Cappaguide: Экскурсии по Каппадокии - Müze Cd.

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Contact Cappaguide: Экскурсии по Каппадокии

Address :

Müze Cd., 50400 Göreme/Nevşehir Merkez/Nevşehir, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +9779
Postal code : 50400
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Categories :
City : Göreme/Nevşehir Merkez/Nevşehir

Müze Cd., 50400 Göreme/Nevşehir Merkez/Nevşehir, Turkey
Yulia Skrybantovich on Google

Экскурсии интересные не только фактами из истории, но и современными примерами из жизни. Прекрасная организация и тайминг — очень часто приезжали на локации до ажиотажа и толп других туристов. Всё организовано до мелочей, плюс приятные сюрпризы и настроение)))Спасибо за позитивные впечатления и воспоминания.
The excursions are interesting not only with facts from history, but also with modern examples from life. Excellent organization and timing - very often they came to the location before the excitement and crowds of other tourists. Everything is organized to the smallest detail, plus pleasant surprises and mood))) Thank you for your positive impressions and memories.
Maryna Todoriv on Google

Удивительные красоты Каппадокии:пейзажи,как на Марсе,долины и каньоны, подземные города и т.д!Нас сопровождала гид Юлия.Как интересно и доступно она рассказывала обо всех этих сложных тектонических процессах. А вы знаете как образовался базальт и обсидиан?Нас завозили на самые красивые смотровые площадки,и Юля подсказывала,как лучше выбрать ракурс.На память сделали сотни фоток!Спасибо,Юле,за рассказы о традициях,сувенирах, кухне Турции,а урок турецкого языка,пошел на пользу!
The amazing beauty of Cappadocia: landscapes, like on Mars, valleys and canyons, underground cities, etc.! We were accompanied by a guide Julia. How interesting and accessible she told about all these complex tectonic processes. Do you know how basalt and obsidian formed? We were brought to the most beautiful viewing platforms, and Yulia suggested how to choose the best angle. Hundreds of photos were taken as a keepsake! Thank you, Yulia, for stories about traditions, souvenirs, Turkish cuisine, and a lesson in Turkish , did it good!
Юлия Каримова on Google

Наше знакомство с Каппадокией прошло в компании с гидом Юлией, очень дружелюбной, открытой и позитивной девушкой. Она буквально влюбила нас в этот великолепный край, обласканный солнцем и тёплыми ветрами. За время нашей встречи мы получили исчерпывающую информацию об истории, обычаях, традициях данного региона в частности и Турции в целом. Хотелось бы отметить высокий профессионализм, широкий кругозор, прекрасные коммуникативные навыки и великолепное чувство юмора нашего гида Юлии. Экскурсия прошла в атмосфере дружеского общения и взаимного интереса, оставила массу приятных впечатлений, положительных эмоций и огромное желание вернуться в Каппадокию ещё.
Our acquaintance with Cappadocia took place in the company of our guide Julia, a very friendly, open and positive girl. She literally made us fall in love with this magnificent land, caressed by the sun and warm winds. During our meeting, we received comprehensive information about the history, customs, traditions of this region in particular, and Turkey in general. I would like to note the high professionalism, broad outlook, excellent communication skills and a great sense of humor of our guide Julia. The excursion took place in an atmosphere of friendly communication and mutual interest, left a lot of pleasant impressions, positive emotions and a great desire to return to Cappadocia again.
Yulia on Google

Хочу выразить огромную благодарность гиду Юлие. Это тот редкий случай, когда человек живет своим делом. Вся информация преподносится максимально просто, но от этого не менее интересно. Было очень приятно познакомиться с такой прекрасной, интересной и душевной семьей гидов, как Юлия и Хакан. Общение с вами оставило самые приятные и теплые воспоминания. С первых минут общения создается максимально дружеская атмосфера и кажется, что ты встретил старых друзей, которых просто очень давно не видел. Каппадокия была моей давней мечтой, которую мне удалось исполнить. И я очень рада, что проводником по этой мечте была такая прекрасная девушка как вы. P.S. У меня появилась новая мечта - зимняя Каппадокия). Надеюсь, что сможем продолжить наше знакомство!❤ Семья гидов Юлии и Хакана однозначно 100 процентный рекомендасьйон! Çok teşekkür ederim!
I want to express my deep gratitude to the guide Julia. This is that rare case when a person lives by his own business. All information is presented as simply as possible, but this makes it no less interesting. It was a pleasure to meet such a wonderful, interesting and sincere family of guides like Julia and Khakan. Communication with you left the most pleasant and warm memories. From the first minutes of communication, the most friendly atmosphere is created and it seems that you have met old friends whom you simply have not seen for a very long time. Cappadocia was my old dream, which I managed to fulfill. And I am very glad that such a beautiful girl like you was a guide in this dream. P.S. I have a new dream - winter Cappadocia). Hope we can continue our acquaintance! ❤ The family of guides Julia and Hakan is definitely 100% recommendation! Çok teşekkür ederim!
Николай Ганжа on Google

Впечатления самые яркие. Казалось бы - зима. -4 градуса. НО: полет на шаре заставил забыть о таких мелочах. Сбылась давняя мечта: полетать на шаре, при этом еще и в Каппадокии. С организаторами полетов нам просто повезло. Как-то все быстро, "гладко", понятно, как будто само собой. Если о деталях: интересным было все, начиная с добирания на место, надувания шаров. и заканчивая посадкой и развозкой. Мы ехали из Кайсери на авто. Удобно и быстро. Плюс - нет зависимости от автобуса, который всех собирает. И самое главное - вообще не страшно)) Летайте - не пожалеете. Особенно в Каппадокии!
The impressions are the brightest. It would seem - winter. -4 degrees. BUT: flying on a balloon made me forget about such trifles. An old dream has come true: to fly on a balloon, while also in Cappadocia. We were just lucky with the flight organizers. Somehow everything is fast, "smooth", understandable, as if by itself. If about the details: everything was interesting, starting with getting to the place, inflating the balloons. and ending with boarding and delivery. We drove from Kayseri by car. Convenient and fast. Plus - there is no dependence on the bus that collects everyone. And most importantly - it's not scary at all)) Fly - you won't regret it. Especially in Cappadocia!
Ana Grigorescu on Google

Ok, so, first of all, he is the best guide i've ever seen. He tells you a lot of info regarding the area, the history of it, very patient with everyone. My father is 60 years old, and when we got into the underground city, he had some problems with his knees in some tunnels that were very tiny and the guide always asked if he is ok, if he needs anything. Then, in the Ihlara Valley, we couldn't go down the 300 stairs into the canion and he got us another way to entry in it. He gives you all the info you aak and even more. Very pleasent, sociable, reliable, the only guide we'll ever use when in Goreme.
Zainab Asharaf on Google

I was travelling on my own and was a little nervous but I had a great time in cappadocia. Hakan is a great guide and an amazing photographer. He ensured my safety all the times and took me to great places. I'll recommend him to anyone planning to go to cappadocia.
Marta Teixeira on Google

I travelled to Turkey all around with my mother and a friend. Hakan guided us for two days in Cappadocia and we were very lucky to have him as a guide. Beyond the fact he knows a lot about history and the whole area, he is the sweetest person, very careful with us and specially with my mom. Those were two days getting to know beautiful places and having lots of fun, cause he is very smart and funny as well. He also helped us to plan another guided-free day... And his lovely wife Julia was great too. She organised everything for us, getting the best prices for balloons and other hints on how to travel around. We felt we were getting advices with friends and family. I do not hesitate to recommend them on your trip to Turkey. <3

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