Gulsehir Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

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Contact Gulsehir Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Address :

50900 Gülşehir/Nevşehir, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Gülşehir/Nevşehir

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Gulsehir ilce milli egitim mudurlugu nasil bir yorum yapilir bilmiyorum Butun ilceye bagli okullardaki ogretmen ve ogrencilerin ozluk islemlerinin yapildigi resmi bina diyebiliriz yada baskentle uc noktadaki okullarin baglantisinin saglandigi ara birim Gerci ne kadar bir yetkisi var tartisilir cunki bakanligin aldi kararlari uygulamaktan baska bir yetkiside yok onlara emanet ettigimiz yavrularimiza bir ebeveynden Dana fazla ilgilendiklerini inkar edemeyiz Allah o ogretmenletden razi olsun gercektende cok emek sarfediyorlar
I don't know how to comment on Gulsehir ilce national education directorate We can call it the official building where the personal procedures of teachers and students in all district schools are carried out, or the interface where the connection between the capital and the schools at three points is provided. It is arguable how much authority it has, because the ministry has no other authority other than implementing the decisions it has made, we cannot deny that they are more interested in our children, which we entrust to them, from a parent Dana, God be pleased with that teacher, they really work hard.

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