Vodafone Cep Merkezi

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vodafone Cep Merkezi

Address :

Keykubat Blv., 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://www.vodafone.com.tr/
Categories :
City : Alanya/Antalya

Keykubat Blv., 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey

Çok soğuk ilgisizler. Şebeke dorunu bitmiyor
They are very cold indifferent. The network isn't ending
Yunus Şirin on Google

Çalışanlar çözüm odaklı, güleryüzlü, vodafone berbat.
Employees are solution oriented, smiling, vodafone sucks.
Zeki Bektas on Google

Alanyumdaki Vodafone bayinin saygısız ve ilgisiz erkek elemanı, alışverişe girdik, çocuk sanki küçük dünyalar benim havasında. Esnaflığınız batsın sizin.
The disrespectful and indifferent male element of the Vodafone dealer in the area, we went shopping, the child is like a small world in my mood. Your artisans are yourselves.
Ren D on Google

Почему на представление товары на полках магазина отсутствуют ценники? Причем это во всех магазинах сотовой связи. Как ориентироваться в ценах, если даже продавцы не встают со своих мест.
Why are there no price tags for presentation products on store shelves? Moreover, this is in all cellular stores. How to navigate prices, even if sellers do not get up from their seats.
Syokla Petrenko on Google

Плохой магазин. На телефоны ценников нет, продавцы называют разные цены разным покупателям на одну и ту же модель телефона. Бардак!
Bad shop. There are no price tags for phones, sellers give different prices to different buyers for the same phone model. Mess!
Роман Евгеньевич on Google

26 ноября 2018. В период 15:00 - 16:00 приобретена SIM на русский паспорт. Было заказано: новая сим (стоимость 70 турецких лир) + пакет услуг с интернетом на 4gb ( kolay paket 4) стоит 31 лира. Продавец молодой парень ( на вид лет около 20, немного полноват) посчитал на калькуляторе и сказал / показал 101 TLr, было уплочено без сдачи, продавец чек не дал, только сим, сказал иди в течении двух часов у тебя заработает. Заработало - правда, но пакет был активирован другой за 23 лиры как я понял, с интернетом на 2gb. Беседа происходила при помощи другого покупателя- мужчина старших лет, свободно он мог переводить - вот ему спасибо. Нагло обманул продавец на 7лир. Вот тебе и официальная точка продаж. Позор! Сотрудники аферисты, куда смотрят руководители компании?
November 26, 2018. In the period 15:00 - 16:00, a SIM was purchased for a Russian passport. It was ordered: a new sim (cost 70 Turkish lira) + a package of services with internet for 4gb (kolay paket 4) costs 31 lira. The seller is a young guy (he looks about 20 years old, a little overweight) calculated on the calculator and said / showed 101 TLr, it was paid without change, the seller did not give a check, only sim, he said go within two hours it will work for you. It worked - true, but the package was activated by another one for 23 lira, as I understand it, with 2gb internet. The conversation took place with the help of another buyer - an older man, he could translate freely - that's thanks to him. Brazenly deceived the seller for 7lir. Here is the official point of sale for you. A shame! Employees are swindlers, where are the leaders of the company looking?
Ekaterina on Google

Case for a tax police i guess.Today I purchased a sim-card for 290 liras and Samsung A02 for 3000.Paid by cash.They didn't give me any cheque in a store.Was told that a cheque would come to my email within an hour.It's night and I still haven't got any cheque... Сегодня я купила сим-карту за 290 лир и смартфон Samsung A02 за 3000 лир.Мне не выдали чеки ни за то,ни за другое.Сказали,что пришлют чек на электронную почту в течение часа.Но чека так и нет,а уже глубокая ночь.
Case for a tax police i guess.Today I purchased a sim-card for 290 liras and Samsung A02 for 3000.Paid by cash.They didn't give me any check in a store.Was told that a check would come to my email within an hour.It's night and I still haven't got any check... Today I bought a SIM card for 290 lira and a Samsung A02 smartphone for 3000 lira. night.
Ida Fribert on Google

Nice and clean shop, kind and attentive personnel, I got what I came for - a SIM card and a charger for iPhone to put in my car- unfortunately my charger doesn’t work? can I come back and change it?

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