Hamza Mutlu on Google

Etrafindan siyrilmis biraz unutulmus gibi görünüyor ama cok degerli bi eser
It seems a little forgotten that has been stripped around but it is a very valuable work
M S on Google

Як дійти до таблиці Ксеркса: До таблиці можна дійти лише обійшовши гору. Від входу до заповідника необхідно обійти гору з правого боку. Для цього потрібно буде вийти з території замку на територію місцевого парку через дірку у паркані. Або через парковку. Її легко знайти, якщо йти від туалету в бік гори повз великі валуни. Після такого імпровізованого входу потрібно рухатись вздовж гори по стежці (по ліву руку). Таблиця буде поруч з руїнами.
How to get to the Xerxes table: The table can be reached only by going around the mountain. From the entrance to the reserve you need to go around the mountain on the right side. To do this, you will need to leave the castle to the local park through a hole in the fence. Or through the parking lot. It is easy to find if you go from the toilet towards the mountain past large boulders. After such an impromptu entrance, you need to move along the mountain on the path (on the left hand). The table will be next to the ruins.
Arash MPour on Google

تنها کتیبه دوره هخامنشیان که خارج از ایران قرار داره و به حال خودش رها شده. این کتیبه در دیواره جنوبی قلعه وان قرار داره و از مسیر ورودی قلعه قابل دیدن و دسترسی نیست.
The only inscription of the Achaemenid period that is outside Iran and has been left to its own devices. This inscription is located on the south wall of Van Castle and cannot be seen and accessed from the entrance of the castle.
Muhammed Kandeğer on Google

Van il merkezinin sınırları içerisinde olup, merkeze 5 km mesafede bulunmaktadır. Van ovasındaki doğu-batı doğrultusunda uzanan kaya kütlesi üzerine kurulmuştur. Kayalık, 20-120 m arasında değişen genişlikte, 1800 m uzunluğunda ve 100 m. yüksekliğinde doğal bir kütleye sahiptir. Güneyden sarp ve dik, kuzeyden meyilli topografik bir özellik göstermektedir. Üç bölümlü kalenin kuzeydeki çıkış yolu, batıdan doğuya doğru hafif rampa şeklindedir. Tuşpa adıyla uzun süre Urartu Devleti'nin başkentliğini yapan kale, Urartu kralı I. Sarduri tarafından M.Ö. 840-825 tarihleri arasında kurulmuştur. Kalede Urartular'dan kalma Madır (Sardur) Burcu, Analı-Kız açık hava tapınağı, 1. Argişti, Kurucular, Menua ve II. Sarduri kaya mezarları, Bin Merdivenler ile ana kayaya oyulmuş sur duvar yatakları ve sur duvarları bulunmaktadır. Kalede Urartular'dan sonra Osmanlı'ya kadar Pers yazıtı dışında herhangi bir kalıntı gelmemiştir. Doğu tarafindaki sur ve kuleler, kuzey batıya bakan kale giriş kapısı, tahkimat ve diger beden duvarları, Yukarı Kale, Süleyman Han Cami ve minaresi ile askeri amaçlı kerpiç ve taştan çeşitli yapılar, Osmanlı döneminden kalmadır. Tahkimatı sağlayan beden duvarları, burçlar ve kuleler moloz taş, kerpiç ile kesme taş malzeme ile yapılmıştır. Bu duvar ve tahkimatlar kuzeyden kalenin siluetini oluşturmaktadır. Osmanlı döneminde kale tamamen askeri amaçlı olarak kullanılmıştır. Asıl şehir kalenin güneyinde kurulmuştur. Burası da surlarla çevrilmiş. 1915’ten sonraki tahrip olmuş haliyle günümüze ulaşmıştır
It is located within the boundaries of Van city center and 5 km from the center. It was founded on the rock mass extending in the east-west direction in the plain of Van. The rocky is between 20-120 m wide, 1800 m long and 100 m. has a natural mass in height. Steep and steep from the south, the north has a sloping topographic feature. The exit path of the three-part fortress in the north is in the form of a light ramp from west to east. It was the capital of the Urartian State with the name Tuspa for a long time. It was established between 840-825. Madur (Sardur) sign from the Urartians in the castle, Analı-Kız open air temple, 1st Argisti, Founders, Menua and II. There are Sarduri rock tombs, Thousand Stairs and fortification walls and fortifications carved into the bedrock. After the Urartians in the castle, no remnants came to the Ottomans except the Persian inscription. The walls and towers on the east side, the castle entrance gate facing the north west, the fortification and other body walls, the Upper Castle, the Süleyman Han Mosque and its minaret, and various structures made of mudbrick and stone for military purposes, are from the Ottoman period. Body walls, bushings and towers providing fortifications are made of rubble stone, adobe and cut stone material. These walls and fortifications form the silhouette of the castle from the north. During the Ottoman period, the castle was completely used for military purposes. The main city was established in the south of the castle. This place is surrounded by walls. It has survived to the present day as it was destroyed after 1915
Ehsan Yazdani on Google

Epic. Hard to find.
Nikan Nazari on Google

One of the most cuneiform which is same content Ganjnameh inscriptions in Hamedan, Iran ... Very recommend
Chris W on Google

Very cool. Watch out for the aggressive flies in that field. Guessing the manure from the nearby farms? You can also walk around the west side to the entrance but it’s a bit of a strange path
Mehrdad B on Google

It's the only inaccessible historical effect in whole Van castle. Written on a perfectly vertical 45 meter rock on castle's southern wall. How they wrote it 2500 years ago is mind boggling. Visiting it worth thousands words. Natural events have started to deteriorate it unfortunately. Hope someone protects it from further deterioration.

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