Çetinkaya Köprüsü

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Contact Çetinkaya Köprüsü

Address :

55400 Bafra/Samsun, Turkey

Website : https://samsun.ktb.gov.tr/TR-227207/cetinkaya-koprusu.html
Categories :
City : Bafra/Samsun

55400 Bafra/Samsun, Turkey
Ayhan SEKMEN on Google

Bir ismide gelin köprüsü Cumhuriyetimizin ilçemizde ki ilk ve büyük eserlerinden biridir. Kızılırmak üzerinde karşıdan karşıya geçiş 1937’den önceki devirlerde 650 m. uzunluğundaki ahşap bir köprü ile sağlanıyordu. Kalın kalaslar üzerine çok ilkel bir şekilde inşa edilen, kıyıları ince tahta korkulukla korunmaya çalışılmış köprü, üzerinden geçenler için gerçekten çok büyük bir tehlike arz ediyordu. Bunu gayet iyi bilen başta zamanın Belediye Başkanı Zihni Lokman Bey (1934-1938) olmak üzere diğer bazı ilgililer; yeni ve betonarme bir köprü yaptırabilmek için Ankara nezdinde teşebbüse geçtiler. Devamlı irtibat, müspet sonuç verdi. Ve zamanın Nafia (Ulaştırma) Bakanı Ali Çetinkaya yeni köprünün yapımı ile bizzat ilgilendi. Nihayet 1937 yılı Kasım ayının 4. günü köprü, büyük ve heyecanlı bir törenle hizmete açıldı. İsmi, zamanın Nafia Bakanına izafeten Ali Çetinkaya köprüsü oldu. Zamanın en güzel ve mükemmel eserlerinden olan Çetinkaya Köprüsü 7 kemerli olup, 250 m. uzunluğundadır.
Bridal Bridge is one of the first and great works of our Republic in our county. The crossing on the Kızılırmak was 650 m in the periods before 1937. It was provided by a long wooden bridge. The bridge, which was built in a very primitive way on thick planks, and whose shores were tried to be protected with thin wooden railings, posed a great danger to those who passed over it. Knowing this very well, the Mayor of the time, Zihni Lokman Bey (1934-1938), and some other relevant people; They started an attempt in Ankara to have a new reinforced concrete bridge built. Constant contact yielded positive results. And the Nafia (Transport) Minister of the time, Ali Çetinkaya, was personally involved in the construction of the new bridge. Finally, on the 4th day of November 1937, the bridge was put into service with a great and exciting ceremony. Its name was Ali Çetinkaya Bridge, after the Minister of Public Works at the time. Çetinkaya Bridge, one of the most beautiful and perfect works of its time, has 7 arches and is 250 m. is long.
S. Dincer on Google

Çetinkaya Köprüsü Cumhuriyetimizin ilçemizde ki ilk ve büyük eserlerinden biridir. Kızılırmak üzerinde karşıdan karşıya geçiş 1937’den önceki devirlerde 650 m. uzunluğundaki ahşap bir köprü ile sağlanıyordu. Kalın kalaslar üzerine çok ilkel bir şekilde inşa edilen, kıyıları ince tahta korkulukla korunmaya çalışılmış köprü, üzerinden geçenler için gerçekten çok büyük bir tehlike arz ediyordu. Bunu gayet iyi bilen başta zamanın Belediye Başkanı Zihni Lokman Bey (1934-1938) olmak üzere diğer bazı ilgililer; yeni ve betonarme bir köprü yaptırabilmek için Ankara nezdinde teşebbüse geçtiler. Devamlı irtibat, müspet sonuç verdi. Ve zamanın Nafia (Ulaştırma) Bakanı Ali Çetinkaya yeni köprünün yapımı ile bizzat ilgilendi. Nihayet 1937 yılı Kasım ayının 4. günü köprü, büyük ve heyecanlı bir törenle hizmete açıldı. İsmi, zamanın Nafia Bakanına izafeten Ali Çetinkaya köprüsü oldu. Zamanın en güzel ve mükemmel eserlerinden olan Çetinkaya Köprüsü 7 kemerli olup, 250 m. uzunluğundadır. [Çetinkaya Köprüsü, ilçe için sembolik değeri olan 1937 yılında yapılmış, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi yapılarındandır. 250 metre uzunluğundaki beton köprü 7 bölümlüdür. Kemer görünümlü her bir bölümde, düşeyde dokuzar adet taşıyıcısı olan ve 3 kiriş ile bağlanmış olan köprünün zemini beton parke taşıyla kaplanmıştır. Köprü ayakları düzgün kesme taş ile kaplanmıştır. Düğün konvoylarının geçtiği, anı değeri yüksek bir yapıdır.] ÇETİNKAYA BRIDGE It is the first and the least structure constructed in our town after the Republic was found. Before 1937, crossing Kızılırmak from one side to the other was possible only with the wooden bridge (650 m long) over the river. It was a very primitive one indeed, standing on massive catwalks, surrounded by thin wooden barriers and this was a huge danger for the people passing over it. Zihni Lokman Bey, the mayor of the time (1934-1938), who were aware of the danger, entered into constructing a new concrete bridge by forwarding the issue to the authorities in Ankara. Their efforts finally showed result. Minister of Transportation at the time, deceased Ali Çetinkaya personally dealt with the construction of the bridge. On November, the 4th, in 1937, the bridge was put into service with a big ceremony. The bridge took its name from the minister, Ali Çetinkaya. Çetinkaya bridge, one of the most beautiful and perfect bridges of the time, is 250 m long and has 7 arches. [Çetinkaya Bridge, built in 1937, is one the early Republican era structures which has a symbolic value for the town. The concrete bridge has 250m length and composed of 7 pieces. Every arch looking piece has 9 vertical columns and the  floor of the bridge is covered with concrete paving stone.  During the marriage seremonies, passing the bridge on foot is an indispensable tradition for the couples.]
Cetinkaya Bridge It is one of the first and great works of our republic in our district. The crossing on the Kızılırmak was 650 m in the periods before 1937. It was provided by a long wooden bridge. The bridge, which was built on thick planks in a very primitive way and whose shores were tried to be protected with thin wooden railings, was really a great danger for those who passed over it. Knowing this very well, the Mayor of the time, Zihni Lokman Bey (1934-1938), and some other interested people; They started an attempt in Ankara to have a new reinforced concrete bridge built. Constant contact yielded positive results. And the Nafia (Transport) Minister of the time, Ali Çetinkaya, was personally involved in the construction of the new bridge. Finally, on the 4th day of November 1937, the bridge was put into service with a great and exciting ceremony. Its name was Ali Çetinkaya Bridge, after the Minister of Public Works at the time. Çetinkaya Bridge, one of the most beautiful and perfect works of its time, has 7 arches and is 250 m. is long. [The Çetinkaya Bridge, which has a symbolic value for the district, was built in 1937 and is one of the early Republican period structures. 250 meters long concrete bridge has 7 sections. The floor of the bridge, which has nine vertical carriers in each arch-like section and is connected by 3 beams, is covered with concrete paving stones. The bridge piers are covered with smooth cut stone. It is a structure with high memory value, where wedding convoys pass.] CETINKAYA BRIDGE It is the first and the least structure constructed in our town after the Republic was found. Before 1937, crossing Kızılırmak from one side to the other was possible only with the wooden bridge (650 m long) over the river. It was a very primitive one indeed, standing on massive catwalks, surrounded by thin wooden barriers and this was a huge danger for the people passing over it. Zihni Lokman Bey, the mayor of the time (1934-1938), who were aware of the danger, entered into constructing a new concrete bridge by forwarding the issue to the authorities in Ankara. Their efforts finally showed result. Minister of Transportation at the time, deceased Ali Çetinkaya personally dealt with the construction of the bridge. On November, the 4th, in 1937, the bridge was put into service with a big ceremony. The bridge took its name from the minister, Ali Çetinkaya. Çetinkaya bridge, one of the most beautiful and perfect bridges of the time, is 250 m long and has 7 arches. [Çetinkaya Bridge, built in 1937, is one of the early Republican era structures which has a symbolic value for the town. The concrete bridge has 250m length and composed of 7 pieces. Every arch looking piece has 9 vertical columns and the floor of the bridge is covered with concrete paving stone. During the marriage ceremonies, passing the bridge on foot is an indisputable tradition for the couples.]
Musa YILMAZ on Google

Kızılırmak üzerinde Samsun Bafra'da bulunan eşsiz güzellikleri içinde barındırıyor. Her ne kadar Kılırmakta su debisi azalmıştır olsa güzellikleriyle göz kamaştorıcıydı.
It contains the unique beauties located in Samsun Bafra on the Kızılırmak. Although the flow of water in Kilirmak has decreased, it was dazzling with its beauties.
İslam Oruç on Google

Köprünün hikayesi Düğün alayının köprüden geçmesi sırasında gelinin nehre düşerek boğulmasından sonra, düğünlerde bir gelenek olarak düğün alayı köprüden yürüyerek geçmektedir. Neşat Ertaş’ın yazdığı ve söylediği “Köprüden geçti gelin” türküsünün hikayesi şöyledir: Köprünün Üzerinden gelin alayı geçerken atların uçan bir kartaldan ürkmesi ve köprünün yıkılarak gelin ve gelin alayının nehirde boğularak can vermesi üzerine ‘Köprüden Geçti Gelin’ türküsü yazılmıştır. Çetinkaya Köprüsü’nde, yaşanan acı olayın ardından gelin alayı geleneği günümüzde de halen devam etmektedir. Bölgede gelenek haline gelen, olayda can veren gelin ve gelin alayının anısına, atlarla gelin almaya gidilirken eski ahşap köprünün üstünden geçilirmiş. Bu gelinin anısına Bafra'da bir gelenek olmuştur. Şu anda her gelin mutlaka köprüden geçer, köprüde arabalar durup inilir ve ırmağa taş atılır. "KÖPRÜDEN GEÇTİ GELİN! Köprüden Geçti Gelin Saç Bağın Düştü Gelin. Diloy Loy Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Söz Anlamaz Ne Fayda. Eğil Bir Yol Öpeyim, Gençliğim Geçti Gelin. Diloy Loy Diloy Diloy Diloy Diloy Loy, Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Söz Anlamaz Ne Fayda. Köprüden Geçemiyom, Az Doldur İçemiyom. Diloy Loy Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Söz Anlamaz Ne Fayda. Sen Benden Geçtin Ama, Ben Senden Geçemiyom… Diloy Loy Diloy Diloy Diloy Diloy Loy, Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Söz Anlamaz Ne Fayda.
The story of the bridge After the bride drowned by falling into the river while the wedding procession was crossing the bridge, as a tradition at weddings, the wedding procession crosses the bridge on foot. The story of the song "Bride over the bridge" written and sung by Neşat Ertaş is as follows: The song 'The Bride Crossed the Bridge' was written when the horses were frightened by a flying eagle while the bridal procession was passing over the bridge, and the bridge collapsed and the bride and the bride procession drowned in the river. After the tragic event on Çetinkaya Bridge, the tradition of bridal procession still continues today. In memory of the bride and the bridal procession, which became a tradition in the region, one used to cross the old wooden bridge while riding horses. It has been a tradition in Bafra to commemorate the bride. At this time, every bride must cross the bridge, cars stop and get off on the bridge and stones are thrown into the river. "COME OVER THE BRIDGE! Bride Crossed the Bridge Bride With A Hair Tie Down. Diloy Loy Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Words Don't Understand What Use. Don't Let Me Kiss A Way, My Youth Is Over, Bride. Diloy Loy Diloy Diloy Diloy Diloy Loy, Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Words Don't Understand What Use. I Can't Cross the Bridge, I Can't Drink a Little Fill. Diloy Loy Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Words Don't Understand What Use. You Passed Me But, I Can't Get Over You… Diloy Loy Diloy Diloy Diloy Diloy Loy, Halden Bilmez Diloy Loy, Words Don't Understand What Use.

Kızılırmak üzerinde tarihi bir köprü Sinop Samsun yolunda. Bafra'da bulunuyor
A historical bridge over the Kızılırmak is on the way to Sinop Samsun. located in Bafra
Bilgehan Tunçay on Google

Köprü ve nehir kenarındaki yürüyüş / bisiklet imkânları güzel. Bisiklet yolu biraz kısa.
The walking/cycling opportunities along the bridge and riverside are nice. The bike path is a little short.
Güngör DOĞANAY on Google

Bafra'da Kızılırmak Nehri üzerinde bulunan ve Neşet Ertaş'ın 'Köprüden geçti gelin' türküsüne de konu olan Çetinkaya Köprüsü, türküye kaynak olan hikayenin anısına günümüzde de düğün öncesi gelin ve damatlar tarafından ziyaret edilmekte ve 'Gelin Köprüsü' olarak da bilinmektedir.
Çetinkaya Bridge, which is located on the Kızılırmak River in Bafra and is the subject of Neşet Ertaş's song "The Bride Crossed the Bridge", is still visited by brides and grooms before the wedding, in memory of the story that was the source of the song, and is also known as the "Bride Bridge".
Arn Libot on Google

Nice place to take a break.

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