Prestige Vip Hammam spa

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Prestige Vip Hammam spa

Address :

Side Belediyesi, Manavgat/Antalya, Turkey

Categories :
City : Manavgat/Antalya

Side Belediyesi, Manavgat/Antalya, Turkey
L Andriejauskas on Google

The mud bath was nice but we only had about 10 minutes before being moved along to the cold rammed sauna, when I say rammed I mean I had to climb over 2 tiers of people to squash into a small space in the corner. After 2/3s of the 15 minute sand timer had elapsed and the sauna had started to warm up, we were herded to the salt room, which was more like a waiting room for the packed steam room. I actually enjoyed the hamam/turkish bath phase of our tour, but because it was relatively empty and I was seen first. Unfortunately, it got busy very quickly so the rest of my group were rushed. The "relaxation room", nope. It was just a dimly lit room with loungers where they try to sell you extras. The massage was painful, radio adverts started playing half way through, the guy kept telling me to relax whilst continually applying too much pressure with his fingers and knuckles and not noticing my obvious unease. A manager came in at the end trying to convince me that my back and shoulders are full of toxins, "it's very dangerous and an extra massage will fix it for 2-3 years". Luckily I had a genuine deep tissue back and shoulder massage 2 months ago so I should be fine. Was blunt once I declined, slamming the door on the way out. The rest of my group shared similar stories saying they need medical massages because of water retention and hernias. Whilst stood up waiting for the rest of my group, a different member of staff walked past and coughed in my face, actually turned his head toward me and coughed, I was in disbelief. I turned to the german family next to me and the mum asked "did he really just cough in your face?", yes he did. Horrible. After this experience and reading other reviews, it's obvious that this is standard and I'm not the only one who has had a terrible experience.
Audra Grey-Areben on Google

Like other reviewers, we were conned at this place. My husband was told I wanted the therapy massage and I was told he wanted the therapy massage. The rest of our group were driven back to the hotel and not allowed to confirm what was going on with us. When I came down from the massage I was told everyone had gone even my husband. Very scary, of course he hadn't but scary none the less. The mud bath was gross, we found hair balls. Everything else was ok but soured by the underhand tactics.
RR on Google

The staff is very sarcastic, ironic and unprofessional, during their different sessions they ask personal questions if someone is married and how much money I earn per month. they are very agressive trying to sell water, masks and other stuff with bad quality. 5 minutes after the "massage" the guy said that I was very sick and I should take special massage, I said that I feel good and don`t think I need an extra massage for 60 Euros, then he said he could charge 50 Euros and in my home country the Doctors would apply Corstison Therapie, What? I said I was not interested, then he was insiting very agressive, afterwards he closed the door very agressive and cursed me in Turkish language for the other employee. After this horror Story they did a 5 minutes "massage" that was nothing, an amateur massage and finish the process. Besides they have the "Salzgrotte" that has pieces of PLASTIC imitating salt. this is not salt, so basically it does not have any result onyour health. The sauna is 45 degrees maximum and not clean. very noisy, because the employees there are gossping all the time and hearing pop songs. When I paid the 20 Euros for the rest of the "wellness" (very bad by the way) he did not even said good bye. p.s on the front door I met a old lady from Russia and two girls from Germany that had the same bad experience.
William Dodde erven van Hout on Google

Mud bad was not worth it, kindly described as running coco. Hardly any mud in it. Sauna was good, salt room didn't make sense. Steam room was good and with menthol. Scrubbing and wash was perfect. Massage was average (massage time 11:00). Experience was long spaces between treatments. The place is starting to look run down lots of broken things. Very pushy with extra massages. Although critical i would recommend it for the good hamam, sauna, steamroom, scrub and washing.
Kantilal Koria on Google

We were a party of 8 people and had booked treatment at this place through the rep at our hotel. Some 5 minutes into our massage we were all told that we had medical problems and that we would need medical therapies for an extra charge ranging from 30 to 50 euros. I was told that all of my colleagues had opted for the extra treatment. I told them that I needed to consult one of my colleagues to confirm this. My colleague said that this was not true and when I said that I just wanted the normal massage without any additional payment, I was told that my treatment had finished !. We were also told that the 'mud treatment' was not available as it was seasonal - although we had paid for it. PLEASE BE WARNED. These people are there to extort extra money from you. Please avoid them at all costs. Our hotel has been advised of our problem and they will not be using them again.
Bhavin Makwana on Google

We went here as a group of 8 and paid EUR 15 each. The experience as a whole is ok for the price. You start with a mud bath ( not great, or the cleanest), sauna, salt room (a cool room with colour lighting, nothing great), steam room, Turkish Hamam and finally a massage. The massage is not the best at all ( a lot of noise) and you get asked for additional treatment. As an experience, it's not bad for the overall price. It could be a lot better if the massage was for an actual solid 15 minutes and if the masseuse didn't disappear for 5 minutes halfway thorough.
Haris on Google

Charges you €45 for stone massage and stone therapy which is good but massager guy was lazy and wanted to bring another customer ASAP. €45 for literally 30 mins isn't worthy honestly.
Adam Micheal Davidson on Google

Me and my family went, there was 4 of us that went. We paid £100 to go a few days prior by the stall not far down from sidestar elegance, we arrived at massage place. It looks nice and professional. Not professional at all and certainly not hygienic, none of the staff were hand washing, had no gloves on and no PPE during treatments. We were told 5 minutes into our massage treatment that we were done and we all had medical issues and had to get an hour extra treatment, the manager of the place had went round everyone and said that we all agreed to it, when we hadn't. So we then got charged 5240 Turkish lira for the treatment, we kept on insisting that we didn't want/need it but the guy kept on that we got it. Keep away from this facility,not professional or hygienic at all!!!!

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