Prusias ad Hypium Antik Kenti

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Contact Prusias ad Hypium Antik Kenti

Address :

81620 Düzce Merkez/Düzce, Turkey

Categories :
City : Düzce Merkez/Düzce

81620 Düzce Merkez/Düzce, Turkey
enes ermiş on Google

Henüz kazı çalışmaları devam eden bir antik kent. 2021 yılında giriş için herhangi bir ücret ödenmiyor. Eğer yolunuz yakınlarına düşerse gezmenizi öneririm. Ayrıca antik kente gelirseniz araçla 1-2 dk uzaklıktaki Konuralp Müzesini de ziyaret etmeyi unutmayın.
It is an ancient city whose excavations are still in progress. There is no fee for entry in 2021. If you happen to be near it, I suggest you take a tour. Also, if you come to the ancient city, do not forget to visit the Konuralp Museum, which is 1-2 minutes away by car.
Steel Man on Google

Gerçekten muhteşem bir tarih batı Karadeniz bölgesinde nadir olan bir tarih daha yeni yeni ortaya çıkıyor hafta sonları ziyarete izin veriliyor ücretsiz. Hafta içi kazı çalışmaları devam ediyor. ?️?️
A truly magnificent history, rare in the western Black Sea region, is only just beginning to emerge. Visits are allowed on weekends for free. Excavations continue throughout the week. ?️?️
Meliha Atik on Google

Hala kazı çalışmaları devam ediyor, İstanbul'un hemen yanı başında bir antik tiyatro ve antik kent var. Tanıtımının daha iyi olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Hemen alt tarafında konuralp türbesi var. Ve tarihi binalarıyla geleceğin Karabük ü olmaya aday
Excavations are still going on, there is an ancient theater and ancient city right next to Istanbul. I think the presentation should be better. Just below is the tomb of putalp. And it is a candidate to be the future Karabük with its historical buildings.
Andreas Mauersberger on Google

Auch im Jahr 2021 besichtigten wir diese archäologische Stätte, um den Fortschritt seit 2020 zu sehen. Das antike Theater, bekannt als die vierzig Stufen unter den Menschen, wurde im hellenistischen Zeitalter (300-30 v. Chr.) erbaut. Seine Ergänzungen gehören der Römerzeit (30 v. Chr.-300 n. Chr.) an. Die Backstage-Wand des zweistufigen Theaters in der antiken Stadt Prusias ad Hypium und ein Teil der Bestuhlung der zweiten Bühne sind bis heute erhalten. Darüber hinaus befinden sich die gewölbten Durchgänge, die den Ein- und Ausstieg von rechts und links ermöglichen, über dem Boden. Das Backstage-Gebäude des Theaters ist 144 Meter lang und 48 Meter breit. Obwohl die Sitzreihen auf der ersten Ebene des Theaters nicht sichtbar sind, hat es eine Größe von ca. 17 Sitzreihen. Obwohl es 15 Reihen der zweiten Ebene gibt, die durch sehr steile Treppen mit der Mittelstraße verbunden ist, sind es tatsächlich 4 weitere Reihen. Somit verfügt das Theater über insgesamt 36 Sitzreihen. Löwenkrallen sind auf den Kopf des radialen Straßenrandes gestickt. Die radialen Wegstufen und ihre Dekorationen bestehen aus einem einzigen langen Stein, wie sie im Side Theater zu sehen sind. Auf einer Fläche von 5.978 m², 100 Metern Länge und 74 Metern Breite bietet das Theater eine Kapazität von ca. 10.000 Personen. An der archäologischen Stätte angekommen, war die Begrüßung der Archäologen vor Ort herzlich. Lobend erwähnten wir die Arbeit der Archäologen und Hilfskräfte bei der Freilegung des Theaters. Wir waren tief beeindruckt von der Größe und der Pracht des historischen Theaters. Anschließend nahm sich der Archäologe Ferdi Doğan die Zeit, uns ausführliche Erläuterungen bei einer Führung durch die archäologische Stätte zu geben. Im Theater in der antiken Stadt Prusias ad Hypium sollten zwar die Ausgrabungen der Sommersaison 2021 abgeschlossen sein - konnten sie aber weiter fortsetzen. Der Abteilungsleiter Archäologie der Duzce University (DU), Fakultät für Kunst und Naturwissenschaften, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Nurperi Ayengin informierte die Presse, dass die Arbeiten mit einem Team von etwa 30 Personen in dieser Saison 36 Tage gedauert haben. Die Archäologen haben das Ziel, das Orchester des Theaters noch in diesem Jahr vollständig freizulegen. Es ist bei den heutigen Stand der Arbeiten ein Anreiz, das gesamte Ausmaß des Orchesters zu sehen. Wir empfehlen die Besichtigung in unserem Reisebericht Rundreise Anatolien 2021
Also in 2021 we toured this archaeological site to see the progress since 2020. The ancient theater, known as the forty steps among men, was built in the Hellenistic Age (300-30 BC). Its additions belong to Roman times (30 BC-300 AD). The backstage wall of the two-tier theater in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium and part of the seating on the second stage have been preserved to this day. In addition, the arched passageways that allow entry and exit from the right and left are above the ground. The backstage building of the theater is 144 meters long and 48 meters wide. Although the rows of seats are not visible on the first level of the theater, it is approximately 17 rows in size. Although there are 15 rows of the second level, which is connected to Mittelstrasse by very steep stairs, there are actually 4 more rows. Thus the theater has a total of 36 rows of seats. Lion's claws are embroidered on the head of the radial roadside. The radial steps and their decorations consist of a single long stone, as can be seen in the Side Theater. With an area of ​​5,978 m², 100 meters long and 74 meters wide, the theater offers a capacity of around 10,000 people. When the archaeologists arrived at the archaeological site, they were greeted warmly. We praised the work of the archaeologists and assistants in uncovering the theater. We were deeply impressed by the size and splendor of the historic theater. Then the archaeologist Ferdi Doğan took the time to give us detailed explanations during a guided tour of the archaeological site. In the theater in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, the excavations for the summer season 2021 should have been completed - but they could continue. The Department Head Archeology of Duzce University (DU), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Nurperi Ayengin informed the press that it took 36 days to work with a team of around 30 people this season. The archaeologists aim to fully expose the theater's orchestra this year. Given the current state of work, it is an incentive to see the full extent of the orchestra. We recommend the visit in our travel report Round trip Anatolia 2021
Derya G. on Google

Kazı çalışmaları devam ediyor, kazı alanı hariç gezebilirsiniz. Giriş ücretsiz. Çok büyük bir alan değil, gezmeniz yarım saati bulur. Arabanızı park edecek yer bulmanız zor olmayacaktır. Yolunuz düşerse gezebilirsiniz.
Excavations continue, except for the excavation area, you can visit. Entry is free. It is not a very big area, it will take you half an hour to visit. It will not be difficult to find a place to park your car. If you fall, you can take a walk.
Süleyman Kocaçam on Google

Kazı çalışmaları halen devam ediyor ama bu haliyle bile gelip görebilirsiniz. Önce müzeyi ziyaret edip yürüyerek bu alana doğru gelebilirsiniz. Gayet sakin bir muhit, yürüyüş rotası var. Biraz yokuş tırmanmak durumunda kalabilirsiniz.
Excavations are still going on, but you can come and see it even as it is. You can visit the museum first and walk towards this area. It's a very quiet environment, there is a walking route. You may have to climb a little bit.
The Futuristic Animator on Google

Nice place
Suzan Kahraman on Google

It is located in a pretty town. There is an ongoing excavation in the area. Free to visit.

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