Karabük Üniversitesi Hasan Doğan Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu - Ay Yıldızlı Stadyum

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Karabük Üniversitesi Hasan Doğan Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu

Address :

Karabük Üniversitesi Demir Çelik Kampüsü, Ay Yıldızlı Stadyum, 78350, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 78350
Website : http://besyo.karabuk.edu.tr/
Categories :

Karabük Üniversitesi Demir Çelik Kampüsü, Ay Yıldızlı Stadyum, 78350, Turkey
İbrahim Akın on Google

Google harita navigasyonu kullanmiyorum çok memnunum
I'm so glad I don't use Google map navigation
Gh Sa2022 on Google

hakan karakan on Google

Harika planlanan bir sınav düzeni yönetimin tektir etmek lazım.
It is necessary to make the administration of a wonderfully planned exam order unique.
Durmuş Can Ata on Google

BESYO mülakatlarına gittim kurs ücreti adı altında herkesten 200 TL aldılar karşılığında ise bir video izletip gönderdiler????
I went to BESYO interviews and they paid 200 TL for everyone under the course fee.
tahsin şenay on Google

Yerleşke gayet güzel burayı okumak için seçenler beklentileri tam olarak karşılayama bilir
The campus is very good. Those who choose to read this place may not fully meet their expectations.
Nurullah Horoz on Google

Karabük Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu burasıdır :) Meşhur Ayyıldızlı Stadyumun odaları Besyo gibi bir kaç yüksekokula daha ev sahipliği yapıyor. Öğrenci işleri , tüm hocalar ve yönetim genelde burada olur , teorik dersler burada , uygulamalı dersler kapalı spor salonunda işlenir.
Karabük University School of Physical Education and Sports is here :) The rooms of the famous Ayyıldızlı Stadium are home to a few colleges like Besyo. Student jobs, all instructors and management usually happens here, theoretical courses are taught here, practical lessons are covered in the indoor gym.
Shuaib Abdi Mohamed on Google

Good atmosphere and somalia win
kamel labbad on Google

Stay under building but very huge ? The Turkish Karabük University is one of the modern and rapidly developing universities in Turkey. It has made progress in several areas since its establishment, and aims to be one of the leading and recognized higher education institutions in Turkey and the world. Karabük University is located in the northern regions overlooking the Black Sea, specifically in Karabük province. It was established on May 29, 2007, and Karabuk University includes a wide and comprehensive campus for many colleges, departments, institutes, research centers and a huge library. Some educational institutions and some colleges of Zonguldag University have been attached to the university, and some colleges and educational institutions of some university in the Black Sea region have been attached to it

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