Yıldız Aspava Beşevler - Dögol Cd. 33/B

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yıldız Aspava Beşevler

Address :

Dögol Cd. 33/B, 06600 Tandoğan - Çankaya/Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 06600
Categories :

Dögol Cd. 33/B, 06600 Tandoğan - Çankaya/Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
Evren Cifci on Google

İftar için yer ayırtıp ezandan 25 dakika önce geldik yemek ise ezandan 45 dk sonra geldi laubali laubali özür dahi dilemeden servis yaptılar. Patates sanki diğer masalardan toplanmış gibi ikram porsiyonları çok küçük gidenlere geçmiş olsun dileklerimi sunuyorum.
We reserved a place for iftar and came 25 minutes before the call to prayer, and the food came 45 minutes after the call to prayer, and they served it without even apologizing. As if the potatoes were picked from other tables, I offer my best wishes to those whose serving portions are too small.
nurdogan ateş on Google

Ilgi lezzet ve fiyat uygunluğu ariyorsaniz buraya gidin. Yemek harici herseyin ikram olmasi da ayri bi guzellik
If you are looking for interest, taste and affordability, go here. It is another beauty that everything is a treat other than food.
Hikmet Sökmen on Google

Ramazan ayı içerisinde gittik bizi dandik ayağı kırık sallanır bir masaya verdiler. Menü çok zayıftı mezeleri 2 kere istemeyle zorla getirdiler aspavalar içerisinde en berbat yeriydi gitmeyin!
We went during the month of Ramadan and they gave us a rocking table with a broken leg. The menu was very weak, they brought the appetizers by force 2 times, it was the worst place among aspavas, don't go!
Basim Al Qassim on Google

Good place
Mohammed Naser on Google

Very giod restaurant
Metin Yorulmaz on Google

Cozy place fine food
Baraa Sabsabi on Google

very good food and good service
Nabiha Maysun on Google

Amazing service. Hospitality at its best. They served with tea coffee sweets salad and plenty more for free along with the actual dish! Highly highly recommended

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