
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact A101

Address :

Serdivan Cd., 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya, Turkey

Categories :
City : Serdivan/Sakarya

Serdivan Cd., 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya, Turkey
Aslı Gündoğan on Google

Görselleri çok yanıltıcı. Mağaza küçük ve ürün düzenleri yeterince iyi değil. Mağaza çalışanları iyimser. Kendi ürünleri de o kadar da kaliteli değil.
Its visuals are very misleading. The store is small and product layouts aren't good enough. Store employees are optimistic. Their own products are not that high.
Ramazan Tiryakï on Google

Her yere ulaşım var
There is access everywhere
Mahmut ŞİMŞEK on Google

Fiyatlar uçtu ama inmedi
Prices went up but did not go down
Ali Bakir on Google

المسمى ايو زبير مناسب الاسعار وجيد في العروض ومتعى في التسوق
The name Ayo Zubair is suitable for prices, good in offers, and enjoy shopping
Ali Khudiri on Google

محل لبيع جميع مواد المنزليه في سردفان
A store that sells all household items in Sardfan
muharrem yılmaz on Google

Marketin ürün çeşitliliği gayet yerinde ve hizmette gayet olumlu bir şekilde ilerlemekte o yüzden bu şekilde olumlu yanıt verdim
The product variety of the market is very good and the service is progressing in a very positive way, so I responded positively in this way.
Ufuk Öztaş on Google

Standart bir market, fiyatlar çok yükseldi. Kampanyalar ilgi çekici değil artık.
It's a standard market, prices are very high. Campaigns are no longer interesting.
Mr US on Google

Sometimes are good and cheap.

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