Zirve Cafe Restaurant

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zirve Cafe Restaurant

Address :

48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey

Opening hours :
Monday 8:30AM–12AM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12AM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12AM
Thursday 8:30AM–12AM
Friday 8:30AM–12AM
Saturday 8:30AM–12AM
Sunday 8:30AM–12AM
Categories :
City : Fethiye/Muğla

48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
Ali İhsan EREN on Google

Bu manzara için değer
Value for this view
Recep Özarıcı on Google

Manzara çok iyi temiz ve yeterli alana sahip Tek sıkıntısı faiş fiyatlar kendi aracınızla çıkıcaksanız park edicek yer yok yol kenarına aracı bırakmak zorunda kalıyorsunuz
The view is very good clean and has enough space The only problem is the exorbitant prices. If you are going out with your own car, there is no place to park, you have to leave the car on the side of the road.
Mete Bo on Google

Sehr schöner Ort mit einer traumhaften Aussicht auf das Meer. Ich empfehle euch gegen Sonnenuntergang hoch zufahren... Kommen wir zum Service.... Es gab nur noch an der oberen Terrasse Plätze mit guter Aussicht, wir saßen knappe 20 min oben bis wir zufällig von anderen Gästen informiert wurden sind, das man an der oberen Terrasse nicht bedient wird. Obwohl die Kellner uns gesehen haben sagten sie uns nichts. Dann sind wir runter und haben uns einen Platz gesucht und weitere 15 min gewartet. Bis ich auf den Kellner zugegangen bin hat sich nichts gerührt. Denn an diesem Tisch ist auch nur self service ??‍♂️ somit haben wir umsonst 35 min gewartet ohne von jemandem informiert zu werden wo man bedient wird und wo nicht. (dabei laufen die Kellner an einem vorbei und schauen auch noch zu wie man wartet) Sehr schlechter Service!
Very nice place with a fantastic view of the sea. I recommend you drive up towards sunset ... Let's go to the service .... There was only on the upper terrace places with good views, we sat scarce 20 minutes above until we happened to have been informed by other guests that you at the upper terrace is not served. Although the waiters saw us, they did not tell us anything. Then we went down and looked for a place and waited another 15 minutes. Until I approached the waiter, nothing moved. Because at this table is also only self service ??♂️ so we have waited for free 35 minutes without being informed by anyone where you are served and where not. (while the waiters walk past one and watch how to wait) Very bad service!
Alex Lyulya on Google

К закату солнца посетителей на улице уже нет, в помещении все столики заняты. Полюбовались закатом и потрясающим видом под бокал вина. Наверху холодно, стоит одеться потеплее.
By sunset, there are no more visitors on the street, all the tables in the room are occupied. Admired the sunset and stunning views with a glass of wine. It's cold upstairs, you should dress warmly.
Arzu E. on Google

İşletmenin emriyle bugün itibariyle kamusal alan olan Babadağ'a ziyaretçiler su bile sokamıyor. Haddinizi bilin sayın işletmeci. Babadağ kelimesinde ki baba sen değilsin, halk. Arkadaşlar kimsenin böyle bir hakkı olamaz. Hakkınızı bilin itiraz edin.
By order of the enterprise, visitors cannot even bring water to Babadağ, which is a public space as of today. Know your limits, manager. You are not the father in the word Babadağ, people. Friends, no one has such a right. Know your right and object.
Mzte Mzte on Google

Muhteşem bir gün batımını seyrederken yemek yiğebileceğiniz bölgedeki tek yer. Ama fiyatlar yerli halk için pahalı.
The only place in the area where you can dine while watching a magnificent sunset. But the prices are expensive for locals.
Akrep-54 on Google

SKANDAL SAKIN GİTMEYİN. Adamlar Dağı babasının Dağı zannetti galiba dağa girişte yanınızda su bile getiremezmişsin diyorlar bugün talimat gelmiş. kamuya açık alanda benim elimden suyu alacak adam daha doğmadı. Suyu kendileri satıp para kazanacakmışlar. Arkadaşlar dağa çıkarken yanınıza çanta yapın bimden yiyecek içecekleri doldurun içine yiye geze dolaşın ben öyle yapıyorum. Bunların restoranındada çay bile içmeyin.
SCANDAL DO NOT GO. The Mount of Men thought it was his father's mountain, I guess, they say you can't even bring water with you when you enter the mountain, the instruction came today. The man who will take the water from my hand in the public place has not been born yet. They would sell the water themselves and earn money. Friends, when you go to the mountain, pack a bag with you, fill me up with food and drink, go for a walk, that's what I do. Do not even drink tea in their restaurant.
David L on Google

Terrible service, lousy cocktails

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