Karslioglu Mansion

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Contact Karslioglu Mansion

Address :

66100 Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat, Turkey

Website : https://www.kulturportali.gov.tr/turkiye/yozgat/gezilecekyer/yusuf-karslioglu-konagi
Categories :
City : Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat

66100 Yozgat Merkez/Yozgat, Turkey
Mahmut Keser on Google

Tarihi bir Konak olduğu aşikâr ancak tarihi hakkında bilgim yoktur.
It is obvious that it is a historical mansion but I do not know about its history.
AHMET BATU on Google

...Burası önemli, GOOGLE MAPS her şehir için tarihi evler diye bir başlık atmalı ve bir ETİKET oluşturmalı... İsmi olmayan tarihi sivil mimari örnekleri de burada yer almalı...
... This is important, GOOGLE MAPS should give a title to each city as historical houses and create a LABEL ... Examples of unnamed historical civil architecture should also be included here ...
Senol Nomer on Google

Atamızın konakladığı bu tarihi yeri ziyaret etmek istedim.fakat içeri girilmiyor , ziyaret edilmiyor...başka bina yokmuş gibi Yeşilay derneğine tahsis etmişler..
I wanted to visit this historical place where our ancestors stayed. But it is not allowed to enter, it is not visited... They allocated it to the Green Crescent as if there was no other building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
İsmail Afşin Baran on Google

Yani osmanlı mimarisinde bir yapı, Ata konaklamış, yanından geçeriz arada da için de ne var ne yok neye hizmet eder fikrim yok. Ziyaret yok.
In other words, it is a building in Ottoman architecture, Ata stayed and we pass by it, and I have no idea what it has to serve. No visits.
hasan senyurt on Google

1883 yılında yapıldığı bilinen konak 1929 ve 1936 yılları arasında Yozgat Belediye Başkanlığı yapan Yusuf KARSLIOĞLU tarafından satın alınarak uzun süre kullanıldığı için “Karslıoğlu Konağı” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bodrum ve alt kat duvarları kesme köfeki taşından üst kat tamamen ahşaptandır. Alt kata güneyden 3 sütunlu revak altından girilir. Revak üzeri üst katta balkon olarak düzenlenmiştir. Sivil mimarinin güzel bir örneği olan konak Hazineye aittir. Maalesef halen boş olup kullanılmamaktadır. İçerisi gezilemiyor. (2019 Eylül) Kütüphane veya müze olabilirdi.
The mansion, which was known to have been built in 1883, was purchased by Yusuf KARSLIOĞLU, Mayor of Yozgat between 1929 and 1936 and named as lı Karslıoğlu Mansion ağı since it was used for a long time. The basement and lower floor walls are made of cut stone and the upper floor is completely wooden. The lower level is entered from the south under 3-column portico. The portico is arranged as a balcony on the upper floor. The mansion, a beautiful example of civil architecture, belongs to the Treasury. Unfortunately, it is still empty and not used. The inside can not be visited. (September 2019) It could be a library or a museum.
Okur Gezer on Google

Yozgat’ın geleneksel ev mimarisinin en güzel örneklerinden biridir. Aynı zamanda 19. yüzyılın sivil mimari örneği olan konak, 1883 yılında inşa edilmiştir. Bodrum katı ile birlikte üç kattan oluşan bina, Atatürk’ün Yozgat’a geldiğinde burada konaklamasıyla da fazlasıyla önem arz ediyor. Daha sonraki yıllarda ise kamulaştırılıp restore edilmiştir. Kendisi güzel çevresi korunamamış. Saat kulesine 500, Yozgat müzesine (Nizamoğlu Konağı) ve Önder beye (Hayri İnal Konağı) 200 metre uzaklıkta.
It is one of the best examples of traditional home architecture of Yozgat. The mansion, which is also a civil architecture example of the 19th century, was built in 1883. The building, which consists of three floors together with the basement, is also of great importance when Atatürk arrives in Yozgat. In the following years, it was expropriated and restored. Its beautiful surroundings could not be preserved. It is 500 meters from the clock tower, 200 meters from the Yozgat museum (Nizamoğlu Mansion) and Önder Bey (Hayri İnal Mansion).
Hasan BEKAR on Google

İçinde bulunduğu mahallede çok sayıda restore edilmiş evler var. görünüş ve çevre düzeni çok güzel ve büyük bir konak. Bu hali ile yaşatanlardan Allah razı olsun
There are many restored houses in the neighborhood where it is located. The appearance and landscaping is very beautiful and a big mansion. May Allah be pleased with those who live in this state
Andreas Mauersberger on Google

Das Herrenhaus Karslıoğlu Konağı, von dem bekannt ist, dass es 1883 erbaut wurde, wurde von Yusuf Karslıoğlu, der zwischen 1929 und 1936 Bürgermeister von Yozgat war, gekauft und erhielt den Namen "Karslıoğlu Mansion", weil es lange Zeit genutzt wurde. Die ersten Restaurierungsarbeiten wurden 1990 in der Villa abgeschlossen, die 1977 vom Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus enteignet wurde, um als Archäologiemuseum genutzt zu werden. Es ist bekannt, dass Atatürk hier übernachtete, als er zum ersten Mal im Jahr 1934 nach Yozgat kam und später lange Zeit als Herrenhaus des Gouverneurs genutzt wurde. Das zweistöckige Herrenhaus ohne Untergeschoss ist eines der schönsten Beispiele seiner Zeit und heute mit seiner feinen Holzdeckendekoration und den Ornamenten, die sich auf leicht zu bearbeitenden gelben Schnittsteinen erheben, die im Untergeschoss an Fleischbällchen erinnern. In der Nähe der C.-Ali-Efendi-Moschee an der alten Straße Yozgat-Sungurlu (heute Hattusas-Straße) gelegen, hat dieses Herrenhaus ein Walmdach, dessen erster Stock aus gelbem Stein (Nevşehir-Stein) und der zweite Stock aus Mauerwerk besteht. Das zweite Obergeschoss ragt in Süd-Nord-Richtung vor. Der untere Teil dieses Teils wird von „S“-Konsolen unterstützt. Der Balkonboden wurde später betoniert. Die Balkonfenster im zweiten Stock sind rundbogenförmig und mit Holzrahmen versehen. Der Eingang zum Gebäude erfolgt durch einen steingerahmten Rundbogenvorbau im Süden. Heute erreicht man das Obergeschoss (erster Stock) über eine fünfstufige Steintreppe durch die kleine rechteckige Tür im Osten. Der Eingang im ersten Stock hat einen Rundbogen und vier Kolonnaden. Zwischen den Bögen befinden sich Säulen mit ionischen Kappen aus gelbem Stein. Der Portikus wurde später mit geschnitzten Gewölben betoniert. In jeder Ecke des achteckigen Sofas befindet sich ein Raum. In der südwestlichen Ecke befindet sich ein spezieller Raum, der für die Residenz wichtiger Gäste reserviert ist. Die Decke dieses Raumes ist schöner geschnitzt als die der anderen Räume. Der südliche Teil der Halle erinnert an den Iwan. Vor diesem Iwan befindet sich ein Balkon. Aus den später eingravierten Kreuzformen an den Zimmertüren und den griechischen Inschriften auf dem Dreiecksgiebel des Balkons am Südportal geht hervor, dass dieses Gebäude einst den Griechen gehörte. Die griechische dreizeilige Inschrift und die Zahl 1883 in der Mitte dieses dreieckigen Giebels geben die Datierung dieses Gebäudes an. Wir besichtigten es am 14.08.2021 und haben es im "Reisebericht Tokat Yozgat Teil 75" erwähnt und als empfehlenswert beschrieben.
Karslıoğlu Konağı Manor, known to be built in 1883, was bought by Yusuf Karslıoğlu, who was Mayor of Yozgat between 1929 and 1936, and named "Karslıoğlu Mansion" because it was in use for a long time. The first restoration work was completed in 1990 in the villa, which was expropriated in 1977 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be used as an archeology museum. It is known that Ataturk stayed here when he first came to Yozgat in 1934 and was later used as the governor's mansion for a long time. The two-story mansion without a basement is one of the finest examples of its time and today with its fine wooden ceiling decoration and the ornaments that rise on easy-to-work yellow cut stones, reminiscent of meatballs in the basement. Located near the C. Ali Efendi Mosque on the old Yozgat-Sungurlu Street (now Hattusas Street), this mansion has a hipped roof, the first floor of yellow stone (Nevşehir stone) and the second floor of masonry consists. The second floor protrudes in a south-north direction. The lower part of this part is supported by “S” consoles. The balcony floor was later concreted. The balcony windows on the second floor are arched and have wooden frames. The entrance to the building is through a stone-framed arched porch in the south. Today you can reach the upper floor (first floor) via a five-step stone staircase through the small rectangular door in the east. The entrance on the first floor has a round arch and four colonnades. Between the arches are columns with Ionic caps made of yellow stone. The portico was later concreted with carved vaults. There is a room in each corner of the octagonal sofa. In the southwest corner there is a special room reserved for the residence of important guests. The ceiling of this room is more beautifully carved than that of the other rooms. The southern part of the hall is reminiscent of the Ivan. There is a balcony in front of this ivan. The later engraved cross shapes on the room doors and the Greek inscriptions on the triangular gable of the balcony at the south portal show that this building once belonged to the Greeks. The Greek three-line inscription and the number 1883 in the center of this triangular pediment indicate the dating of this building. We visited it on August 14th, 2021 and mentioned it in the "Travel Report Tokat Yozgat Part 75" and described it as recommendable.

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