Öztürkler Besi Çiftligi - Öztürkler Besi Çiftligi

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Contact Öztürkler Besi Çiftligi

Address :

68000 Sapmaz/Aksaray Merkez/Aksaray, Turkey

Postal code : 68000
Categories :
City : Sapmaz/Aksaray Merkez/Aksaray

68000 Sapmaz/Aksaray Merkez/Aksaray, Turkey
Ali Öztürk on Google

Koyumuzun buyuk besi ciftliklerinden bitanesi olup hayvancilik ve tarm ugrasilmaktadr cok gelismis olmasada gorenlerin kndisinde buyuk etki birakabilir...
Our cattle farms are large beef farms and animal husbandry and agriculture is not very advanced, but can leave a great impression in the ...

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