Lider Mobilya

3.1/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Lider Mobilya

Address :

Çark Cd. no 219, 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +978
Website :
Categories :
City : Serdivan/Sakarya

Çark Cd. no 219, 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya, Turkey
Yusuf Sonkur on Google

Sudenaz Söğütlü on Google

Çok beğendimm
I like it very much
İlknur Bakirel on Google

ceyiz icin mobilya aldim 8 ay once ve 8 aydir mobilya raflarini bekliyoruz ve aradigimzda da hakliymis gibi laf yapiyolar yolumuz ne zaman duserse geliriz diyip uste cikmaya calisiyorlar parayi alana kadar hayrini gormeyin burnunuzdan gelsin inş okadar insanin gunahina giriyorsunuz ins yerle bir olursunuz hayrini goremezsiniz yazik valla bunlarin cumlelerine inanmayin sakin
furniture bought for 8 months and 8 months before the furniture shelves are waiting and we are looking for the right to say as soon as we come to the road we are trying to come to the top of the money they are trying to get up to your nose, come to your nose, come on, you're going to come to your heart Do not believe in the cuddles
Öznur duman on Google

Genc odasi takimi aldim dolabin renkleri farkli geldi gun isigindan dolayi diye soylendi yatak basliklari sorunlu geldi degistirmediler en kotu mobilyacidir teslim edildikten sonra arkasinda durmayan insanlardir birde tartismaya girip kendilerini hakli cikartirlar oyle bi huylari vardir laf ebeligi yapmayi cok severler uzak durun mobilya almayin aldiginiz paranin hayrini goremezsiniz ins
Teenager's room came to the different colors of the locker came to the gun light because of the bed headline problem came to change after the most elevated furniture are delivered behind the people who do not stand behind the discussion and enter themselves into a discussion of the right to have a lot of people do not get away from a lot of lovers do not buy furniture away from the furniture you can not see the good of money people
existential nightmare on Google

Görüp görebileceğiniz en kötü mobilyacıdır. Her türlü kazığı atar. Teslim edilen mobilya istediğiniz gibi değil ise sizle tartışmaya girip kendini haklı çıkarır. Uzak durulması gerek.
He's the worst furniture maker you've ever seen. All kinds of throws stake. If the delivered furniture is not the way you want it, you can argue with you and justify itself. Far focus should be.
SAMET YAN on Google

Geçenlerde Ahsen Mobilya mobilyacılar sanayi yani diğer adıyla mobilyacılar sanayi ne gittim ya artık esnaf bitmiş yani ölmüş dükkan boş bomboş insanlar artık Dükkanı açmıyor yani açıp da boşuna gün harcamayalım diye açmıyorlar
Recently I went to Ahsen Furniture furniture industry, in other words the furniture industry, the tradesmen are finished, so the dead shop is empty, people do not open the shop anymore, so they do not open the shop so that we do not spend days in vain.
Serkan Canbaz on Google

Mutlaka ugrayin! Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Düzce‘den gittim beyendim, ve 2gün sonra evime teslimat yapildi. Sözünde ve Özünde duran ender Esnaflardan biri!
Be sure to drop by! I would definitely recommend. I went from Düzce, sir, and 2 days later, it was delivered to my home. One of the rare Craftsmen who stand by their Word and Essence!

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