 3 km.ileride balaban drinks. ..
sabri çiçek on Google

Mimarisiyle ve manevi havasıyla beldemize değer katan bir yapıdır.
It is a structure that adds value to our city with its architecture and spiritual air.
Onur GÜNGÖR on Google

Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin, Safiyüddin Erdebeli'nin müridi ve halifesi olduğu kaynaklarda ifade edilmektedir. Safiyüddin Erdebeli, meşhur mutasavvıflardan olup Erdebil'de zaviye-nişin idi. İmam Kazım'ın neslinden olan bu zat hicri 735, miladi 1335 senesinde vefat etmiştir. Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin, Şeyh Hamidi (Somuncu Baba) ile tanışıklığı ve onunla sıhriyyet kurmuş olması kuvvetle muhtemeldir. Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin kabri hakkında birçok rivayetler bulunmaktadır. Ancak en sağlam rivayet Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin kabrinin Zey Köyü'nde olduğu yönündedir. Diğer taraftan 4. Murat'ın Bağdat seferi dönüşünde beraberinde bulunan, Bağdat yakınlarında "Erzin" adlı yerden zatın mezarı olduğu şeklinde bilgi ve rivayetler ileri sürülmektedir. Ancak Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin yaşadığı dönemle 4.Murat'ın Bağdat seferi dönüşü arasında bir buçuk asırlık zaman bulunmaktadır. Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin Adıyaman, Behisni ve Malatya Darende'de mezarının vakıfları bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu kazalardaki vakıflardan söz edilirken Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin evlatlarından bilhassa Abdulgafur'dan sıkça bahsedilmektedir. Bu da Şeyh Abdurrahman Erzincani Hazretleri'nin evlatlarının, zikrettiğimiz kaza ve nahiyelere yayılmış olabileceklerini göstermektedir.
It is stated in the sources that Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani was the disciple and caliph of Safiyüddin Erdebeli. Safiyüddin Erdebeli was one of the famous Sufis and was a dervish lodge in Ardebil. This person, who was a descendant of Imam Kazim, died in 735 AH and 1335 AD. It is highly probable that Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani was acquainted with Sheikh Hamidi (Somuncu Baba) and established his liaison with him. There are many rumors about the grave of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani. However, the most reliable rumor is that the grave of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani is in Zey Village. On the other hand, information and rumors are claimed that the 4th Murat was with him on his return to Baghdad, near Baghdad, where he was the tomb of the person named "Erzin". However, there is a century and a half between the period when Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani lived and the return of the 4th Murat campaign to Baghdad. There are foundations of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani tomb in Adıyaman, Behisni and Malatya Darende. However, when mentioning the foundations in these districts, the sons of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani, especially Abdulgafur, are frequently mentioned. This shows that the sons of Sheikh Abdurrahman Erzincani may have spread to the towns and towns we have mentioned.
Waddah on Google

الجامع المخمس يقع هذا الجامع في قضاء بالابان Balaban التابع لمدينة "دارينده" Darende الواقعة في ولاية مالاطيا شرقي تركيا، والتي تبعد عن مركزها قرابة 107 كيلومترات. بني الجامع بأمر من السلطان العثماني يلدرم بيازيد في القرن الخامس عشر إكراما لأحد مشايخه عبد الرحمن إرزنجاني أحد تلامذة وخليفة الشيخ المتصوف المشهور "سيف الدين إردبالي". قدم الإرزنجاني خدمات كثيرة للدولة العثمانية وعاش في بلدة "بالابان" ووافته المنية عام 1432 ميلادي (835 هجري) فيها، ولهذا فقد سمي باسمه و تم ترميمه وإعادة إنشائه عام 1960 من قبل رجل الدين المتصوف عثمان خلوصي أفندي بإشراف المهندس المعماري شريف علي أككورت. ويجذب الجامع سنويا الكثير من الزوار بفضل جمال عمارته المميزة، فهو على شكل مخمس ذو أسقف مائلة تسحر الناظرين، وترمز الخمسة أضلاع إلى شروط الإسلام الخمس ولديه 6 زوايا ترمز لشروط الإيمان الست، أما المئذنة فهي مدببة ومنفصلة عن الجامع و ترمز إلى راية الإسلام. أما الأسقف فهي مائلة بدرجة 20 بالمئة للخارج، وبالرغم من قلة نوافذه الجانبية على الجدران إلا أن إضاءته جيدة بفضل تصميم الأسقف بشكل خاص يسمح بمرور نور الشمس. ويوجد بالقرب منه مجمع لتحفيظ القرآن ذو سقف قرميدي أحمر ومكان خاص لإقامة الطلبة. من جهته، قال السيد "وداد بورج" إمام الجامع الحالي لمراسل الأناضول: "يعد هذا الجامع الأول من نوعه في تلك الحقبة، ويحمل جمال العمارة التركية- الإسلامية، ويشبه البناء السلجوقي فهو بدون قبب إلا أنه مغطى بأسقف مختلفة تعكس نور الشمس للداخل، ويعتبر حجم الجامع من الداخل واسعا نسبيا فلايوجد داخله أية أعمدة". وتابع السيد "بورج" قائلا: "لقد صمم هذا الجامع ليكون أفضل وأميز جامع على الإطلاق في تلك الفترة وحتى في يومنا الحالي، فقد اهتم أثناء بنائه بكل تفصيل من تفاصيله وبدقة حتى يكون الأول و الأندر من نوعه، حتى أن بعض الجامعات والكليات التقنية تطرقت لتدريسه كموضوع معتمد للطلاب". وأفاد رئيس بلدية دارينده "سليمان أثر" بأن ما يجذب الأنظار أيضا هو موقعه المميز فهو يقع على طريق الأوتستراد السريع مالاطيا - قيصري ولهذا فإن الكثير من الذين يمرون بجانبه بالسيارة يقفون ويؤدون الصلاة فيه، ويلتقطون الصور الفوتوغرافية الرائعة بجانبه.
The whole penthouse This mosque is located in the Balaban district of the city "Darende" located in the state of Malatya in eastern Turkey, which is about 107 kilometers from its center. The mosque was built by order of the Ottoman Sultan Yildirim Beyazid in the fifteenth century in honor of one of his sheikhs, Abd al-Rahman Erzanjani, one of the students and successor of the famous Sufi mystic, "Seif al-Din Erdbali". Erzangani provided many services to the Ottoman Empire and lived in the town of "Balaban" and passed away in 1432 AD (835 AH), and for this he was named in his name and was restored and re-established in 1960 by the mystic cleric Osman Khulousy Effendi under the supervision of the architect Sharif Ali Accourt. The mosque attracts many visitors annually thanks to the beauty of its distinctive architecture. It is in the form of a pentagon with sloping roofs that fascinates the viewers. The five sides symbolize the five conditions of Islam and have 6 corners symbolizing the six conditions of faith. The minaret is pointed and separate from the mosque and symbolizes the banner of Islam. As for the ceilings, they are tilted 20 percent to the outside, and although there are few side windows on the walls, the lighting is good thanks to the design of the ceilings in particular that allows the passage of sunlight. Next to it is a Quran memorization complex with a red tiled roof and a special place for student accommodation. For his part, Mr. Widad Burg, the current Imam of the mosque, told Anatolia correspondent: “This mosque is the first of its kind in that era, and it bears the beauty of Turkish-Islamic architecture, and it resembles the Seljuk architecture, it is without domes except that it is covered with different ceilings that reflect the sunlight inside, and is considered The size of the mosque from inside is relatively wide, so there are no columns inside. And he continued, "Burg", saying: "This mosque was designed to be the best and most distinguished mosque at all in this period and even today. It was concerned during its construction in every detail of its details and accurately so that it is the first and rarest of its kind, so that some universities and technical colleges touched To teach it as an approved topic for students. " The mayor of Dariinde "Suleiman Athar" stated that what attracts attention is also its privileged location as it is located on the highway Malatya - Kayseri Highway, so many of those who pass by his side stand and perform prayer, and take wonderful photos beside him.

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