Antik Barajı - Antik Barajı

3.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Antik Barajı

Address :

19600 Örükaya/Alaca/Çorum, Turkey

Postal code : 19600
Categories :
City : Örükaya/Alaca/Çorum

19600 Örükaya/Alaca/Çorum, Turkey
Davut aykaç on Google

Russ Bailey on Google

The area is closed. You can only take a photo with a long lens from over the fence.
Jash Rijvers on Google

Very interesting place. The dam is from the Roman period and there are other remains above the dam that are thought to be dwellings. Excavations are still ongoing on both the dam and the other ruins as of fall 2018. While the site is certainly interesting for hardcore history buffs there isn't much to see and access is restricted.

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