Hidirellez Pavilion

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hidirellez Pavilion

Address :

Yukarı, Unnamed Road, 38100 Kocasinan/Kayseri, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +97999
Website : http://www.kayseri.gov.tr/kocasinan1
Categories :
City : Kocasinan/Kayseri

Yukarı, Unnamed Road, 38100 Kocasinan/Kayseri, Turkey
Ahmet Teke on Google

Harika bir mekan. Tamir edenlere teşekkür ederim.
Great venue. Thanks to those who fixed it.
Abdulhalil Gürbüz on Google

Muhteşem manzarası olan bir yer, Kayseri kuş bakışı her yeri seyredilir. Şu anda hıdrellez köşkünü tadilat ve onarıma almışlar bu güzel bir olay, atıl ve mezbelelik gibi idi, Hıdırellez köşkünü çok güzel bşr şekilde tadilattan sonra orayı seyir tepwsi yapacaklarmış, kafe ve değişik piknik yerleri, bittiğinde Kayseri bana göre çok güzel bir vakit geçirecek yere kavuşacaktır...
A place with magnificent views, Kayseri bird's eye view is everywhere. Currently Hıdrellez pavilion and the renovations have taken to repair this beautiful event, and was discarded as messy, Heads of the pavilion Hidirellez very nice way to do there looking after renovation tepws they will, cafes and various picnic areas, Istanbul will become a nice place to spend a lot of time to me when you're done ...
Hasan Hüseyin Yüksekkaş on Google

Çocukluğumdan beri düşünürüm.Böyle bir tarihi bina dağın tepesine niçin yapıldı.? Nasıl yaptırıldı.? Çok büyük yapı taşları oraya nasıl çıkarıldı.? Herhalde çok büyük bir öneme sahip olmalıydı.! Bize anlatılanlara göre orası ,zamanın padişahının kızı çaresiz bir hastalığa yakalanır tedavisi için havası temiz bol oksikenli bir yere ihtiyaç vardır. Bu vesileyle bu tarihi bina yaptırılır.Sultan burada tedavi edilerek sağlığına kavuşur. Başka bir söylentide buranın o tarihlerde haberleşme yeri olarak (ateş yakarak) kullanılmasıdır. Şu anki neslin şu bilgiyi değerlendirmesinide öneririm. Gevher nesibe sultan kayseriye tüm hastalıkların tedavisi için zamanın hastahanesi olan külliyeyi yaptırmıştır. Bu hastahaneye ilave polikinik olarak, akciyer hastalıklarının tedavisi için burasını tedavi merkezi olarak düşünülebilir. Resimlerden görüleceği üzere ,gezip seyrisefer yapılacak bir yerdir.Buraya herne kadar hıdırellez köşkü densede Bence HIDIRELLEZ MÜZESİ demek daha uygun olur.nedenmi diyorsunuz! Aynısı birbaşka yerde yok.(dağın tepesinde böyle bir yapı) Fakat şu mesele çok önemli ; bazı kendini bilmez tarihi eserin önemini anlamaz kişiler tarafından, sprey boyalarla yazılar yazıp kirliliğe sebep olunuyor.Medeni cesareti olmayan (platonik aşıklar)İlan ı aşkını tarihi eser üzerinde dile getiriyor. Toplum olarak lütfen tarihi eserlerimize sahip çıkalım. Teşekkürler **************************** I've been thinking since my childhood. Why was such a historical building built on the top of the mountain? How was it built? How were the very large building blocks brought there? It must have been of great importance. On this occasion, this historical building was built. The Sultan was treated here and regained his health. Another rumor is that this place was used as a communication place (by lighting a fire) at that time. I would suggest the current generation to evaluate this information. Gevher Nesibe Sultan had the complex, which was the hospital of the time, built in Kayseri for the treatment of all diseases. As an additional polyclinic to this hospital, it can be considered as a treatment center for the treatment of lung diseases. As can be seen from the pictures, it is a place to visit. although it is called Hıdırellez Mansion I think it would be more appropriate to say HIDIRELLEZ MUSEUM. Why do you say?! The same is not found anywhere else. (such a structure on the top of the mountain) But this issue is very important; by people who do not understand the importance of some self-conscious historical artifact, they write with spray paints and cause pollution without moral courage (platonic lovers) The ad expresses his love on the historical artifact. As a society, let's protect our historical artifacts. Thank you
I've been thinking since my childhood. Why was such a historical building built on the top of the mountain? How was it made? How did the very large building blocks get there? It must have been of great importance! According to what we have been told, that place, the daughter of the sultan of the time, caught a helpless disease, and a place with clean air and plenty of oxygen is needed for her treatment. On this occasion, this historical building was built. The Sultan was treated here and regained his health. Another rumor is that this place was used as a communication place (by lighting a fire) at that time. I would suggest the current generation to evaluate this information. Gevher Nesibe Sultan had the complex, which was the hospital of the time, built in Kayseri for the treatment of all diseases. As an additional polyclinic to this hospital, it can be considered as a treatment center for the treatment of lung diseases. As can be seen from the pictures, it is a place to visit. although it is called Hıdırellez Mansion I think it would be more appropriate to say HIDIRELLEZ MUSEUM. Why do you say?! The same is not found anywhere else. (such a structure on the top of the mountain) But this issue is very important; by people who do not understand the importance of some ignorant historical artifact, they write with spray paints and cause pollution. without moral courage (platonic lovers) The ad expresses his love on the historical artifact. As a society, let's protect our historical artifacts. thanks **************************** I've been thinking since my childhood. Why was such a historical building built on the top of the mountain? How was it built? How were the very large building blocks brought there? It must have been of great importance. On this occasion, this historical building was built. The Sultan was treated here and regained his health. Another rumor is that this place was used as a communication place (by lighting a fire) at that time. I would suggest the current generation to evaluate this information. Gevher Nesibe Sultan had the complex, which was the hospital of the time, built in Kayseri for the treatment of all diseases. As an additional polyclinic to this hospital, it can be considered as a treatment center for the treatment of lung diseases. As can be seen from the pictures, it is a place to visit. although it is called Hıdırellez Mansion I think it would be more appropriate to say HIDIRELLEZ MUSEUM. Why do you say?! The same is not found anywhere else. (such a structure on the top of the mountain) But this issue is very important; by people who do not understand the importance of some self-conscious historical artifact, they write with spray paints and cause pollution without moral courage (platonic lovers) The name expresses his love on the historical artifact. As a society, let's protect our historical artifacts. Thank you
Taner on Google

Gerçekten Selçuklu Mirası bir köşk burayı araştırıp gittikten sonra bunu daha net anlayabilirsiniz . En önemli özelliği ise şuanda yapıda olmayan ama kitabesi bulunan tek köşk yapısı olması ve bunun yanı sıra köşkler içinde ibadet ile alakalı (mihrabın bulunduğu oda) olan tek köşk yapısıdır . İnstagram-tanersarli (restoratör Mimar)
You can understand this more clearly after you go through a Seljuk heritage mansion. The most important feature is that it is the only mansion structure that is not currently in the building but has an inscription, and besides, it is the only mansion structure related to worship (the room where the altar is located) in the mansions. İnstagram-tanersarli (restorer Architect)
halit erdoğan on Google

Kayseriye hakim Erkilet'te bir tepe Erciyesin kuzey kısmının tam karşısı muhteşem Kayseri manzarasını buradan izleyebilirsiniz.
A hill in Erkilet overlooking Kayseri, just opposite the northern part of Erciyes, you can watch the magnificent view of Kayseri from here.
Mehmet Han Ceyhan on Google

Kocasinan Belediyesi restore çalışmalarını tamamlamak üzere, ileride "Hıdırellez Gök Gözlem Evi" adıyla açmayı planlanıyor. Tarihe sahip çıkma/koruma ve gelecek nesillere aktarma açısından bakılınca Hıdırellez, çok geç kalınmış tarihi bir yapı olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Ancak müptezellerin bu yapıya daha fazla zarar verememesi açısından gayet olumlu proje olmuş.
Kocasinan Municipality is planning to open it under the name of "Hıdırellez Sky Observatory" in the future to complete the restoration works. Hıdırellez appears as a historical building that is too late in terms of protecting / preserving the history and passing it on to future generations. However, it has been a very positive project in terms of not being able to damage this structure more by addicts.
Duran “casabalanka” on Google

Manzara olarak muhteşem bir yer. Lakin duvarlarına yazılanlar, etrafındaki kırık içki şişeleri, yolunun rezaletligi hangisini saysam ki. Milletimizi anlamakta zorlanıyorum. Neden zarar verirsin ki. Buranın köşk veya tarihi bir yer olduğuna inanmak istemiyorum. Olsaydı sahip çıkılırdı diye düşünüyorum. Aksini aklım almaz lakin. Gozetleme kulesi olduguda söyleniyor. Yinede belediyenin en azından burayı bir isletme yeri olarak tahsis etmesi şuan ki halinden daha iyi olur.
It is an amazing place as a landscape. But whatever is written on the walls, the broken bottles around, the disgrace of your way I am having difficulty understanding our nation. Why would you hurt? I don't want to believe that this place is a mansion or a historical place. If it were, I think it would be protected. I wouldn't mind otherwise. It is said to be a watchtower. However, it would be better for the municipality to allocate at least the place of business than it is now.
Frank Toorenburg on Google

Great view over kayseri. It is a pity that they not restore this place. It stands on a beautiful place.

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