karagöll village of çalköy kırathane

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact karagöll village of çalköy kırathane

Address :

41900 Derince/Kocaeli, Turkey

Categories :
City : Derince/Kocaeli

41900 Derince/Kocaeli, Turkey
Serdar Keklik on Google

Çayı güzel sessiz ve huzurlu
The tea is nice quiet and peaceful
Hasan Hüseyin Yılmaz on Google

Çayı güzel sıcak bir ortam
Tea is a nice warm environment
Kubilay Altinada on Google

İstanbul a yakın ve 50 sene önceye gidilmiş kadar doğal...
Close to Istanbul and as natural as 50 years ago ...
Nuri Andaç on Google

Doğup büyüdüğüm köy benim için de yerine paha biçilmez...
The village where I was born and raised was also priceless for me.
erdal bostan on Google

Köy kahvesinde çay keyfi herkese tavsiye ederim
Would recommend to anyone enjoying tea in the village coffee
Yunus Etirli on Google

Yerleştiğimiz köy... İnsanları güzel yardimsever
The village we are settled in ... People are nice helpful
Elif Aydoğan Akdağ on Google

Bir köy kahvesinden beklenebilecek her şey var. Berber ? koltuğu bile ?
There is everything one can expect from a village coffeehouse. Even the barber chair ?
Aparatcı Standcı on Google

Geleneksel köy kahvesi. Çayı idare eder. Çay bardak büyüklüğüde ekonomik kırizden nasibini almış. Çok küçük.
Traditional village coffee. He manages the river. Tea has had its share of the economic crisis in the size of a glass. Very small.

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