Uzm. Dr. Mustafa Dinç, Göğüs Hastalıkları

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Uzm. Dr. Mustafa Dinç, Göğüs Hastalıkları

Address :

Tekelioğlu Cd. No:7, 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +97
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Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Muratpaşa/Antalya

Tekelioğlu Cd. No:7, 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
Hande Tetik on Google

Sevgili Mustafa Hocam ile birlikte Biorezonans seanslarına başladım. Çok başarılı sonuçlar elde ettik. Çok memnun kaldım. Hatta yakında ozon seanslarına başlıyacağım. Herkese gönül rahatlığıyla tavsiye ediyorum. :)
I started Bioresonance sessions with my dear teacher Mustafa. We have achieved very successful results. I was very satisfied. I will even start ozone sessions soon. I recommend it to everyone wholeheartedly. :)
Sevcan Çoban on Google

Yaklaşık bir yıl önce instagram üzerinden takip etmeye başladığım @mustafadinç hocamın Dönüşüm Okulu 'na (online eğitim) katıldım.Hiçbir tedavi, seans almadığım halde, bilgi ve tecrübesine, ilmine, tedavi yöntemlerine ve enerjisine son derece güveniyorum. Dönüşüm okulundaki dersler ve meditasyonları sayesinde zihinden çıkıp anda kalmayı başardım. Kesinlikle daha huzurlu ve daha mutluyum. Öncelikle Dönüşüm Okulunda bizleri aydınlattığı için kendisine teşekkür ediyor katılıp deneyimlemek isteyen herkesi instagram hesabına davet ediyorum.Hastalığı olup tedavi görme amaçlı kişileri de biorezonans seanslarına ve tedavi yöntemlerine güvenmelerini şiddetle tavsiye ederim??
I joined the Transformation School (online training) of my teacher @mustafadinç, which I started to follow on Instagram about a year ago. Even though I did not receive any treatment or session, I trust his knowledge and experience, knowledge, treatment methods and energy. Thanks to his lectures and meditations at the transformation school, I was able to get out of the mind and stay in the moment. I am definitely more peaceful and happier. First of all, I would like to thank him for enlightening us at the Transformation School and invite everyone who wants to join and experience it on his instagram account. I highly recommend people who have a disease and want to be treated, to trust bioresonance sessions and treatment methods??
fatih adan on Google

10.07.2021 tarihinde covit testim pozitif çıktı zorlu 20 gün sonrasında coviti atlattım ama haala tesiri üzerimdeydi farklı 2 doktora muayane oldum ama vucudumda bir anormallik vardı en sonunda dr Mustafa Dinç hocamla tanıştım hocam gerekli tüm ilgiyi gösterdi tahlillerimi yaptı ve şu sonuca vardı bağışıklık sistemini düzeltmemi önerdi ve bana bio rezonans tedavisini önerdi ve tedaviye başladık rezonans tedavisi sırasında bir çok gıdaya ve dış etkenlere karşı allerjimin olduğunu tespit etti ve bu yönde tedavilerini yoğunlaştırdı.. sonuç olarak 51 yaşındayım ama sanki 30 yıl öncesine gittim artık hastalıklara karşı daha donanımlıyım ve daha güçlüyüm. Allerjim olan tüm etkenleri biliyorum ve en azından düşmanımı tanıyorum bana zarar veren gıdalardan uzak durup alternatiflerini tüketiyorum..teşekkürler dr Mustafa Dinç hocam ve ilgili ekibi iyiki varsınız...
On 10.07.2021, my covit test was positive, after 20 tough days, I survived the covit, but it still had an effect on me. I had examinations with 2 different doctors, but there was an abnormality in my body, finally I met my teacher, dr Mustafa Dinç, my teacher showed all the necessary attention, he did my analyzes and came to the conclusion that he suggested I fix the immune system. and he recommended me the bio resonance treatment and we started the treatment.. During the bio resonance treatment, he detected that I was allergic to many foods and external factors and intensified his treatment in this direction.. as a result, I am 51 years old, but it seems like I went 30 years ago, now I am better equipped against diseases and I am more I am strong. I know all the factors that cause allergies and at least I know my enemy, I stay away from foods that harm me and consume alternatives. Thank you, Dr Mustafa Dinç and his related team.
Yazgül ÖNER on Google

İlgili, güleryüzlü bir doktor. Her zaman soru sorabilir, kendisine danışabilirsiniz. Çocuklugumdan beri beni rahatsız eden bağırsak şikayetlerim konusunda bana çok yardimı dokundu. Doğru teşhis koyması ve konulan teşhis doğrultusunda ilerlememiz şikâyetlerimi büyük ölçüde azalttı. Biyolojik ve psikolojik olarak büyük bir rahatlama yaşadım. Tekrardan gereksiz ilaç kullanmadığım ve vücudumun daha dinç hissetmesinde katkısı olduğundan kendisine teşekkür ederim. Sosyal hayatım tekrardan düzene girdi.Seanslara başlarken acaba işe yarar mı diye endişelerim vardi. Mustafa bey sayesinde endişelerimin gereksiz olduğunu gördüm.Mustafa bey ile kesinlikle görüşmenizi tavsiye ederim. Kendisi bir doktordan çok daha fazlası. Herkese sağlıklı ve huzurlu günler dilerim?
A caring, smiling doctor. You can always ask questions and consult him. He has helped me a lot with my bowel complaints that have been bothering me since childhood. Making the correct diagnosis and progressing in line with the diagnosis made greatly reduced my complaints. I experienced a great relief both biologically and psychologically. I would like to thank him again for not using unnecessary drugs and for helping my body feel more vigorous. My social life was back in order. When I started the sessions, I was worried if it would work. Thanks to Mr. Mustafa, I saw that my worries were unnecessary. I would definitely recommend you to talk to Mr. Mustafa. He is much more than a doctor. I wish everyone a healthy and peaceful day?
Mehmet Tetik on Google

Ben yıllardır bahar aylarında halk arasında saman nezlesi denen bahar alerjisi problemleriyle boğuşuyorum. Her bahar geldiğinde ağaç polenleri ev tozu ve bilemediğim bir sürü şeye alerjim olduğu için yaklaşık 3 ay ilaç ve sprey kullanarak hayatımı devam edebiliyordum. ( belirtileri hapşırma, burun akıntısı, gözde sulama ve kaşıntı, kulak içi kaşıntısı ve damak içi kaşıntı şeklinde seyir ediyordu) Ne zaman Göğüs Hastalıkları Uzmanı Dr. Mustafa Dinç Hocamla tanıştım ve biorezonans seanslarına başladım tüm sorunlarımdan kurtuldum. Şu an kendimi o kadar iyi hissediyorum ki Mustafa Hocama ne kadar teşekkür etsem azdır. Benimle aynı durumda olan herkese şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum.
For years, I have been struggling with spring allergy problems, which are popularly called hay fever in the spring months. When every spring came, I could continue my life using medicine and spray for about 3 months because I was allergic to tree pollens, house dust and many things I did not know. (Symptoms were sneezing, runny nose, eye watering and itching, ear itching and palate itching) When Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. I met my teacher Mustafa Dinç and started bioresonance sessions and got rid of all my problems. I feel so good right now that I can't thank my teacher Mustafa enough. I highly recommend it to anyone in the same situation as me.
Анастасия Андреева on Google

Добрый вечер. Сразу хочу сказать, что отзыв будет анонимный, потому что я увидела, что предыдущий пациент написал плохой отзыв, и доктор стал выяснять, кто это. Также, больница Medical Park - хорошая клиника, и, возможно, я ещё буду посещать других хороших докторов там, поэтому свое имя я не пишу. Отзыв честный. На самом деле, я не люблю писать плохие отзывы и изначально пошла к доктору, позиционирующему себя как профессионала своего дела. Я читала отзывы, отзывы были только положительными. Меня немного смутило то, что у доктора такое огромное количество отзывов...Потому что до этого я искала врачей также через интернет, но даже у доцентов, докторов наук, профессионалов нет такого количества позитивных сообщений.. Но, я подумала: а вдруг доктор действительно такой замечательный, его любят пациенты? Я решила записаться на приём.Я пришла в клинику, меня встретила приятная девушка на информации и подсказала куда идти.Я зашла в кабинет, рассказала о своих жалобах доктору, но приём, эмоциональное сопровождение, консультация доктора показались мне очень посредственными.. Как будто я пришла не к аллергологу, а терапевту. Общие фразы, ничего конкретного.. Я не получила расшифровки своих анализов крови. Доктор никак не прокомментировал анализы, но назначил дополнительные тесты, опять же не объяснив, зачем мне нужны эти дополнительные тесты. Также доктор и его сотрудница, все время сопровождающая его, в прямом смысле убеждали меня пройти биорезонансный тест на аллергию, который стоит около 600 лир (если я правильно помню). Тест, который позволит выявить аллергены в организме. Но я аллергик со стажем, и мне показалось бредом делать аллергические тесты непонятной этиологии. В свое время я узнала о том, что у меня аллергия с помощью кожных проб и анализов крови. Также доктор указывал, что этот тест на 160 аллергенов. Возможно, это и правда, но тогда я не понимаю, почему этот новый и крутой тест не делают уже во всех, как минимум, частных поликлиниках? Я не понимаю, тогда зачем люди мучаются и сдают кровь, для того чтобы найти аллергию, или же берут кожные пробы, если этот тест так легко и просто помогает тебе найти причину аллергии? В итоге, тест биорезонансный я делать отказалась, хотя это было сложно, потому что врач и его помощница очень советовали его сделать. Опять же я не понимаю, почему этот тест, о котором мало кто знает и который широко не применяется, как те же аллергические пробы, делается в больнице врачом аллергологом. Мне кажется, для биорезонансной терапии врач может открыть свой офис, это же не традиционный метод, верно? Но хорошо... Я не могу утверждать. Может это действительно чудо и биорезонанс спасает людей и выявляет причину аллергии. Больше всего меня разочаровало то, что доктор поставил мне неверный диагноз. Доктор также назначил мне антибиотики, к которым я резистентна (то есть, эти антибиотики не решат мою проблему, а только испортят мне желудок, кишечник). В итоге, после этого приёма я пошла к другому аллергологу. Слава Богу, он назначил мне тест на чувствительность к антибиотикам, перед тем как что то назначать, понял, какие антибиотики мне подходят. Также другой врач назначил мне антигистаминные препараты, которые мне действительно помогли. К сожалению, мой опыт общения с доктором Мустафа Динч негативный.. Знаете, ещё мне кажется, что многие отзывы доктор сам пишет себе. Почему я так думаю? Потому что в каждом отзыве вы можете увидеть строку : детокс, биорезонансная терапия... Когда я собиралась к врачу,я не заметила, что каждый отзыв говорит о чудо биорезонансной терапии..Но после приёма мне показалось это странным.Разве если бы отзывы писали настоящие люди, они бы стали говорить о биорезонансной терапии? Да обычные, простые люди, даже не запоминают название такое.. Люди пишут от души..С благодарностью.. В отзывах к доктору Мустафа Динч я вижу только биорезонансная терапия везде.. Почему люди не пишут, когда врач назначил кожные пробы? Почему не пишут, когда врач назначил лечение, название таблеток? Поэтому мне кажется, что некоторые отзывы - не настоящие.. Берегите себя и своих близких! Gecmis olsun..
Good evening. I want to say right away that the review will be anonymous, because I saw that the previous patient wrote a bad review, and the doctor began to find out who it was. Also, Medical Park Hospital is a good clinic, and maybe I will still visit other good doctors there, so I don't write my name. The review is honest. In fact, I don't like to write bad reviews and initially went to a doctor who positions himself as a professional in his field. I read the reviews, the reviews were only positive. I was a little embarrassed that the doctor had such a huge number of reviews ... Because before that I also looked for doctors via the Internet, but even associate professors, doctors of sciences, professionals do not have so many positive messages .. But, I thought: what if the doctor really that great, is he loved by the patients? I decided to make an appointment. I came to the clinic, a nice girl met me with information and told me where to go. I went into the office, told the doctor about my complaints, but the reception, emotional support, doctor's consultation seemed very mediocre to me. did not come to an allergist, but a therapist. General phrases, nothing specific. I haven't received a transcript of my blood tests. The doctor did not comment on the tests in any way, but ordered additional tests, again without explaining why I needed these additional tests. Also, the doctor and his employee, who accompanied him all the time, literally convinced me to take a bioresonance allergy test, which costs about 600 lira (if I remember correctly). A test that will identify allergens in the body. But I am an allergic person with experience, and it seemed to me delusional to do allergic tests of unknown etiology. At one time, I found out that I was allergic with the help of skin tests and blood tests. Also, the doctor indicated that this test is for 160 allergens. Perhaps this is true, but then I do not understand why this new and cool test is not already done in all, at least, private clinics? I do not understand, then why do people suffer and donate blood in order to find allergies, or do they take skin tests, if this test so easily and simply helps you find the cause of the allergy? As a result, I refused to do the bioresonance test, although it was difficult, because the doctor and his assistant strongly advised me to do it. Again, I do not understand why this test, which few people know about and which is not widely used, like the same allergy tests, is done in a hospital by an allergist. It seems to me that a doctor can open his own office for bioresonance therapy, this is not a traditional method, right? But ok ... I can't argue. Maybe this is really a miracle and bioresonance saves people and reveals the cause of allergies. What disappointed me most was that the doctor misdiagnosed me. The doctor also prescribed antibiotics to which I am resistant (that is, these antibiotics will not solve my problem, but will only ruin my stomach and intestines). As a result, after this appointment, I went to another allergist. Thank God, he prescribed me an antibiotic susceptibility test, before prescribing something, he understood which antibiotics were right for me. Also another doctor prescribed antihistamines for me, which really helped me. Unfortunately, my experience with Dr. Mustafa Dinch is negative .. You know, it also seems to me that the doctor writes many reviews to himself. Why do I think so? Because in each review you can see the line: detox, bioresonance therapy ... When I was going to the doctor, I did not notice that each review speaks of the miracle of bioresonance therapy ... But after taking it, it seemed strange to me. real people, would they talk about bioresonance therapy? Yes, ordinary, ordinary people do not even remember the name like that .. People write from the heart .. With gratitude .. In the responses to Dr. Mustafa Dinch, I see only bioresonance therapy everywhere .. Why don't people write when the doctor prescribed skin tests? Why don't they write when the doctor prescribed the treatment, the name of the pills? Therefore, it seems to me that some of the reviews are not real .. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Gecmis olsun ..
Osman Dedeoglu on Google

Nefes darliğı ve sırt agrilarim icin tesadufen rendevu alip tanistigim Mustafa hocam bu sikayetlerime kisa sureli cozum olan ilacli tedaviler yerine ilacsiz tedavi, biorezonans ve uygulattigi diyet programi ile sikayetlerimden kurtulmama yardimci oldu. İlk baştaki hastaligimin gecmesinin yaninda bagisikligim guclendi ve kronik yorgunluk sorunumda ortadan kalkti. Hastaliga dar bi bakis acisi disinda genel bakis acisiyla tedavi yontemi uyguladigi ve ilgisinden dolayi Mustafa hocama gonul rahatligiyla danisilabilir.
My teacher Mustafa, whom I had an appointment with and met by chance for my shortness of breath and back pain, helped me get rid of my complaints with non-drug treatment, bioresonance and the diet program he applied, instead of drug treatments, which were a short-term solution to my complaints. After my initial illness passed, my immunity got stronger and my chronic fatigue problem disappeared. Professor Mustafa can be consulted with confidence because of his interest and the fact that he applies a treatment method to the disease from a general point of view, apart from a narrow point of view.
Figen Ceylan on Google

Doktor beyle öncelikle kitabı aracılığı ile tanıştım. "Kuantum ile Sigaraya Format At" hayatımın yarısında kullandığım sigarayı ilk denememde bırakmamda çok etkili oldu. Ve ben sigaraya veda edeli bir yıl oldu. Kendisine çok teşekkür ederim. Sonra bio-rezonans kliniğinde hayatıma daha çok pozitif etkisi olacağını fark ettim. Doktor bey alanında bilgisi yanında yakın ilgi ve alakası ile çok güven veriyor. Kendisine ulaşabilenler çok şanslı olduklarını fark edeceklerdir.
I first met the doctor through his book. "Format Cigarettes with Quantum" was very effective in quitting the cigarette I've been using for half of my life on my first try. And it's been a year since I said goodbye to smoking. Thank you very much to him. Then I realized in the bio-resonance clinic that it would have a more positive impact on my life. The doctor gives a lot of confidence with his close interest and relevance as well as his knowledge in his field. Those who can reach him will realize that they are very lucky.

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