Kent Köy Elazığ

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kent Köy Elazığ

Address :

23350 Elâzığ Merkez/Elazığ, Turkey

Categories :
City : Elâzığ Merkez/Elazığ

23350 Elâzığ Merkez/Elazığ, Turkey
Serhat Eskin on Google

Yasemin Cubuk on Google

Halim Hayri on Google

Polat enes Aydın on Google

Gerçekten benim için harika
really great for me
Yasin GÜNAYDIN on Google

Ailecek gezilebilir gayet güzel mekan
Nice place to visit with family
Süleyman Eren on Google

Kötü diyemem fakat en büyük handikapı yürüyüş yollarının epey dar olması. kalabalık zamanlarda oldukça konforsuz oluyor. Yanyana en fazla iki kişi için ideal. Hele bir de karşıdan gelenler olduğunda seyriniz sık sık aksıyor. En az 4-5 kişinin yan yana yürüyebileceği genişlikte olsa daha iyi olurdu ki bu şekilde tasarlanabilecek imkana sahip bir alan.
I can't say it's bad, but the biggest handicap is that the walking paths are quite narrow. It gets pretty uncomfortable at crowded times. Ideal for up to two people side by side. Especially when there are oncoming people, your course is often interrupted. It would be better if it was wide enough for at least 4-5 people to walk side by side, which is an area with the opportunity to be designed in this way.

عندما يزور الربيع مدينة إسطنبول تتبدّل أحوال المدينة الساحرة، وتسري روحٌ جديدة بين جنباتها، فكلّما تنقّلتَ بين بساتينها وحدائقها تراءى لك طرفٌ بديعٌ من ثوبها المزركش يكشّف لك عن بعض مفاتنها الملوّنة البديعة. ومن عادة سكّان إسطنبول في هذه الأيّام ألّا يفوّتوا فرصةً للتنعّم بمعاني الجمال الأخّاذ، فلذلك تراهم قد غادروا مجمّعاتهم الفارهة ومكاتبهم الفخمة، لينتشروا هنا وهناك بين أحضان اجمل الحدائق في اسطنبول ليفترشوا حدائقها الخضراء، ويتنسّموا عبير الورود والرياحين، ويمتّعوا أنظارهم بما تفيضه عليهم من بديع ألوانها. جدول المحتويات اجمل 10 حدائق في اسطنبول حديقة جولهانة Gülhane Park حديقة يلدز Yıldız Park حديقة اميرجان Emirgan Park حديقة فنربهجة Fenerbahçe حديقة غوليت Göleti حديقة فلوريا Florya park حديقة تلة العرائس Çamlıca tepesi حديقة مينيا تورك Miniatürk حديقة بكركوي النباتية Bakırköy Botanik Park حديقة وادي الحياة Beylikdüzü Yaşam Vadisi
When spring visits the city of Istanbul, the conditions of the charming city change, and a new spirit flows between its flanks. The more you move between its orchards and gardens, you see a beautiful part of its embroidered dress that reveals to you some of its wonderful colorful charms. It is the habit of Istanbul residents these days not to miss an opportunity to enjoy the meanings of beauty, so you see them have left their luxury compounds and luxurious offices, to spread here and there among the arms of the most beautiful gardens in Istanbul to spread its green gardens, and breathe in the fragrance of roses and winds, and their eyes are filled with the brilliance of its colors. . Table of contents The 10 most beautiful gardens in Istanbul Gulhane Park Yıldız Park Emirgan Park Fenerbahçe . Garden Göleti . Garden Florya park Çamlıca tepesi . Hill Bride Garden Miniatürk . Park Bakırköy Botanik Park Life Valley Park Beylikdüzü Yaşam Vadisi
emir ural on Google

Kent i anladımda köy ne alaka 2 tane eşşekle köymü oluyo yani yapılan yatırıma yazık
When I understand the city, what does the village have to do with 2 donkeys?

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