Atatürk House - Atatürk House

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06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey

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Postal code : 06560
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City : Yenimahalle/Ankara

06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey
Bülent Geçgel on Google

İnceleme Makinası on Google

Atatürkün selanikteki doğduğu evin replikası,Biraz bakımsız gibi geldi. Gidilip görülmesi gerekli
The replica of the house where Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki seemed a little neglected. Must be seen
Fatma Ulusoy on Google

1981 yolunda ATO ve bir kaç kişi tarafından orjinalini birebir aynı ölçülerinde yaptırılan Atatürk Evi Müzesi çocukluğumda sok sık gittiğim bir mekanda. Akşamları çiftliğe yürüyüşe gittiğimizde dondurmalarımızı alıp oranın bahçesinde oturup yerdik. Orada bisiklete binmeye yürüyüş yapmaya giderdik. Ama son gidişimde çok kötü gördüm, boyaları dökülüyor, panjurları kurulmuş, duvarları çatlamış. Bahçesi solmuş. Oradaki görevli yakın zamanda restorasyona girmesinin planlandığını söyledi. Umarım bir an önce başlar. Atamın adını taşıyan bir yerin bu durumda olması üzücü.
Atatürk House Museum, which was built by ATO and a few people on the road in 1981, in exactly the same dimensions as the original, is a place I often went to when I was a child. When we went for a walk to the farm in the evening, we took our ice cream and sat there in its garden. We used to go cycling and hiking there. But the last time I went, I saw it badly, the paint was falling off, the shutters were installed, the walls were cracked. Her garden is faded. The official there said that it was planned for restoration soon. I hope it starts as soon as possible. It is a pity that a place named after my ancestor is in this situation.
علوش تركماني A1_R8 on Google

منزل اتاتورك خلال حرب الاستقلال يقع منزل اتاتورك (ataturk evi muzesi ) في محطة سكة حديد أنقرة ، التي بنيت خلال بناء سكة حديد بغداد. بعد وصول أتاتورك إلى أنقرة في 27 ديسمبر 1919 ، تم استخدام المبنى كمساكن له لفترة طويلة من الزمن. شهد اتخاذ القرارات المحلية والدولية الأكثر أهمية خلال الأعوام 1920-1922. على سبيل المثال ، تم وضع الخطط الخاصة بهجوم حرب الاستقلال هنا ؛ تم الاتفاق على المعاهدة مع الفرنسيين وتوقيعها هنا في 21 أكتوبر 1921 ، وتم اتخاذ قرار تشكيل الجمعية الوطنية الكبرى هنا في 23 أبريل 1920. يتم الاحتفال بهذا الأخير كل عام باعتباره عيد الأطفال. ترميم منزل اتاتورك تم ترميم المبنى بواسطة السكك الحديدية التركية الحكومية (TCDD) وافتتح للسياح كمتحف في 24 ديسمبر 1964. وكان الغرض من ذلك هو الحفاظ على ذكريات “القائد العظيم” في هذا المبنى ، الذي له دور خاص في تاريخ الجمهورية التركية. يشتمل الطابق العلوي على دراسة أتاتورك وقاعة اجتماعات وغرفة نوم. يستخدم الطابق الأرضي كمتحف للسكك الحديدية ، حيث يتم عرض الأشياء والوثائق المتعلقة بالسكك الحديدية الموجودة منذ عام 1858. العرض في منزل اتاتورك مقسم إلى خمسة أقسام. الأول يحتوي على ميداليات السكك الحديدية التذكارية ، والمقصات المستخدمة في احتفالات الافتتاح للخطوط المختلفة وأدوات المائدة الفضية التي كانت تستخدم في سيارة المطعم. يتضمن القسم الثاني عرضًا للأختام والشهادات وبطاقات الهوية المستخدمة خلال فترة الإمبراطورية العثمانية. هناك أيضًا نموذج عمل لقاطرة البخار تم تقديمه إلى أول مدير عام للسكك الحديدية ، Behiç Erkin ، من قبل إدارة السكك الحديدية الألمانية. يحتوي القسم الثالث على عربة سكة حديد صغيرة مذهبة قدمتها الحكومة البريطانية إلى السلطان عبد العزيز ، إلى جانب مكتب ، مزينة باللؤلؤ ، وساعات الحائط التي استخدمها السلطان في قطاره الشخصي. يتكون القسم الرابع في منزل اتاتورك من نماذج القاطرات وسيارات الشحن وعربات الركاب التي تستخدمها السكك الحديدية التركية الحكومية. يشتمل القسم الخامس والأخير على أمثلة لأجهزة الهاتف والتلغراف المستخدمة في العهد العثماني ، إلى جانب طراز سيارة السجن التي وضعها البريطانيون في الخدمة عام 1905.
Ataturk's house during the War of Independence Ataturk house (ataturk evi muzesi) is located in Ankara railway station, which was built during construction of Baghdad railway. After Ataturk arrived in Ankara on December 27, 1919, the building was used as his residence for an extended period of time. It witnessed the most important domestic and international decisions during the years 1920-1922. For example, plans for an independence war attack were laid out here; the treaty with the French was agreed and signed here on October 21, 1921, The decision to form the Grand National Assembly was taken here on April 23, 1920. The latter is celebrated every year as Children's Day. Restoration of Ataturk's house The building was restored by the Turkish State Railways (TCDD) and opened to tourists as a museum on December 24, 1964. The purpose was to preserve the memories of the "great leader" in this building, Which has a special role in the history of the Turkish Republic. The upper floor includes Ataturk study, meeting room and bedroom. The ground floor is used as a railway museum, Where are the objects and documents related to the railways that exist since 1858. The offer at Ataturk House is divided into five sections. The first contains commemorative rail medals, And the scissors used in the opening ceremonies of the different lines and silver cutlery that was used in the restaurant car. The second section includes a presentation of the seals, certificates, and ID cards used during the period of the Ottoman Empire. There is also a steam locomotive business model presented to the first rail general manager, Behiç Erkin, by the German Railways Administration. The third section contains a gilded small railway car provided by the British government to Sultan Abdul Aziz, along with an office, decorated with pearls, and wall clocks that the sultan used on his personal train. The fourth section of Ataturk's house consists of models of locomotives, freight cars and passenger vehicles used by the Turkish government railways. The fifth and final section includes examples of telephone and telegraph devices used during the Ottoman era, as well as the model of the prison vehicle that the British put into service in 1905.
Samet Gokbulut on Google

Atamızın Selanik teki evinin benzeri bir müze. İçerisi birebir benzetilmeye çalışılmış. Orjinal halini görmediğimden ne kadar benzediği hakkında fikrim yok. Atmosferi güzel. Tavsiye ederim
A museum similar to our ancestor's house in Thessaloniki. An attempt has been made to emulate the interior. I have no idea how similar it is as I haven't seen the original version. The atmosphere is nice. I advise
Mustafa KAYA on Google

Gidip görülmesi gereken muhteşem bir yer. Tavsiyem gitmeden önce kültür Bakanlığı'nın sitesinden evin özellikleriyle ilgili bilgi almanız. Girişteki hanımefendi birtakım bilgilendirmeleri yapıyor ama yinede araştırmakta fayda var.
An amazing place to go and see. My advice is to get information about the features of the house from the website of the Ministry of Culture before you go. The lady at the entrance gives some information, but it is still useful to investigate.
Ekrem Ekici on Google

Her Ankaralının gelip görmesi gereken bir yer. Gazi Parkın tam karşısında, konumu gayet kolay. Giriş ücretsiz, atmosferi harika. Müze görevlisi bayan, çok ilgili, nezaketli; ayrıca çok güzel konuşuyor. Bilgilendirmesi harikaydı.
It is a place that every Ankara citizen should come and see. The location is very easy, right across Gazi Park. The entrance is free, the atmosphere is great. The museum attendant lady is very interested, courteous; He also speaks very well. His information was great.
aslinur4 on Google

The best!!

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