High Council of Judges and Prosecutors - High Council of Judges and Prosecutors

1/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact High Council of Judges and Prosecutors

Address :

06650 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey

Postal code : 06650
Categories :
City : Çankaya/Ankara

Hakan Yildiz on Google

Devlet Mahallesinde, Adalet Bakanlığının yanında gösterilen yerde Hâkimler ve Savcılar Kurumu yoktur. Hatanın giderilmesi gerekiyor. (Zaten adı da değişti, artık yüksek ibaresi bulunmamaktadır)
There is no Institution of Judges and Prosecutors in the State Neighborhood where the Ministry of Justice is located. The error needs to be fixed. (The name has already changed, no longer is high)

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