Uzm. Dr. Hacı Çavuş GÖZÜM Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanı

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Contact Uzm. Dr. Hacı Çavuş GÖZÜM Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanı

Address :

531. Sk. No:11, 07330 Manavgat/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +978
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Categories :
City : Manavgat/Antalya

531. Sk. No:11, 07330 Manavgat/Antalya, Turkey
Özlem Yaprak on Google

Wir mussten unseren kleinen (8)Monate,heute nachmittag in die Klinik bringen. Ich habe mit dem Arzt telefoniert und er schickte ins Hotel ein Auto, dass uns sofort in die Klinik brachte. Der Arzt kam ohne zu warten und diagnostizierte eine Mandelentzündung. Er verabreichte uns Medis und wir wurden zuerst noch in eine Apotheke und dann vor unser Hotel gefahren... Ich danke allen beteiligten von ganzem herzen für diesen service. ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen... kosten waren in tl und nicht in € was mich zusätzlich gefreut hat weil alles sonst sooo teuer ist..... danke danke danke
We had to bring our small (8) months, this afternoon in the clinic. I phoned the doctor and he sent a car to the hotel that immediately took us to the clinic. The doctor came without waiting and diagnosed tonsillitis. He gave us Medis and we were first in a pharmacy and then drove in front of our hotel ... I thank all involved wholeheartedly for this service. I can only recommend it ... were in tl and not in € which I was also pleased because everything else is sooo expensive ..... thank you thank you thank you
Zeki Ali Öngör on Google

Teşhisleri çok doğru, bütün tahlilleri muayene hanede yapılabiliyor. Son ana kadar antiyotik vermemeye çalışır. Mecbur kalırsa, çocuğun ateşi hiç düşmüyorsa o zaman antiyotik verir. Çok ilgili ve güler yüzlü.
Their diagnosis is very accurate, all tests can be done in the examination house. He tries not to give antiotic until the last moment. If he has to, if the fever of the child does not decrease at all, then he gives an antiotic. He is very concerned and friendly.
Olena Zakrevska on Google

Благодарна доктору за внимание, правильную диагностику и лечение ребенка! Только позитивные отзывы и наилучшие пожелания клинике и ее персоналу! Успехов и процветания вам!
I am grateful to the doctor for the attention, correct diagnosis and treatment of the child! Only positive feedback and best wishes for the clinic and its staff! I wish you success and prosperity!
Алена Пешехонова on Google

Хорошая клиника. Были по страховке. Быстро забрали нас с ребенком из отеля,осмотрели, поставили укол и назначили лекарства. На след день стало намного лучше!
Nice clinic. Were on insurance. They quickly took my child and me from the hotel, examined, gave an injection and prescribed medication. The next day it got much better!
Мария Солопаева on Google

Очень хорошая клиника! Обращались по страховке. Очень оперативно прислали машину к отелю. Взяли анализы, поставили детям капельницы. Прописали лечение. Все объяснили. Очень приятный вежливые доктора. И медперсонал. Клиника очень чистая. Все понимают и говорят на русском.
Very good clinic! We applied for insurance. The car was sent to the hotel very quickly. They took tests, put the children on droppers. Prescribed treatment. They explained everything. Very nice polite doctor. And the medical staff. The clinic is very clean. Everyone understands and speaks Russian.
Maria Kovacs on Google

Ben hayatımda bu kadar para peşinde, 8 buçuk aylı çoçukla sankı hayvan var elinde davranan yer göremedim. Bugün götürdük Atilla'cığı. Keşke buraya götürmeseydik. Dokror denilen kulağına, burnuna, boğazına bakmış gibi yaptı. Sonra kan muayenesi alınacaktı, hemşire denilen... , anlatmasam daha iyidir. Somunda kan aldırmadan vazgeçtik. Zaten hemşire denilen bebekten nadıl kan alınıyor diye bilmedi, maşumatı da yoktu. Hepsi, 200 Tl'ye mal oldu. Haram olsun. H A R A M O L S U N!!!!!! Bebeği kasaba götürseydik, kasap daha insancil davranırdı.
I have never seen a place in my life chasing so much money, with an 8 and a half month old child, as if he has an animal in his hand. We took Atilla today. I wish we hadn't taken it here. He pretended to look at the ear, nose, and throat called Dokror. Then a blood test would be taken, the so-called nurse... , I better not tell. We gave up on the loaf without having blood drawn. He didn't know how blood is being drawn from the baby, who was called a nurse anyway, and he didn't have any maşumatı. All of them cost 200 TL. Forbidden. H A R A M O L S U N!!!!!! The butcher would have been more humane if we had taken the baby to town.
Александр Тузов on Google

Сервис по страховки : - доставили и забрали , за активированных 30$ После первого посещения , ребёнку стало хуже. Привезли второй раз, с 4 раза нашли правильную Вену в руки ребёнка , сделали капельницу. Я Не доволен общением с доктором, на прямые вопросы не отвечает уходит уклончиво , пытается нагнать жути.
Insurance service: - delivered and collected, for activated $ 30 After the first visit, the child became worse. They brought it a second time, 4 times they found the correct Vienna in the hands of the child, made a dropper. I am not satisfied with communicating with the doctor, does not answer direct questions, leaves evasively, tries to catch up with horror.
Damla Tuğçe Yildiz on Google

Alerji sorunuyla kendisine gittik sekreteri dahil olmak uzere hepsi aşırı suratsız ve ilgisizler. Kendisi hakkında 1 tane olumlu yorum olmamasına rağmen gittik ve pişman olduk. Çocuğunuzun ilaçlarına baktı ve bunların hiçbiri etkili olmaz benim yazdıklarım iyi gelir muayene et derseniz ederim dedi 350 lira alıp toplamında 1 dakika ilgilenmedi oğlumuz çıkarken verdikleri suyu yanlışlıkla döktü diye sekreteri aaa ne yapıyorsun sen diye bağırdı bende bilerek dökmedi dedim aşırı sinirlendim. Daha yazacak çok şey var ama pişman olmak istiyorsanız gidin resmen her hastaya para gozuyle bakıyorlar.
We went to him with an allergy problem, and all of them, including his secretary, are extremely sullen and uninterested. Although there is not one positive comment about him, we went and regretted it. He looked at your child's medicines and none of them will be effective. My writing is good. If you say, I will take an examination, he said, "He took 350 lira and was not interested in a total of 1 minute. He accidentally spilled the water they gave him when he was leaving, so his secretary shouted, "What are you doing," I said, "He didn't spill it on purpose," I said. I was extremely angry. There is much more to write, but if you want to regret it, go to them, they look at every patient with the eye of money.

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