Ipekyol & Twist & Machka

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ipekyol & Twist & Machka

Address :

Yayla Yolu Cd., 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : https://ipekyol-twist-machka.business.site/
Categories :
City : Alanya/Antalya

Yayla Yolu Cd., 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey
Виктория on Google

Просто восторг от шопинг,самый крутой магазин в Аланье.Цены умеренные, одежда на вкус любого покупателя.Брендовая одежда.Обязательно посетите этот магазин.
Just a shopping delight, the coolest store in Alanya. Prices are reasonable, clothes for every customer's taste. Brand clothes. A must visit this store.
Dmitry B on Google

Магазин для женщин, отличные качественные вещи по отличным ценам.
Shop for women, great quality items at great prices.
Арина Часовских on Google

Сегодня пришла в магазин купить себе одежду в итоге меня не пустили на второй этаж абсолютно хамская дама по имени Айгуль, потому что она помыла лестницу. Откуда столько гонора и хамства в магазине подобного уровня. Испортили настроение с самого утра
Today I came to the store to buy clothes for myself, as a result, I was not allowed on the second floor of an absolutely boorish lady named Aigul, because she washed the stairs. Where does so much ambition and rudeness come from in a store of this level. Spoiled the mood in the morning
irfan Soylu on Google

Yarım saat mağaza dolaşarak seçtiğimiz ürünleri görevlinin kabine bırakayım demesi ile seçtiğimiz ürünleri görevliye verdik. Üst katına baktık 5 dakika ardından indiğimizde kabinin bomboş olduğunu gördük. Görevliye ürünlerime ne olduğunu sorduğumda 4 kişinin suratıma anlamsız bir şekilde baktığını kimsenin ürünler hakkında bilgisinin olmadığını gördüm. Ardından tek tek ürünleri aldığım reyonlara gittim ama 2 ürünümün kabinde başka müşteri tarafından beğenilmesi sonucunda ona verildiğini söylediler. Bu ne sorumsuzluk ben vaktimi çöpte bulmadım... Mağazayı dolaşarak beğendiğim ürünleri seçtim hepsi askıda üstelik kendim kabine denk gele asmamışım görevli bayan asmış.... İPekyol MAĞAZASI 2020'DE KURULAN BİR MAĞAZA DEĞİL KURUMSAL MI? MARKA OLMAYAN BİR MAĞAZADA BİLE BU SORUMSUZLUĞU GÖRMEDİM. GİRECEK OLURSANIZ BEĞENDİĞİNİZ ÜRÜNLERİ ELİNİZDEN BIRAKMAYIN. BIRAKIRSANIZ PERSONEL GÖRMEDİ DUYMADI BİLMİYOR.... BEN ÜRÜNLERİ TEKER TEKER GERİ BAKIP KABİNE ASMA GAYRETİ İÇİNDE BİLE KİMSENİN UMRUNDA OLMADI, ŞEKERHANE MAH. YENİ AÇILMIŞ OLABİLİR AMA TÜRKİYE'DE İLK MAĞAZASI DEĞİL. HİÇ YAKIŞMADI İPEKYOL (!)
We went to the store for half an hour and gave the products we chose to the attendant as the attendant told him to leave the cabinet. We looked upstairs and after 5 minutes, we saw that the cabin was empty. When I asked the attendant what happened to my products, I saw that 4 people looked at my face in a meaningless way and no one knew about the products. Then I went to the individual sections of the products I went to the booths, but as a result of the other customers in the cabin was given to him by other customers said. This is what irresponsibility I did not find my time in the garbage ... I chose the products that I like to walk around the store all hanged on top of the cabinet, and I personally did not hang the lady in charge. I did not even see this irresponsibility in a store without a brand. DO NOT LEAVE THE PRODUCTS YOU LIKE. DON'T SEE THE STAFF DIDN'T HEAR NOT KNOW .... I DO NOT EVERYONE CARE IN EVERYWHERE, LOOKING BACK TO THE CABINET, EVERYBODY, ŞEKERHANE MAH. NEW OPENED FIRST STORE IN TURKEY BUT COULD NOT. NEVER BEING FITTED IPEKYOL (!)
Aliya Mussayeva on Google

Я впервые посетила магазин Ipekyol & Twist и мне понравился ассортимент товаров! Цены на Новый товар конечно высокие, лучше брать когда на них скидки! А вот на скидках особенно 50% и больше, то можно брать. Я взяла себе вещи, которые мне хорошо подсказывала консультант Айгуль -русскоговорящая единственная в этом магазине! Турчанки там просто стоят молча! Неприятные они там такие, кстати. Качество вещей очень хорошего качества, но не все товары стоят своих денег ! Там есть очень дорогие футболки и платья, хотя они обычные и совсем простые! Так прям вещи есть стильные и очень необычные по дизайну ! Каждому свое! Один минус -это очень высокие цены на товары, в одном там зале, где вещи на вечер, офис, торжественные мероприятия!
I visited Ipekyol & Twist for the first time and I liked the range of products! The prices for the New product are of course high, it is better to take them when there are discounts on them! But on discounts, especially 50% or more, you can take it. I took for myself the things that the consultant Aigul, the only Russian-speaking one in this store, prompted me well! Turkish women just stand there silently! They are ugly, by the way. The quality of things is very good quality, but not all goods are worth the money! There are very expensive t-shirts and dresses, although they are ordinary and very simple! So straight things are stylish and very unusual in design! To each his own! One minus is the very high prices for goods, in one hall where things are for the evening, office, celebrations!
Maya Pokrovskaya on Google

My favorite brands in Turkey ??
Reijo Martikainen on Google

Nice staff, good quality clothes with twist!
Melissa on Google

Quality, great style and fresh colours. Love this store. Great location. The prices are high but the have great sales. Fresh is the only work I can use for this shop.

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