İmam'ı Gazali Camii

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Contact İmam'ı Gazali Camii

Address :

Hürriyet Cd. No:63, 34950 Tuzla/İstanbul, Turkey

Categories :
City : Tuzla, Istanbul

Hürriyet Cd. No:63, 34950 Tuzla/İstanbul, Turkey
alaattin hamurcu on Google

Küçük güzel bir cami içine girince kendinizi ilk önce bir köy camisinde zannedebilirsiniz merkezi bir noktada onun için normal zamanlarda da cemaati kalabalık 24.01.2019
When a small beautiful mosque is entered into a mosque, you may think yourself first in a central spot for him at a regular time the crowd in the community 24.01.2019
Seher Acar Kılıç on Google

Bayanlar için abdest alma yerinde ışıklar yanmıyor.
The lights are not on at the ablution area for women.
B A H A D I R on Google

küçük ve cok kullanışlı bir camii. mimar işinin hakkını vermiş.
It is a small and very useful mosque. The architect did his job.
Ahmed Gönül on Google

Evime 1 dk lık mesafede olduğu için ibadetlerimi sıklıkla icra ettiğim küçük kibar bakımlı bir camii.Mahallede merkezi bir yerde İstanbulun kapısı diyebileceğimiz şifa mahallesi.Hünkar çayırınada yakın. Eğer yolunuz düşerse bu tarafa! Sizle tanışmak isterim, yeni yerler keşfetmeniz yeni dostlar edinmeniz dileğiyle.
My house is a 1 minute distance because I often perform my worship is a small, well-groomed mosque in a central place in Istanbul can be called the gate of healing healing neighborhood. If your way falls, this way! I would like to meet you, discover new places and hope to have new friends.
metin celik on Google

Bahçesi, şadırvanı güzel, cami mevkisi için biraz küçük olmakla birlikte, temiz hoş ve düzenli.
Its garden and fountain are beautiful, although it is a bit small for the mosque location, it is clean, pleasant and tidy.
محمود الواجد on Google

#شخصيات_ذات_أثر ، الإمام #محمد_الغزالي..? .. هو محمد الغزالي، عالم ومفكر إسلامي مصري، يُعد أحد دعاة الفكر الإسلامي في العصر الحديث، عُرف عنه تجديده في الفكر الإسلامي وكونه من "المناهضين للتشدد والغلو في الدين" كما يقول أبو العلا ماضي، كما عُرف بأسلوبه الأدبي في الكتابة واشتهر بلقب أديب الدعوة. سببت انتقادات الغزالي للأنظمة الحاكمة في العالم الإسلامي العديد من المشاكل له سواء أثناء إقامته في مصر أو في السعودية. .. وُلِدَ في قرية نكلا العنب، ايتاي البارود، محافظة البحيرة بمصر في (5 ذي الحجة 1335 هـ/ 22 سبتمبر 1917م). نشأ في أسرة "متدينة"، وله خمسة إخوة، فأتم حفظ القرآن بكتّاب القرية في العاشرة، ويقول الإمام محمد الغزالي عن نفسه وقتئذ: "كنت أتدرب على إجادة الحفظ بالتلاوة في غدوي ورواحي، وأختم القرآن في تتابع صلواتي، وقبل نومي، وفي وحدتي، وأذكر أنني ختمته أثناء اعتقالي، فقد كان القرآن مؤنساً في تلك الوحدة الموحشة". والتحق بعد ذلك بمعهد الإسكندرية الديني الإبتدائي وظل بالمعهد حتى حصل منه على شهادة الكفاءة ثم الشهادة الثانوية الأزهرية، ثم انتقل بعد ذلك إلى القاهرة سنة (1356 هـ الموافق 1937م) والتحق بكلية أصول الدين بالأزهر، وبدأت كتاباته في مجلة (الإخوان المسلمين) أثناء دراسته بالسنة الثالثة في الكلية، بعد تعرفه على حسن البنا مؤسس الجماعة، وظل يشجعه على الكتابة حتى تخرّج بعد أربع سنوات في سنة (1360 هـ / 1941) وتخصص بعدها في الدعوة والإرشاد حتى حصل على درجة العالمية سنة (1362 هـ / 1943م) وعمره ست وعشرون سنة، وبدأت بعدها رحلته في الدعوة من خلال مساجد القاهرة، وقد تلقى العلم عن الشيخ عبد العظيم الزرقاني، والشيخ محمود شلتوت، والشيخ محمد أبو زهرة والدكتور محمد يوسف موسى والشيخ محمد محمد المدني وغيرهم من علماء الأزهر. سُمّيَ الشيخ "محمد الغزالي" بهذا الاسم رغبة من والده بالتيمن بالإمام الغزالي فلقد رأى في منامه الشيخ الغزالي وقال له "أنه سوف ينجب ولدًا ونصحه أن يسميه على اسمه الغزالي فما كان من الأب إلا أن عمل بما رآه في منامه. .. حصل الغزالي على شهادة الثانوية الأزهرية عام 1937 ثم التحق بكلية أصول الدين في العام نفسه، تخرج منها سنة 1941 حيث تخصص بالدعوة والإرشاد. حصل على درجة العالمية سنة 1943. انضم في شبابه إلى جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وتأثر بمرشدها الأول حسن البنا. سافر إلى الجزائر سنة 1984 م للتدريس في جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية بقسنطينة, دَرّسَ فيها رفقة العديد من الشيوخ كالشيخ يوسف القرضاوي والشيخ البوطي حتى تسعينيات القرن العشرين. نال العديد من الجوائز والتكريم فحصل على جائزة الملك فيصل للعلوم الإسلامية عام 1409 هـ /1989 م. اعتقل الغزالي مع من اعتقلوا بعد حلّ جماعة الإخوان المسلمين سنة 1948، وأودع في معتقل الطور. بعد سنة 1952 نشب خلاف بين الغزالي وحسن الهضيبي، مرشد جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وقتها، خرج على إثره الغزالي من الجماعة. .. #مؤلفاته السنة النبوية بين أهل الفقه وأهل الحديث. عقيدة المسلم. فقه السيرة. كيف تفهم الإسلام. هموم داعية. سر تأخر العرب والمسلمين. دستور الوحدة الثقافية بين المسلمين. خلق المسلم. معركة المصحف. مشكلات في طريق الحياة الإسلامية. الإسلام المفترى عليه. الإسلام والمناهج الإشتراكية. الإسلام والأوضاع الإقتصادية. الإسلام والإستبداد السياسي. الإسلام والطاقات المعطلة. الإستعمار أحقاد وأطماع. في موكب الدعوة. التعصب والتسامح بين المسيحية والإسلام. حقيقة القومية العربية. مع الله. الحق المر. قذائف الحق. كفاح دين. من هنا نعلم. نظرات في القرآن. صيحة التحذير من دعاة التنصير. جدد حياتك. الدعوة الإسلامية. الطريق من هنا. الفساد السياسي. المحاور الخمسة للقرآن الكريم. المرأة في الإسلام. تأملات في الدين والحياة. تراثنا الفكري في ميزان الشرع والعقل. حصاد الغرور. فن الذكر والدعاء عند خاتم الأنبياء. كيف نتعامل مع القرآن. ظلام من الغرب. الأسرة المسلمة وتحديات العصر. قضايا المرأة. الرضاعة الثقافية للطفل المسلم. جدد حياتك والكثير من الأعمال الهامة حيث بلغت مؤلفاته أكثر من خمسين عملًا، وكان لها تأثير قوي على الأمة الإسلامية كلها. .. توفي يوم السبت 20 شوال 1416 هـ الموافق 9 مارس 1996م في الرياض في السعودية أثناء مشاركته في مؤتمر حول الإسلام وتحديات العصر الذي نظمه الحرس الوطني في فعالياته الثقافية السنوية المعروفة بـ (المهرجان الوطني للتراث والثقافة ـ الجنادرية) ودفن بمقبرة البقيع بالمدينة المنورة. حيث كان قد صرح قبله بأمنيته أن يدفن هناك. .. #اقرأ..✍️
#characters_with_impression, Imam #Muhammad_Al-Ghazali..? .. He is Muhammad al-Ghazali, an Egyptian Islamic scholar and thinker. He is considered one of the advocates of Islamic thought in the modern era. He was known for his renewal in Islamic thought and for being one of the “anti-extremism and extremism in religion,” as Abul-Ela Madi says. Al-Ghazali's criticism of the ruling regimes in the Islamic world caused him many problems, both during his stay in Egypt and in Saudi Arabia. .. He was born in the village of Nakla al-Anab, Itai al-Baroud, Buhaira Governorate, Egypt, on Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1335 AH / September 22, 1917 AD. He grew up in a “religious” family, and he had five brothers, so he completed memorizing the Qur’an with the village book at the age of ten, and Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali says about himself at the time: “I was training to master the memorization of recitation in my morning and my soul, and I concluded the Qur’an in the sequence of my prayers, before I fell asleep, and in my loneliness, I remember that I sealed it during my arrest, for the Qur’an was sociable in that lonely loneliness.” After that, he joined the Primary Religious Institute of Alexandria and remained at the institute until he obtained a certificate of competence and then the Azhar secondary certificate, and then he moved to Cairo in the year (1356 AH corresponding to 1937 AD) and joined the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion in Al-Azhar, and his writings began in the magazine (Muslim Brotherhood) during his studies in the year The third in the college, after getting to know Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the group. After that, his journey of preaching began through the mosques of Cairo, and he received knowledge from Sheikh Abdul Azim Al-Zarqani, Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Musa, Sheikh Muhammad Muhammad Al-Madani and other Al-Azhar scholars. Sheikh “Muhammad Al-Ghazali” was named by this name, as he wished from his father in the time of Imam Al-Ghazali. He saw in a dream Sheikh Al-Ghazali and told him “that he will have a son and advised him to name him after Al-Ghazali, so it was only from the father that he did what he saw in his dream. .. Al-Ghazali obtained the Azhar secondary certificate in 1937, then joined the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion in the same year, from which he graduated in 1941, where he specialized in advocacy and guidance. He received a global degree in 1943. In his youth, he joined the Muslim Brotherhood and was influenced by its first guide, Hassan al-Banna. He traveled to Algeria in 1984 AD to teach at Emir Abdelkader University of Islamic Sciences in Constantine, where he taught with many sheikhs such as Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and Sheikh Al-Bouti until the nineties of the twentieth century. He received many awards and honors, and was awarded the King Faisal Prize for Islamic Sciences in 1409 AH / 1989 AD. Al-Ghazali was arrested with those arrested after the dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1948, and was placed in al-Tur prison. After 1952, a dispute arose between Al-Ghazali and Hassan Al-Hudaybi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time, after which Al-Ghazali left the group. .. #His writings The Sunnah of the Prophet between the people of jurisprudence and the people of hadith. Muslim belief. Biographical jurisprudence. How do you understand Islam? The worries of an advocate. The secret of the delay of Arabs and Muslims. Constitution of cultural unity among Muslims. Muslim creation. Battle of the Qur'an. Problems in the path of Islamic life. Islam is slandered. Islam and Socialist Curricula. Islam and economic conditions. Islam and political tyranny. Islam and disabled energies. Colonialism is hatred and greed. In the calling procession. Intolerance and tolerance between Christianity and Islam. The reality of Arab nationalism. With God. Bitter right. Right shells. Religion struggle. From here we know. Commentary on the Qur'an. Cry of warning from advocates of Christianization. refresh your life. Islamic call. way from here. political corruption. The Five Axes of the Holy Qur'an. women in Islam. Reflections on religion and life. Our intellectual heritage in the balance of Sharia and reason. Vanity harvest. The art of remembrance and supplication at the Seal of the Prophets. How do we deal with the Qur'an? Darkness from the West. The Muslim family and the challenges of the age. Women's issues. Cultural breastfeeding of a Muslim child. refresh your life And many important works, where he wrote more than fifty works, and had a strong impact on the entire Islamic nation. .. He died on Saturday 20 Shawwal 1416 AH corresponding to March 9, 1996 AD in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, while participating in a conference on Islam and the challenges of the age, which was organized by the National Guard in its annual cultural activities known as the (National Festival for Heritage and Culture - Janadriyah) and was buried in Al-Baqi cemetery in Medina. Where he had stated before him his wish to be buried there. .. #Read.. ✍️
Aylin Üner on Google

Babama pazara yardıma gittiğim zamanlarda namaz kılmak için bu camiye geliyorum. Bazen kadınlar bölümü kapalı oluyor, erkekler bölümünden girip kadınlar bölümüne geçmek zorunda kalıyorum. Aslında böyle günlerde cami sorumlusu biraz daha düşünceli olup kadınlar bölümünün kapısını açık bırakmalı. Onun dışında cami güzel, düzenli. Kadınlar bölümünde namsz kılmaya geldiğimde genelde çocukların orada koşusturduğunu, oynadığını görüyorum. Her ne kadar cami de koşturmaları biraz tuhafıma gitse de çocuk bunlar bağırmayayım camiden soğumasınlar diye anlayışla karşılıyorum, bazen de muhabbet ediyoruz tatlı çocuklarla :d geleceğin elif nesli :)
When I go to help my father at the market, I come to this mosque to pray. Sometimes the women section is closed, I have to enter the men section and switch to the women section. In fact, on days like these, the mosque supervisor should be a little more considerate and leave the door of the women's section open. Apart from that, the mosque is beautiful and orderly. When I come to make a name for himself in the women's section, I usually see children running and playing there. Although it is a little weird for me to run around in the mosque, these are children so I don't shout, so they don't get cold from the mosque, I understand, and sometimes we chat with sweet children :d the future generation of elif :)
Igor Hensukutuk on Google

Çocukluğumun küçük kutu gibi camilerini anımsadım. İçi küçük ve huzur dolu. Avlusu büyük.
I remembered the little box-like mosques of my childhood. It is small and peaceful inside. The yard is big.

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