Vizyon iç Mimarlık

3.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Vizyon iç Mimarlık

Address :

Mithatpaşa Cd. No:59/B, 31200 İskenderun/Hatay, Turkey

Categories :
City : İskenderun/Hatay

Mithatpaşa Cd. No:59/B, 31200 İskenderun/Hatay, Turkey
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Ibrahim Gezici profesyonellikten uzak musteriye karsi kavgaci tutumlari olan, hicbir sozunde durmayan tek kisilik bir ic mimarlik firmasi sahibi... Kendi yaptigi hatalar icin musteriye sesini yukselten, musteriyle senli benli konusan bir sahis.. Is yaparken bu tavirlari bile insani yoruyorken ek olarak 15 gunde bitirilecek mutfak dolabini 3 ayda yapti ve ozur dilemek yerine dalga gecercesine gulerek size boyle denk geldi ne yapalim gibi konusmalarda bulundu. Banyo ve WC Dolaplarini kendisine yaptirdigimiz halde bataryalari dolaplara fikslemedi.. Israrla bunu kendisinin degil sucunun yapmasi gerektigini iddia etti. Anlasmamiza uymadi. Bu kucuk is icin daha sonra disardan adam getirtemedim hala bataryalar sabitlenmemis bir sekilde kullaniyoruz.. Anlasmamizda mutfak tezgahi altina takilacak eviye boru takimi kendisine ait oldugu cok net yazmaktadir.. Bu is icin sucu getirmeyip oturup saatlerce kendisi ugrasarak takmaya calisti.. Getirmedigi sucu yuzunden yanlis taktigi boru yuzunden dolabimizda su tasmasi oldu ve dolaplarimiz islandi ve curudu. Anlasmazliklarimiz neticesinde evimize 20 kisi yigacagini soyleyip balkonumuzda son derece yuksek ses tonuyla kavga etmeye basladi..Komsularimizi rahatsiz edecek sekilde evimizde bagiramayacagi konusunda kendisini net bir sekilde uyardiktan sonra evden takimlarini toplayip cekip gittiler.. Yaptiklari islerin kalitesinde de sikinti vardir. Bunu kendisine anlatmaya calistik.. Israrla yanlislarini duzeltmek yerine reddetti, biz boyle yapiyoruz dedi. Nitekim hakli oldugumuz bir sabah uyandigimizda kendi kendine dusmus olan buyuk banyo aynasini gordugumuzde maalesef tescillendi. Kendisini telefonla arayarak ulasmaya calistim, can guvenligi soz konusu olan bir hadise oldugu icin olayin ciddiyetiyle hemen adam gonderip yaptirir duzeltir diye dusundugum halde telefona bile cikmayarak ofis calisanina oyle bir is yaptigimi hatirlamiyorum dedirtti. Banyo aynasini kendim getirttigim usta yeniden yerine yerlestirirken gordum ki yalnizca 2 kucuk vida kullanilmis.. Usta biz birbirine gecmeli kenetlemeli sistem yapiyoruz dedi.. Nitekim ben de oyle birsey yapmislardir diye dusunmustum... 2 kucuk vidayi gorunce sok oldum.. Ek para verip Gecmeli sistem yaptiracagim cunku 2 kucuk cocugumun can guvenligi soz konusu. Ayrica Mutfak Dolaplarina karar verip kendisine odeme yaptiktan sonra bu kapak yokmus fabrikada, ya baska kapak secin ya da 1 ay bekleyeceksiniz dedi.. Mecburen beklememek icin baska kapaklar sectim.. Su an secmis oldugum kapaklari hic sevmeden kullaniyorum cunku cok kolay leke tutmakta ve silmekle bile lekeler gecmemekte.. Benim ilk basta sectigim kapaklar parlak leke tutmaz ozellikteydi fakat sirf isi almak icin bu kapaklari bana gostermis oldugunu sonradan anliyorum...Zaten kapaklari da taahhut ettigi fabrikadan almak yerine baska bir yerden aldigini fabrikayi arayip konustugumuzda ogrendik.. Fabrika bu firmayla yillardir calismadigini ilisigini kestigini soyledi. Ayrica ayna dustugunde ustasini da arayip bilgilendirdim o da kendisiyle calismama karari aldigini soyledi. Kisacasi yalnizca musteriyle degil tum cevresiyle kavgaci ve karsit tutum icerisinde.. Uzlasmaci degil.. Ek olarak fatura da vermedi..
Ibrahim Gezici is the owner of a one-person interior architecture firm who is far from professionalism and has a belligerent attitude towards the customer ... A person who raises the voice of the customer for his mistakes and talks with you and his attitudes in an additional 15 days while doing business. He made the kitchen cabinet to be finished in 3 months and instead of apologizing, he laughed at you and talked about what to do. Although we had the bathroom and WC cabinets made by him, he did not fix the batteries to the cabinets. He insistently claimed that he should do this, not himself. It did not fit our agreement. For this small job, I could not bring a man from outside, but we still use the batteries in an unfixed way. In our agreement, it is very clear that the sink pipe set to be fitted under the kitchen counter belongs to him. Because of the pipe he installed, there was water in our closet and our cabinets were islandi and rotten. As a result of our disagreements, he told him that he would pile up to 20 people in our house and started to fight in our balcony with an extremely high tone of voice. After clearly warning him that he would not be able to shout at our house in a way that would disturb our neighbors, they gathered his teams from the house and left. We tried to explain this to him .. He refused instead of correcting his mistakes, he said, "We are doing this way." As a matter of fact, it was unfortunately registered when we woke up one morning when we saw the large bathroom mirror falling off by itself. I tried to reach him by calling him, and he did not even go on the phone and made the office worker say I did not remember that I did such a job, even though I thought that he would send a man immediately and get it corrected due to the seriousness of the incident. While the master I brought the bathroom mirror back to its place, I saw that only 2 small screws were used .. The master said that we are making interlocking clamping system .. As a matter of fact, I thought that they did something like that ... I stuck it when I saw the 2 small screws. I will have the system built because the life safety of my 2 little kids is in question. In addition, after deciding on the Kitchen Cabinets and paying for him, he said that this cover did not exist at the factory, either choose another cover or you will wait for 1 month .. I chose other covers so as not to wait for it. The stains do not pass .. The lids I chose at the beginning were bright stain resistant, but I understand later that he showed me these lids only to get the heat ... Already, instead of buying the lids from the factory he has promised, we bought the lids from another place. He said that he was not working and cut him out. Also, when the mirror fell down, I called his master and informed him that he had decided not to work with him. In short, not only with the customer, but also with the whole environment, in a combative and opposing attitude .. Not compromising .. In addition, he did not give invoices.

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