Yesil Mus Ovasi Travel - D:72

3.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Yesil Mus Ovasi Travel

Address :

D:72, 06560 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 06560
Categories :
City : Çankaya/Ankara

D:72, 06560 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey
DUMANLI YOL 1987 on Google

murat uyan on Google

Mus bulanik ilcesi yokuslu koyune kitap yardimi gonderdim sayelerinde cok yardimci oldular ???
Mus is blurred with the help of the book I've sent to the bushy was very helpful im
FATİH TUNA on Google

18.10.2021 Muş'tan Bursa'ya saat 14:00 de hareket etmesi gereken otobüsün 1saat 15 dk gecikme yaptıktan sonra kalkış yaptigi araç ile yolculuk yaptım. Firmanın Muş terminalinde ki görevlerinin üslûbuna mi, araçta TV wifii olmasına rağmen şoförün yüksek ses müzik açıp mevcut cihazları sesten dolayı kullanamadigima mi, yoksa araç icinde şoförün sigara içtiginden dolayı duyduğum rahatsızlığa mi puan vereyim bilemedim. Araç içinde hizmet sunan muavin görevli haric firmanin diğer hizmetlerinden memnun kalmadım.Tavsiye etmem
18.10.2021 After the bus, which was supposed to depart from Muş to Bursa at 14:00, was delayed for 1 hour and 15 minutes, I traveled with the vehicle from which it took off. I did not know whether to rate the style of the company's duties in the Muş terminal, the fact that the driver could not use the loud music even though there was TV wifi in the vehicle, because of the noise, or the discomfort I felt because the driver smoked in the vehicle. I was not satisfied with the other services of the company, except for the assistant officer providing service in the vehicle.

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