Tarsus State Hospital

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Contact Tarsus State Hospital

Address :

Donuktaş Cd., 33440 Tarsus/Mersin, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +988
Categories :
City : Tarsus, Mersin

Donuktaş Cd., 33440 Tarsus/Mersin, Turkey
Ushan Akça on Google

Girip görmeye gerek yok her zamanki gibi iğrençtir , Ortadoğu'dan gelen böceklerden geçilmiyordur
No need to go in and see, it is disgusting as usual, it doesn't go through the bugs from the Middle East
Bircan TLK on Google

Acil servis çok kalabalık ve havasız girişte boş oturup bilgisayar da oyun oynayan ve diger işlere bakan bazı personeller hastanenin sahibi gibi davranıyor doktorlar genel olarak çok güler yüzlü ve anlayışlı sıkıntıları yoksa hastanede bazı durumlar ise yetersiz bekleme yerleri otopark sıkıntısı tuvaletlerin temizliği ve hastaların sıra durumları ve ameliyat olan hastaların kaldığı yer gibi ve her yerde olduğu gibi burda da bir akraba torpili var ayni zamanda EKG odasında ki çalışanlar ve hastalar yan taraftan gelen kokudan rahatsızlar hastaneye daha fazla ilgi ve hijyen gerekli...
The emergency room is very crowded and stuffy, some staff who sit idly at the entrance, play games on the computer and take care of other works, act as the owner of the hospital, doctors are generally very friendly and understanding, if they do not have problems in the hospital, inadequate waiting places, parking problems, cleaning of the toilets and patients' queues Like the place where patients stay and as everywhere, there is a relative bag here, at the same time, the employees and patients in the ECG room are disturbed by the odor coming from the side, more attention and hygiene to the hospital ...
صوتيات دعوية on Google

أكبرموقع عربي بالعالم الرئيسية / عبادات / صيام يوم في سبيل الله صيام يوم في سبيل الله كتابة سناء الدويكات - آخر تحديث: ١٤:٤٣ ، ٦ يناير ٢٠٢١ ذات صلة ما هو صيام التطوع كيف أقضي يومي في طاعة الله محتويات ١ حديث صيام يوم في سبيل الله ٢ جزاء صيام يوم في سبيل الله ٣ فضائل صيام التطوُّع ٤ المراجع حديث صيام يوم في سبيل الله رَغَّبَ رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- بالصيام، وقال: (مَن صَامَ يَوْمًا في سَبيلِ اللهِ، بَاعَدَ اللَّهُ وَجْهَهُ عَنِ النَّارِ سَبْعِينَ خَرِيفًا)،[١] وقد اختلف العلماء في الصيام المقصود في الحديث النبويّ الشريف على قولَين، كما يأتي:[٢] القول الأول: إنّ الصيام المقصود في الحديث هو الصيام أثناء الجهاد في سبيل الله، وذهب إلى هذا القول أبو الطاهر الذهلي في فوائده وهو المُتبادر إلى الذهن، ويُؤيّده ما ورد عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- من أنّ الحديث مُختَصّ بالصائم المُرابط في سبيل الله،[٣] بشرط أن لا يؤثّر الصيام في قدرته على أداء المَهمّات المُوكَلة إليه، وأن لا يتضرّر هو بالصيام، أو يُفَوِّت حقّاً لأحد.[٤] القول الثاني: إنّ الصيام المقصود في الحديث هو الصيام؛ ابتغاء مرضاة الله -سبحانه وتعالى-، وطلباً لثوابه، فيدخل في الحديث كلّ من صام؛ سواءً كان مُقيماً، أو مسافراً، شريطة أن يكون قَصده في الصيام نيل رضا الله -سبحانه وتعالى- فقط، ويخرج من معناه مَن أراد بصيامه السُّمعة، والرياء، ونيل إعجاب الناس به، ومَدحه،[٢] وقد جاء هذا القول في دخول كلّ ما يؤدّيه المسلم من طاعات يبتغي بها التقرُّب إلى الله -تعالى- في دائرة سبيل الله، وكأنّ المقصود هنا هو حُسن قَصد الصائم، وإخلاص نيّته لله -سبحانه وتعالى- بهذا الصيام.[٥] جزاء صيام يوم في سبيل الله بيَّنَ رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- فضل مَن صام يوماً في سبيل الله، وأجره؛ بقوله: (بَاعَدَ اللَّهُ وَجْهَهُ عَنِ النَّارِ سَبْعِينَ خَرِيفًا)؛[١] وقد فسّر العلماء المقصود بالمُباعدة بأنّ الله -سبحانه وتعالى- يُنجّيه من النار، ويُعافيه منها،[٣] ولا يُقصَد بالخريف فصل الخريف فقط، وإنّما العام كاملاً؛ أي فصول السنة جميعها؛ وهو من باب إطلاق الجزء على الكلّ؛ فالخريف جزء من السنة، ومُباعدته سبعين عاماً تُوحي بأنّ المقصود السَّيَر مسافة سبعين عاماً؛ وهو لفظ كنائيّ يُقصَد به المُباعدة العظيمة بين الصائم في سبيل الله، والنار، أمّا بالنسبة إلى تخصيص فصل الخريف بالذكر من بين الفصول الأربعة؛ فقد ذكر الحافظ إنّ السبب في ذلك هو أنّ الخريف أزكى الفصول؛ فهو الفصل الذي يجني فيه المزارع محصولَه، وقال الطيبيّ إنّه زمن نُضج الثمار، وحصاد الزرع، وسعة العَيش.[٦][٧] ووردت رواية أخرى للحديث، أنّ النبيّ -عليه الصلاة والسلام- قال: (من صامَ يومًا في سبيلِ اللَّهِ عزَّ وجلَّ باعدَ اللَّهُ منهُ جَهَنَّمَ مَسيرةَ مائةِ عامٍ)،[٨] وقد جمع العلماء بين هذه الروايات من خلال التفريق بين أجر صيام التطوُّع، وصيام الواجب؛ فقالوا إنّ مباعدة الصائم عن النار سبعين خريفاً تكون فيمَن صام تطوُّعاً لله -سبحانه وتعالى-، أمّا المباعدة بين الصائم والنار مئة خريف فهي تكون فيمَن صام الواجب،[٩] كما وردت رواية ثالثة للحديث عن أبي أمامة -رضي الله عنه- أنّ رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- قال: (من صامَ يومًا في سبيلِ اللَّهِ جعلَ اللَّهُ بينَهُ وبينَ النَّارِ خَندقًا كما بينَ السَّماءِ والأرضِ)؛[١٠] وتفسير الحديث أنّ من صام يوماً في سبيل الله؛ سواء كان ذلك أثناء جهاده، أو أثناء تأديته لمناسك الحج أو العمرة، أو طلبه للعلم، أو طلبه لمرضاة الله -سبحانه وتعالى-، فإنّ الله سيجعل بينه وبين النار حاجزاً قويّاً وكبيراً وبعيدَ المسافة.[١١] فضائل صيام التطوُّع يستر الصوم الصائم من النار، ومن أفعال غير العقلاء؛ لأنّ الصائم يصون نفسه من النُّطق بالكلام الفاحش، أو إتيان خُلُق مُنكَر حتى لو تعرّض للأذى؛ لأنّ هذا ما يتطلّبه الصوم الذي شرعه الله -سبحانه وتعالى- للمؤمنين، قال رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم-: (...الصوم جنة...)،[١٢][١٣] ومن فضائل الصيام أيضاً ما يأتي:[١٤] أضاف الله -تعالى- الصوم إلى نفسه؛ تشريفاً، وتعظيماً له، كما في قوله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- عن الله -عزّ وجلّ-: (كُلُّ عَمَلِ ابْنِ آدَمَ له، إلَّا الصِّيَامَ، فإنَّه لي وأَنَا أجْزِي به)؛[١٥] وقِيل في تفسير ذلك إنّ الصيام لا يكون إلّا لله -سبحانه وتعالى-، ولا يقع فيه الرياء، ولا يعرف أحد مقدار ثواب الصوم إلّا الله -سبحانه وتعالى-، وهو من أحبّ العبادات إليه. جعل الله -تبارك وتعالى- الصوم من أفضل الأعمال التي لا يعدلها شيء؛ لما رواه أبي أمامة -رضي الله عنه-: (أتيتُ رسولَ اللَّهِ -صلَّى اللَّهُ عليْهِ وسلَّمَ- فقلتُ مُرني بأمرٍ آخذُهُ عنْكَ قالَ عليْكَ بالصَّومِ، فإنَّهُ لا مثلَ لَه).[١٦] يُكفّر الصيام الذنوب والخطايا، قال الله -سبحانه وتعالى-: (وَالصَّائِمِينَ وَالصَّائِمَاتِ وَالْحَ
The largest Arabic website in the world Home / Worship / Fasting a day for the sake of God Fasting a day for the sake of God Writing Sanaa Al-Dwikat - Last update: 14:43, January 6, 2021 Related What is voluntary fasting How do I spend my day in obedience to God Contents 1 Hadith Fasting a day for the sake of God God 2 The reward of fasting a day for the sake of God 3 The virtues of volunteering fasting 4 References The hadith of fasting a day for the sake of God The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - desired to fast, and said: (Whoever fasts a day in the path of God, God will keep his face away from fire) [1] The scholars differed regarding the intended fasting in the noble Prophet’s hadith on two sayings, as follows: [2] The first saying: The intended fasting in the hadith is fasting during jihad for the sake of God. Mindfulness, and is supported by what was reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that the hadith is concerned with the fasting person who is bound for the sake of God, [3] on the condition that fasting does not affect his ability to perform the tasks assigned to him, and that he is not harmed by fasting, or misses someone’s right. [4] The second saying: The intended fasting in the hadith is fasting. Seeking the pleasure of God - glory be to Him - and seeking His reward, so everyone who fasts will enter into the hadith. Whether he is a resident or a traveler, provided that his intention in fasting is to attain the pleasure of God - glory be to Him - only, and from his meaning comes out of his meaning whoever wants to fast by his reputation, hypocrisy, and to win the admiration and praise of people, [2] This statement came about entering all that A Muslim performs obedience in order to draw closer to God - the Almighty - in the circle of God’s path, as if what is meant here is the good intention of the fasting person, and the sincerity of his intention to God - glory be to Him - with this fasting. On him and peace - the virtue and reward of one who fasts one day in the way of God. By saying: (God kept his face from fire seventy autumns); [1] The scholars have explained what is meant by the separation is that God - may He be glorified and exalted be He - saves him from the fire and heals him from it. That is, all seasons of the year; It is a matter of releasing the part to the whole; The fall is part of the year, and its spacing for seventy years suggests that it is intended to walk a distance of seventy years. It is a metaphysical term that means the great separation between the fasting person for the sake of God and the fire, as for allocating the autumn season to dhikr from among the four seasons: Al-Hafiz stated that the reason for this is that autumn is the most beautiful of the seasons. It is the season in which the farmer reaps his crop, and al-Tayyibi said that it is the time of ripening of the fruits, the harvest of the crops, and the breadth of life. God kept Hell from it the path of a hundred years). They said that the separation of the fasting person from Hell is seventy autumns in the one who fasted voluntarily to God - glory be to Him -, as for the distance between the fasting person and the Fire a hundred autumns, it is in the one who fasted an obligation. - God bless him and grant him peace - He said: (Whoever fasts a day for the sake of God, God will make a ditch between him and the fire as between the sky and the earth); [10] The interpretation of the hadith is that whoever fasts a day for the sake of God; Whether it is during his jihad, or during his performance of the rituals of Hajj or Umrah, or his request for knowledge, or his request for the pleasure of God - glory be to Him and the Almighty -, God will make between Him and the Hellfire a strong, large and far-reaching barrier. [11] And from the actions of the unreasonable; Because the fasting person protects himself from uttering obscene speech, or performing a reprehensible character even if it is subjected to harm. Because this is what is required by the fasting that God has prescribed - glory be to Him - for the believers. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (... fasting is a paradise ...), [12] [13] Among the virtues of fasting are the following: [14] ] God Almighty has added fasting to Himself. As an honor and respect for it, as in his saying - may God bless him and grant him peace - on the authority of God - Glory and Exalted -: (All the work of the son of Adam is his, except for fasting, for it is mine and I am rewarded with it); [15] It was said in the interpretation of that that fasting is only God - Glory be to Him - and hypocrisy does not occur in it, and no one knows the amount of the reward of fasting except God - glory be to Him - and He is the one to whom the most beloved of acts of worship. God - Blessed and Exalted be He - made fasting one of the best deeds that nothing can change. When Abu Umamah - may God be pleased with him - narrated it: (I came to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and I said to me about something I take on your behalf, he said that you should fast, for there is no likeness for him.) (And the fasting and the fasting ones
Salih Altay on Google

Kalabalık ve temiz değil hijyen bakımından kötü ozellikle kadın doğum bölümü
Crowded and not clean, poor hygiene, especially the obstetrics department
Mustafay on Google

Tuvaletlerde sabun bile yok. Rezillik resmen...
There is not even soap in the toilets. Disgrace officially...
mehmet karaçor on Google

Az daha temizliğe dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini belirtmek isterim
I would like to point out that more attention should be paid to cleanliness.
Ertuğrul Türkmen on Google

Tarsusun merkezinde olan hastanenin Yenilenmesi gerekiyor, Girişteki tabelalar vs çok eski Tadilat şart.
The hospital, which is in the center of Tarsus, needs to be renovated. The signs at the entrance are very old. Renovation is a must.
Douglas York on Google

Dirtiest place

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