Peninsula Tours - Antalya

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Peninsula Tours - Antalya

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2140. Sk. No:4, 07230, 07230 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey

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City : Muratpaşa/Antalya

2140. Sk. No:4, 07230, 07230 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
Maria Manolache on Google

Salutare. Anul acesta ne-am odihnit 5 familii impreuna (18 persoane) in hotelul Sailor's Beach Club de pe data de 30.06.19-06.07.19 dar pentru prima data ne-am odihnit cu agentia Peninsula Tours. Am ramas total dezamagiti de ei.Referitor la fetele care s-au ocupat de transferul nostru Aeroport-Hotel-Aeroport nu avem nimic pretentii, insa la ghidul de hotel pe nume Ravili avem pretentii foarte mari.A doua zi dupa cazare ne-am intilnit cu el si asa de frumos a vorbit cu noi,ne-a explicat ca el raspunde de noi pe parcusul odihnei dar tot el a fost acela care ne-a tras pe sfoara.Ne-a propus mai multe excursii la care noi am acceptat plimbarea pe mare cu o Iahta metalica pe toata ziua care costa destul de costisitor, insa am atentionat ca categoric nu dorim cu Corabia cu Pirati (de care noi nici nu stiam ca ea se numeste Barbosa).Cind am ajuns in ziua excursiei a venit autocarul lor ne-au luat si am mers in port si cind acolo mergem in excursie cu Corabia Barbosa.Atunci noi l-am sunat pe Ravili si am cerut explicatii de ce mergem pe aceasta Corabie la care ne-a raspuns ca asa noi am comandat si sa ne uitam ca pe bilete e scris Barbosa.Din motive ca nu aveam transport cu ce sa ne intoarcem la hotel am mers in excursie.A fost o zi de cosmar pentru toate 18 persoane.Si totusi Corabia a avut 2 statiuni din 3 promise.La intoarcere in hotel l-am sunat pe Ravili sa vie in hotel sa ne clarificam si el a promis ca vine a 2 zi insa nu a mai venit pina la sfirsitul odihnei. Multumim Agentiei Peninsula Tours si d-lui Ravili pentru ca ati putut amagi 18 persoane deodata si pentru dispozitia stricata in acea zi.Rog toti turistii sa fie foarte atenti la ghizii de hotel la ceea ce le propune deoarece sunt niste minciunosi.
Howdy. This year we rested 5 families together (18 people) at the Sailor's Beach Club Hotel on 30.06.19-06.07.19 but for the first time we rested with the Peninsula Tours agency. I was totally disappointed with them. Regarding the girls who took care of our transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport we have no claims, but to the hotel guide named Ravili we have very high claims. The day after the accommodation we met with him and so nice he talked to us, explained that he was responsible for us on the rest of the rest but he was the one who made us the string. He proposed several excursions to which we accepted the walk at sea with a metallic Iahta all day that costs quite costly, but we have noticed that we do not want the Pirates Ship (which we did not even know that it is called Barbosa). When we arrived on the day of the trip their coach arrived took us and went to the harbor and when we go on a trip with Corabia Barbosa. Then we called Ravili and asked for explanations why we were going to this Ship to which he told us that we had ordered and we forget that the tickets are written on Barbosa. Because we did not have anything to transport It's been a nightmare for all 18 people. And yet Corabia had 2 resorts out of 3 promises. On return to the hotel I called Ravili to live in the hotel to clarify him too promised to come 2 days but did not come to the end of the rest. We thank the Peninsula Tours Agency and Mr. Ravili for being able to deceive 18 people at once and for the disgraced mood on that day.Rog all tourists to be very careful at hotel guides at what they propose because they are a lie.
olga zvonova on Google

Представители в лобби отеля при первой встрече долго уговаривали на экскурсии, как только купили экскурсию, они сказали время когда надо ждать их представителя, чтобы забрать нас на экскурсию, пришли в назначенный день и время в лобби, а они не приехали, звоним, говорят что приедут через час, что надо было самим им звонить и уточнять с вечера, это они должны сообщить. Главное продать экскурсию, а потом уже им не важно. Еще их обман и бизнес с какими то магазинами по нереально высоким ценам- это везут в магазины ювелирные, текстильные, кожа, просто украли у нас время и вечер, потому что в этих магазинах такое барахло по ценам, где нигде такого нет, считают за лохов, не езжайте туда
Representatives in the hotel lobby at the first meeting persuaded for a long time on the excursion, as soon as they bought the excursion, they said the time when they had to wait for their representative to pick us up on the excursion, they came on the appointed day and time in the lobby, but they did not come, we call, they say that They will arrive in an hour, that it was necessary to call them themselves and clarify in the evening, they must report this. The main thing is to sell the excursion, and then it doesn't matter to them. Their deception and business with some kind of stores at unrealistically high prices - they bring it to jewelry, textile, leather stores, they just stole our time and evening, because in these stores there is such junk at prices where there is no such thing anywhere, they are considered suckers , don't go there
Mykola Dubovyk on Google

Моя оценка 1.5 из 5. -1.5 балл за не пунктуальность, сначала гид Ариф в отели Sunshine опоздал на встречу на минут 20-30. Да и когда ехали на выбранную услугу, то водитель потерялся и кругами нас возил минут 15-20 (проезжали нужное место 2 раза вокруг) Обратный трансфер немного задержался, но при попытки узнать когда он будет, в ответ от него мы получили только, смотрите информацию на ресепшене. -2 балла за подкат обслуживающего персонала к невесте моей (пока я пошел за наличными для выбранной услуги, он в открытой форме предлагал ей приехать к нему лично без меня и погостить у него) _______________________ Puanım dakikayı 1,5 değil, dakiklik için -1.5 puan, ilk önce Güneş'in otellerindeki rehber rehberi 20-30 dakika toplantıya geç kaldı. Evet, ve seçilen servise gittiğimizde, sürücü kayboldu ve 15-20 dakika sürdü (gerekli yere 2 kez geçti). Dönüş transferi biraz gecikti, ama ne zaman olacağını öğrenmeye çalıştığımızda, sadece ondan cevap aldık, bilgi görüyoruz. resepsiyonda. Katılımcıların gelinime karşı mücadelesi için -2 puan (seçilen hizmet için nakit para alırken, benimle onsuz şahsen gelmesini ve onunla kalmasını açıkça)
Моя оценка 1.5 из 5. -1.5 балл за не пунктуальность, сначала гид Ариф в отели Sunshine опоздал на встречу на минут 20-30. Да и когда ехали на выбранную услугу, то водитель потерялся и кругами нас возил минут 15-20 (проезжали нужное место 2 раза вокруг) Обратный трансфер немного задержался, но при попытки узнать когда он будет, в ответ от него мы получили только, смотрите информацию на ресепшене. -2 балла за подкат обслуживающего персонала к невесте моей (пока я пошел за наличными для выбранной услуги) _______________________ My score is not 1.5 per minute, but -1.5 points for punctuality, firstly the guide guide in Güneş's hotels was 20-30 minutes late to the meeting. Yes, and when we went to the chosen service, the driver disappeared and it took 15-20 minutes (2 times passed to the required place). The return transfer was a bit late, but when we tried to find out when it would happen, we only got an answer from him, we see information. at the reception. -2 points for the participants' fight against my bride (while receiving cash for the chosen service, it is clear that she should come with me personally and stay with her)
Sunay Sertel on Google

İrfan Gürsoy on Google

Türk hava yoları THY on Google

Ocat Vinegar on Google

Uran Fetahu on Google

I really hope you do not ever deal with this agency. They stuck me and my wife for a historical excursion with 58 russian speaking tourist and with a guide that could barely tell me the time when to come back to the bus. When i appointed agent (Ana) literally told me to F myself. Yes all their agents are practically kids out of high school.

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