Guney Akdeniz Seyahat

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Guney Akdeniz Seyahat

Address :

Kızlarpınarı Mah.Aki Dizdaroğlu Sok, Otogar no:14, 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Alanya/Antalya

Kızlarpınarı Mah.Aki Dizdaroğlu Sok, Otogar no:14, 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey
Gökhan zorlu on Google

Binmeyin kesinlikle. 12 saatlik yolu 15 saatte gitti sürekli duruyor sürekli bir yerlere sapıyor. Böyle rezalet bir firma kalkış saatinde 30 dk geç kaldı bir daha asla bilet almam.
Definitely don't ride. He traveled the 12-hour road in 15 hours, he is constantly stopping and deviating from somewhere. Such a disgraceful company was 30 minutes late at the departure time, I will never buy a ticket again.
Aleksandra Gie on Google

Zdecydowanie nie polecam! Mielismy wyjechać z Hatay o 18:30, ale z powodu braku osób kurs został odwołany. Pojechaliśmy wiec wcześniejszym o 16:30… to była najgorsza decyzja w naszym życiu. Autobus zatrzymywał się co 15 minut, a nasze miejsca przypominały klatkę. Do tej pory bolą mnie kolana! Warto jeszcze wspomnieć o kąpiącej nam na głowy wodzie. Trzymajcie się od tej firmy z daleka.
I definitely do not recommend it! We were supposed to leave Hatay at 6.30pm, but the course was canceled due to a lack of people. So we went earlier at 4:30 pm ... it was the worst decision of our lives. The bus stopped every 15 minutes and our seats felt like a cage. So far my knees hurt! It is also worth mentioning the water that bathes us on our heads. Stay away from this company.
Mine Toprak on Google

Mersin - manavgat arası yolculuk yaptım tek kelime ile leşti. Giderken van gölü ile gittim adamlar çok daha iyiydi. Dolmuş gibi her yerde durdu 2 saat geç vardık binmeyin bindirmeyin
I traveled between Mersin and Manavgat, in one word, it's gone. On the way, I went with lake van, the guys were much better. It stopped everywhere as if it was full. We arrived 2 hours late, do not get on.
Saliha Kozok on Google

Güney Akdeniz turla Alanyaya üç bayan bilet aldık. Otobüse bindik koltuklar dolu. Durumu yetkiliye bildirdik. bineceğimiz koltukların satıldığını gideceğimiz saatteki tüm firmalar hareket ettiği için. Bize bulunan çözüm ya inecekmişiz, yada son koltukta gidecekmişiz. Böyle Bi saygısızlık görmedim. Kesinlikle tavsiye etmem.
We bought three female tickets to Alanya with the Southern Mediterranean tour. We got on the bus, the seats were full. We reported the situation to the official. because the seats we will get on are sold and all the companies are moving at the time we will go. The solution found for us was that we would either get off or go to the last seat. I have never seen such disrespect. I would definitely not recommend.
Ferhat Sarıkaya on Google

Slm güney akdeniz otobüsü hiç bir zaman kulanmığacam tek ve çift koltuklar yayları çıkmış ve koltuk yerinden oynuyor otobüs tv ve filmler göstermiyor ve çok kabalar vallah ben bir vatandaş olarak her ile gittim en nazik ve esadaş ve dadaş firması şöför ve host esprili ve medeni kibar ve mertler akdeniz ve bu firma hainlik kaypak ve yobazlar hansolar tövbe güney akdeniz ve metro asla
Slm south mediterranean bus I will never use, single and double seats springs are out and the seats are moving out of place. The bus does not show TV and movies and they are very rude. I swear I went with every one as a citizen, the most kind and friendly company, the driver and host are humorous and civilized, polite and virtuous. mediterranean and this company is treasonous and bigoted hansolar repent south mediterranean and metro never
Наталия on Google

tayfun kahraman on Google

András Szabó on Google

We went from Gazipasa to Manavgat. The service was simply excellent. Tesekkur ederiz!

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