Insider Travel Göreme - Aydınlı Mahallesi Karşı Bucak Caddesi No: 2

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Insider Travel Göreme

Address :

Aydınlı Mahallesi Karşı Bucak Caddesi No: 2, 50180 Göreme Kasabası/Nevşehir, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +987
Postal code : 50180
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City : Göreme Kasabası/Nevşehir

Aydınlı Mahallesi Karşı Bucak Caddesi No: 2, 50180 Göreme Kasabası/Nevşehir, Turkey
Christina M Giuffre on Google

We did the green tour and turkish night tour. The driver was on time and our guide Mark on the green tour was exceptional. His knowlege and passion for his job was a highlight for us. At 100TL the green tour was great value and you got to see some great sights including the underground city. Unfortunately for the same price the Turkish night was not good value and was actually a tourist trap. Insider Travel seems like a great company and should either stop doing this tour or improve it. The Turkish night promised great Turkish food but only one dish was served on the night and it was the worst food I've had in Turkey. The side dishes were stale and weird including old fruit and popcorn and unfortunately the entertainment was mediocre and non-stop so you could barely speak to your friends or enjoy the meal. The only plus was all-you-can-drink alcohol.
mithoosingh on Google

Nice informative tours. You can also rent bikes, ATVs and cars here. Reasonably priced
Ziggy Ören on Google

We arranged a balloon tour with Insider Travel. We called 5 times to confirm all the details then walked to their office with 4 children and my elderly mother-in-law to pay. They had asked us to come and pay before evening. We got there at 4.00pm and they told us they had sold our tickets to somebody else. So incredibly unprofessional and rude. I definitely do not recommend doing business with them.
J jessic on Google

Everyone please be WARNED this is a FRAUD TRAVEL AGENCY!!!!!! I wrote this in case anyone else will go to that agency to get cheated!!I have traveled to many places and trust me this is the WORST experience I EVER had !We booked the shuttle to the airport from the agency and the guy didn't give any receipt or anything just ask us to trust them ,we didn't think much and we thought it is a little weird and my friend insisted on getting a receipt and they just wrote it on the name card about the picking time ,we still choose to trust as the kindness of human beings ,the guy told us the picking time is 7:30-7:45,we were waiting in front of the hotel until 8am but no bus came to pick us ,we tried to contact the agency and no ones answering the phone ,we were helpless and not sure what to do ,if we keep waiting we would miss our flight ,one of us even went to the travel agency to ask help but no one is working during that time,just now we were thinking if we got cheated as they never asked any phone number from us and not willing to offer receipt not even allowing take picture ,so instead we had to take a taxi as we have no time left ,we almost missed our flight ,when we arrived at the airport ,we tried to call them again and the manager's attitude is really bad and he insisted the bus came to the hotel and as I said we want to get refund ,he mocked at me and said how did you want to get it refunded with a l ,we mentioned we have a friend there to get the money ,he then started yelling I will never give you back your money then hang up the phone ,it's like what can you do with me ,we were angry but we couldn't do anything ,this is the trick that they do to customer ,they know that you rushed to the airport and time is money ,so they used this way to "make dirty money ",Although we couldn't get back the money but we need to expose this phenomenon and remind other people of their trap.This is the the the worst thing during the trip but still we believe that there are more kind people that the evil ones ,NEVER WILL WE STAND BACK TO FIGHT FOT OUR RIGHT,you cheated little money but you lost your REPUTATION forever !!!! 大家请注意,这家旅行社是骗子,这是旅行这么多年来最气的一件事,我们在这里定了红绿线,然后导游全程带着我们各种去购物点,因为想省事,我们也直接在这个旅行社订送机的机场巴士,订好后我们问他们要发票,他们说没有发票的,我朋友坚持要有一个收据,其中一个人给了我们一张他的名片然后写着接我们的时间是7.30am-7:45am,就把这个当凭证了,当时没问我们要任何电话号码,只问了酒店的名字,我们当时心大没多想,第二天我们7点10分就在酒店大门等,一直都没有巴士来,我要我朋友在原地等,我去他们旅行社找下他们,结果他们大门紧闭,打电话也没人接,原地等的朋友说一直没有巴士来,我们等到快8点,因为我们飞机是十点,我们只好拖着行李临时找的士,这个时候我们已经没有办法再重新找巴士了,还继续等下去也会误机,他们在跟我们告知的时间内没来,而且也联系不到任何人,我们当时特别无助跟绝望,因为我们本着人性本善,没想到会被骗,之后乘坐的士到了机场我们终于打通了电话,然而对方态度恶劣,就是不承认没来接我们,一副你是游客你要走了你能把我怎么样的态度,最后还直接挂电话,还骂了我们,说怎么样我就是不会给你退,我们又气又愤怒,他们不提供发票的时候我们就该怀疑,他们就是看了你是游客你要着急去机场,能骗一个是一个,尽管我们拿不回钱,但是我们一定要曝光这个事,避免其他人跟我们一样被骗,大家选择中介的时候一定要避开这家,虽然经历了被坏人骗的事,这个也是旅行最大的污点,但是我们还是相信善良的人多于坏人,遇到坏人,我们也是义不容辞要捍卫自己的权利,你骗了我们的小钱,但是你失去了你的信誉!
Kronk & Yzma Gaviria V. on Google

We had an amazing experience with Insider Travel. They were able to book me and my husband for Turkish night last minute and the Red tour next day. Everyone was so nice. Very welcoming and always so nice. Prices were fair compared to other places. We had a great time at the Turkish night and the red tour was great too. We had a very good english speaking tour guide. Recommend this place 100%
Sandra on Google

We have enjoyed our scheduled travels and tours with Insider Travel. The drivers are prompt so be ready on time. The guides are energetic, knowledgeable, engaged, and took the time to answers all of our questions. It's relaxing to not worry about what we are going to do during our time in Turkey. I highly recommend their services. Their prices are fair.
Mavs Com on Google

I booked a package to Cappadocia for hot balloon ride though at the first driver dropped me to the wrong airport and I missed the flight I was frustrated but I really appreciate the agency they managed professionally and as a compensation they provide me the best hotel in Cappadocia names village cave hotel which is outstanding and I have great experience . I recommend this touring agency to every one they are the best in a town .
Shayan Alkhiro on Google

Beautiful tour, our guide Ali was very informative about the history and he wasn’t the tour guide that would bore you. It was all interesting and captivating information. Everyone at the agency was very nice and helpful. Tour was on time and they even did an extra stop for a couple of people on the tour just because they weren’t going to the tour next day and wanted some pictures taken.

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