Kazdağlı Meydanı

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Contact Kazdağlı Meydanı

Address :

Eczacı Hidayet Derman Sk., 78600 Safranbolu/Karabük, Turkey

Categories :
City : Safranbolu/Karabük

Eczacı Hidayet Derman Sk., 78600 Safranbolu/Karabük, Turkey
Abo Alnasr Ontabli on Google

Eski çarşı Safranbolu Türkiye ??
Old Market Safranbolu Turkey ??
davut bayır on Google

Her zaman herhali ile yaşayan şehir
A city that always lives with
ibrahim GÜMÜŞ on Google

Kazdağlı camii cevresi olan meydan daha öncesi 73-74 yillarında hamam ile şuan dükkanların arasında ahşap ve kerpiç örmeli binalar vardı. Onlar o dönemin belediyesince yıkılarak meydan açıldı. Yoksa sadece tarihi simitçi dükkanının arkasında az bir meydan mevcuttu.
The square, which is the area of ​​the Kazdağlı mosque, was built between the bathhouse and the shops now 73-74 years ago, with wooden and adobe-knitted buildings. They were destroyed by the municipality of that time and opened up. Otherwise there was only a small square behind the historical bagel shop.
Erhan Ayhan on Google

Tarihi Çarşı meydan.
Historical Market Square.
noon moon on Google

Karabük occupies a privileged position in the western Black Sea region of northern Turkey. It became a state in 1995, and according to 2016 statistics, it had a population of 242,347, with a total area of 1,376 square kilometers. It consists of 6 cities, the most important of which is "Safranbolu" and its importance lies in receiving a large number of tourists annually. Karabok is characterized by its diversity of natural and historical attractions scattered in every corner of the country, and in our theme we will talk about the ten most beautiful tourist places to visit. 1. Valley "Tokatli" Tokatlı Kanyonu The magnificent Tokatli Valley is located in the village of Tokatli, about 2 km from Safranbolu. When you arrive at the entrance to the valley, you can buy tickets for only 3 Turkish liras (80 pts) and start the wonderful adventure. This place is like a piece of paradise by its charming nature and its green color surrounding the place and the sound of the water's comfortable water and the refreshing high oxygen content of the body, but there are places to rest if you are tired of the hardship of walking, and a little forward there is a place to raise horses where you can ride and walkمدينة "هادريانابوليس" الأثرية Hadrianapolis Antik Kenti تقع آثار هذه المدينة في قرية "أحمدلار" Ahmetlar التابعة لمدينة "إسكي بازار" Eskipazar، وتبعد عن مركزها 3 كيلومترات. تم اكتشافها في عام 2005. ولكي لا تتعرض للتخريب تم ردم جزء منها، وتم اكتشاف العديد من الآثار القديمة كالأعمدة الحجرية والمقابر والحمامات الرومانية والكنائس والأنفاق وخزانات المياه، وأخيرا صور فسيفسائية.برج ساعة كارابوك Karabük Saat Kulesi يقع هذا البرج في وسط مدينة كارابوك، وبالتحديد في حي "يني شهير" Yenişehir. وتتميز هذه الساعة بأنها تم شراؤها من لندن، وتم نصبها في عام 1987 وهي على شكل مضلع.منازل مدينة " صفران بولو " Safranbolu Evleri تقع هذه المنازل الأثرية في مدينة صفران بولو، ويعود تاريخ بنائها إلى نحو 200- 300 سنة، ويقدر عددها بأكثر من 2000 منزل تاريخي. وقد تعرضت للتآكل و للاهتراء على مر السنين ولهذا تولت الدولة العناية بـ800 منزل منها. safranbolu-evleri.jpgمتحف منزل القائم بالمقام Kaymakamlar Gezi Evi يقع في مركز مدينة صفران بولو ويعتبر من المنازل المميزة الجاذبة للأنظار. في عام 1976 حولته وزارة الثقافة إلى مكان سياحي أثري وفي يومنا الحالي يستخدم كمتحف. يتألف من ثلاث طوابق و7 غرف وحديقة كبيرة، وأجرة دخوله ثلاث ليرات (تعادل 80 قرشًا). kaymakamlar-gezi-evi.jpg مغارة "بولاق منجيليس" Bulak Mencilis Mağarası تقع في قرية "بولاق" Bulak التابعة لمدينة صفران بولو التي تبعد عنها 8 كيلومترات فقط. يمكن الوصول إليها عبر درج مؤلف من 150 درجة، وعند دخولكم إليها ستصابون بالدهشة فأمامكم صواعد وهوابط تعود إلى مليون ونصف مليون سنة، وستشعرون كأنكم في حلم أمام هذا الجمال الطبيعي الساحر. مجرى مياه "إنجي كايا " İncekaya Su Kemeri يقع بالقرب من التراس الكريستالي، ويبلغ طوله 116 مترا، وله 6 قناطر، وتحته يجري نهر توكاتلي.تحتل ولاية "كارابوك" Karabük موقعا مميزا في غرب منطقة البحر الأسود شمال تركيا. وأصبحت ولايةً في عام 1995، وبحسب إحصائيات عام 2016 بلغ عدد سكانها 242 ألفا و347 نسمة، وتبلغ مساحتها الإجمالية ألفا و376 كيلومتر مربع. تتألف من 6 مدن أهمها "صفران بولو" Safranbolu وتكمن أهميتها في استقبالها عددا كبيرا من السياح سنويا. تتميز كارابوك بتنوع معالمها السياحية الطبيعية منها والتاريخية المنتشرة في كل زاوية من زواياها، وفي موضوعنا هذا سنتطرق إلى الحديث عن أجمل عشرة أماكن سياحية ينصح بزيارتها فيها. 1 - وادي "توكاتلي" Tokatlı Kanyonu يقع وادي "توكاتلي" الرائع في قرية "توكاتلي" على بعد حوالي كيلومترين اثنين من مدينة "صفران بولو" Safranbolu. وعند وصولكم إلى مدخل الوادي يمكنكم شراء تذاكر الدخول بـ3 ليرات تركية فقط (تعادل 80 قرشًا) وتبدأ عندها المغامرة الرائعة. هذا المكان أشبه بقطعة من الجنة بطبيعته الساحرة ولونه الأخضر المحيط بالمكان وصوت خرير المياه المريح للأعصاب ونسبة الأوكسجين العالية المنعشة للجسم، ليس هذا وحسب بل توجد أماكن للإستراحة إن تعبتم من مشقة المسير، وإلى الأمام قليلا يوجد مكان لتربية الأحصنة حيث يمكنكم ركوبها والتجولKarabük, Kuzey Türkiye'nin batı Karadeniz bölgesinde ayrıcalıklı bir konuma sahiptir. 1995 yılında devlet oldu ve 2016 istatistiklerine göre 242.347 nüfusa sahipti ve toplam yüzölçümü 1.376 kilometrekaredir. En önemlisi "Safranbolu" olan 6 şe
Karabük occupies a privileged position in the western Black Sea region of northern Turkey. It became a state in 1995, and according to 2016 statistics, it had a population of 242,347, with a total area of ​​1,376 square kilometers. It consists of 6 cities, the most important of which is "Safranbolu" and its importance lies in receiving a large number of tourists annually. Karabok is characterized by its diversity of natural and historical attractions scattered in every corner of the country, and in our theme we will talk about the ten most beautiful tourist places to visit. 1. Valley "Tokatli" Tokatlı Kanyonu The magnificent Tokatli Valley is located in the village of Tokatli, about 2 km from Safranbolu. When you arrive at the entrance to the valley, you can buy tickets for only 3 Turkish liras (80 pts) and start the wonderful adventure. This place is like a piece of paradise by its charming nature and its green color surrounding the place and the sound of the water's comfortable water and the refreshing high oxygen content of the body, but there are places to rest if you are tired of the hardship of walking, and a little forward there is a place to raise horses where you can ride and walk Hadrianapolis Antik Kenti The ruins of this city are located in the village of Ahmetlar of Eskipazar, 3 km away from its center. They were discovered in 2005. In order not to be destroyed, part of it was buried, and many ancient monuments were discovered, such as stone columns, tombs, Roman baths, churches, tunnels, water tanks, and finally, mosaics. This tower is located in the city center of Karabük, specifically in Yenişehir district. This watch is distinguished for being purchased from London, and it was erected in 1987 and is in a polygon shape. Homes of the city of Safranbolu Evleri These ancient houses are located in the city of Safranbolu. Their construction dates back about 200-300 years, and their number is estimated at more than 2000 historic houses. It has been subjected to wear and tear over the years, which is why the state has taken care of 800 of them. safranbolu-evleri.jpg The House Museum of the Resident Kaymakamlar Gezi Evi It is located in the city center of Safranbolu and is considered one of the attractive homes. In 1976 the Ministry of Culture turned it into an archaeological tourist place, and today it is used as a museum. It consists of three floors, 7 rooms, and a large garden. The entrance fee is three pounds (equivalent to 80 piasters). kaymakamlar-gezi-evi.jpg Bulak Mencilis Mağarası Cave It is located in the village of Bulak of Safranbolu, which is only 8 kilometers away. It can be accessed via a staircase consisting of 150 steps, and when you enter it, you will be surprised, as you have stalagmites and stalactites dating back a million and a half years, and you will feel as if you are in a dream in front of this charming natural beauty. İncekaya Su Kemeri Stream Located near the crystal terrace, it is 116 meters long and has 6 arches, and under it runs the Tokatli River. Karabük occupies a distinctive location in the western Black Sea region in northern Turkey. And it became a state in 1995, and according to 2016 statistics, its population reached 242,347 people, with a total area of ​​1,376 square kilometers. It consists of 6 cities, the most important of which is Safranbolu, and its importance lies in receiving a large number of tourists annually. Karabük is characterized by the diversity of its natural and historical tourist attractions spread in every corner of it, and in this topic we will talk about the ten most beautiful tourist places that are recommended to be visited. 1 - Tokatlı Kanyonu Valley The wonderful Tokatli valley is located in the village of Tokatli, about two kilometers from the city of Safranbolu. When you reach the entrance to the valley, you can buy entrance tickets for only 3 Turkish liras (equivalent to 80 piasters), and then the wonderful adventure begins. This place is more like a piece of paradise with its charming nature, green color surrounding the place, the relaxing sound of water flowing to the nerves and the refreshing high oxygen rate of the body, not only that, but there are places for rest if you are tired of the hardship of walking, and a little further forward there is a place to raise horses where you can ride and wander Karabük, Kuzey Türkiye 'nin batı Karadeniz bölgesinde ayrıcalıklı bir konuma sahiptir. 1995 yılında devlet oldu ve 2016 istatistiklerine göre 242.347 nüfusa sahipti ve toplam yüzölçümü 1.376 kilometrekaredir. En önemlisi "Safranbolu" olan 6 şe
3x3_Nia on Google

많은 관광객으로 붐비는 곳이지만, 조금 한적하다면 골목마다 아름다운 장면을 남길수 있다.
It is crowded with many tourists, but if you are a bit short, you can leave beautiful scenery in each street.
Mustafa TOPAK on Google

Kazdağlı Camii 1779'da Kazdağlı Mehmet Ağa tarafından yerinde bulunan caminin yerine yeniden yapılan Safranbolu çarşısının girişinde bulunan camidir. Taş ve tuğladan yapılmış olan kare planlı caminin üstü kiremit tromplu kubbe ile örtülmüştür. Caminin ön tarafında üç bölümden oluşan son cemaat yeri bulunur.
Kazdağlı Mosque It is the mosque at the entrance of Safranbolu bazaar, which was rebuilt in 1779 by Kazdağlı Mehmet Ağa instead of the mosque. The square mosque which is made of stone and brick is covered with a dome with tile trump. In front of the mosque, there is the last congregation place which consists of three sections.
Hiba Al Kabbani on Google

Nice entrance for the village

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