Kasımbey Mevlana Etli Ekmek İskender & Kebap - Haymana Yolu İlk Işıklar No:12

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kasımbey Mevlana Etli Ekmek İskender & Kebap

Address :

Haymana Yolu İlk Işıklar No:12, 06830 Gölbaşı/Ankara, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 06830
Website : https://kasimbeymevlana.com/Home/Page/60/urunlerimiz
Categories :
City : Gölbaşı/Ankara

Haymana Yolu İlk Işıklar No:12, 06830 Gölbaşı/Ankara, Turkey
mustafa dolunay on Google

Konya usulü geleneksel sunum ile etli pide gerçekten denemeye ve yenmeye değer, lokantayı işletenlere teşekkür ederiz.
The traditional Konya-style presentation and pide with meat are really worth trying and eating, thank you to those who run the restaurant.
Eren Şahin on Google

Etli ekmekte ağır bir koku vardı etin kaliteli olmadığı belliydi.ocak 2022de arkadaşımla gittik sunum iyiydi mezeler düzgündü ama ana yemek üzdüü.yemeden daha ağızda donuyordu!
There was a heavy smell in the meat loaf, it was obvious that the meat was not of good quality. We went with my friend in January 2022. The presentation was good. The appetizers were good, but the main course was upset. It was freezing in the mouth before eating it!
Güray AKPULAT on Google

Muhammed Ali Çetin on Google

I like foods
recep kızılarslan on Google

King off the best
Golden Beach Villalari on Google

Excellent pide served in Ankara...
Cihat Basocak on Google

Bestest pide (kind of Turkish pizza) available in Ankara. Please have a bowl of fish soup as starter. Unique taste not available anywhere else.
umut ozlu on Google

Service is good, meals are delicious ??

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