Gökçeoğlu Oto Tamir

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gökçeoğlu Oto Tamir

Address :

Necipbey Sk., 07425 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +987
Categories :
City : Alanya/Antalya

Necipbey Sk., 07425 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey
Akdora Yilmaz on Google

Kerim ustaya gece saatinde gelip bizi yolda kalmaktan kurtadigi icin cok tesekkurler eline emegine saglik
Thank you very much for coming to the master Kerim at night and saving us from being stuck on the road.
Hasan Hüseyin Teker on Google

Gökçeoğlu oto tamirde her şey itina ile yapılır bütün arkadaşlara öneririm.
Everything is done with care in Gökçeoğlu auto repair, I recommend it to all my friends.
erhan kocamemik on Google

En dürüst ve en iyi usta #alanizmir oto servisinin# 1500 TL dediği tamirin tamamını 550 TL ye yaptı ve araba yağ gibi oldu. hile kandırmaca yok ben parçaları aldım usta yaptı işçiliğimin fiyatı da bu dedi hem uygun fiyat hem güler yüzlü Allah sana uzun ömürler versin kerim ustam
The most honest and best master #alanizmir auto service made the repair, which was called # 1500 TL, to 550 TL and the car became like oil. no trick trick, I bought the pieces, master made it made, the price of my workmanship said this is both affordable price and good-humored Allah give you long life Kerim Ustam
Ozcan Yanik on Google

Gece gündüz aracinizi yatiracağiz güvenilir bir iş yerıdir güvenle aracinizi birakabilirsiniz usta işin eylidir tavsiye ederim
It is a reliable workplace where we will deposit your vehicle day and night, you can safely leave your vehicle, I recommend it.
Ibrahim Demirbas on Google

Heryerde bulunabilecek bir drksiyon kayışi ve heryerde bulamayen ben ustam el attınca heryerden direksiyon kayışı çıkmaya başladı eline koluna sağlık ustam
A steering belt that can be found everywhere and when my master tried to find it everywhere, steering belt started to come out from everywhere, thank you my master.
GÖKHAN EFE on Google

Malzeme istiyorlar sen gidip getiriyorsun 2 veya 3 defa malzeme almaya gidiyorsun koşup duruyorsun, malzeme istiyorlar araca da kullanmıyorlar, iade et parasını da al demiyorlar. YAPTIKLARI İŞİN GARANTİSİ YOK, BİR PARÇAYI TAKARKEN DİĞER PARÇAYI BOZUYORLARve gidip söylediğinizde bakmıyorlar ilgilenmiyorlar. HİÇ TAVSİYE ETMEM PARANIZLA REZİL OLMAYIN !
They want materials, you go and fetch them. THERE IS NO WARRANTY ON THE WORK THAT THEY DO, WHEN ATTACHING ONE PART, THEY DROPPED THE OTHER PART, and when you go and tell them, they don't look at it, they don't care. I EVER RECOMMEND DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED WITH YOUR MONEY!
Pavel Bo on Google

Я делал здесь замену моторного масла в своём автомобиле TOYOTA PRIUS. Мастер Керим знает своё дело, всё сделал аккуратно. Также он сделал визуальный осмотр подвески и продул сжатым воздухом подкапотное пространство и воздушный фильтр. Я наблюдал за происходящим, для него это не проблема, как для других мастеров, в других сервисах. Керим сразу предложил чаю. Чай мне тоже понравился))) У меня было своё масло и фильтр. За всё он взял с меня 50 лир. Всем рекомендую! ?
I did the engine oil change in my TOYOTA PRIUS car here. Master Kerim knows his business, he did everything carefully. He also made a visual inspection of the suspension and blew compressed air into the engine compartment and air filter. I watched what is happening, for him this is not a problem, as for other masters in other services. Kerim immediately offered tea. I also liked tea))) I had my own oil and filter. For everything, he took 50 lira from me. I recommend to everyone! ?
Martin Ritter on Google

Small place. Good prompt honest job. Twice already

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