Tarihi Sarnıç

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Tarihi Sarnıç

Address :

73. Sk., 48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey

Categories :
City : Fethiye/Muğla

73. Sk., 48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
Kıvanç Ali ANIL on Google

Dairesel formlu Kümbet şeklindedir. Fethiye'de ve Muğla'da bu tip sarnıçlar yaygındır...
It is in the form of a circular form of Kumbet. This type of cisterns are common in Fethiye and Muğla ...
Dilek Demir on Google

Onderweg naar de tombes per toeval langs gelopen, gewoon midden in een wijk en middenin een rotonde. Dit historisch gebouw werd Vroeger gebruikte als wateropslag.
On the way to the tombs walked by by chance, just in the middle of a neighborhood and in the middle of a roundabout. This historic building was formerly used as a water storage facility.

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