15 Temmuz Şehitleri Anıtı - Mamak Cd.

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Contact 15 Temmuz Şehitleri Anıtı

Address :

Mamak Cd., 06620 Mamak/Ankara, Turkey

Phone : 📞 +99879
Postal code : 06620
Categories :
City : Mamak/Ankara

Mamak Cd., 06620 Mamak/Ankara, Turkey
Burak Ceylan on Google

Şehitlerimizi saygıyla anıyoruz.
We respectfully remember our martyrs.
ekrem has on Google

Hoş vakit geçirmek için hoş bir mekan
Nice place to have a nice time
Kadir BEGİT on Google

Bazı suriyeli köpekler anıta saygısızlık yapmışlar. Bunların dersini vermeliler. Yoksa bu millet bu dersi kendisi iyi verecek.
Some Syrian dogs disrespect the monument. They should teach them. Otherwise, these folks will teach this lesson well.
Ahmet Aygen on Google

15 Temmuz 2016 Hain FETÖ örgütünün darbe girişimi sonucu şehit olan kahraman Türk halkı adına yapılan bu anıt, Ankara, Mamak ilçesi, Mehtap Mahallesi Mamak Caddesi üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Bu kalkışmada şehit olan bütün kahramanlarımıza Allah'tan rahmet diliyorum.
Made on behalf of the heroic Turkish people who died as a result of the coup attempt of the treacherous FETÖ organization on July 15, 2016, this monument is located on Mamak Street in Mehtap Mahallesi, Ankara, Mamak district. I wish God's mercy to all our heroes martyred in this struggle.
Hepsi Kafama Göre on Google

Mamak Belediyesi tarafından inşa edilen ve halkın cesaretini simgeleyen 15 Temmuz Şehitleri Anıtı açıldı. Tankların durdurulduğu Mamak Caddesi üzerinde 15 metre yüksekliğinde inşa edilen anıtta, Ankara ve İstanbul’da şehit olan 249 vatandaş birer yıldızla temsil ediliyor.
The 15 July Martyrs' Monument, built by the Mamak Municipality and symbolizing the courage of the people, was opened. The 249 citizens who were martyred in Ankara and Istanbul are represented with a star in the monument, which was built at a height of 15 meters on Mamak Street where the tanks were stopped.
علوش تركماني A1_R8 on Google

في محاولة الانقلاب في 15 يوليو 2016 ، هاجم المخربون تمثال الضابط الصغير عمر Halisdemir ، الذي قتل على يد جنود المجلس العسكري الذين أطلقوا النار على اللواء المؤيد للانقلاب سميح ترزي ، الذي حاول الاستيلاء على قيادة القوات الخاصة ، واستشهد من قبل الجنود. تضرر الأشخاص المجهولون من تمثال عمر Halisdemir في ذكرى شهداء 15 يوليو ، الذي افتتح في 15 يوليو 2017 ، ذكرى محاولة الانقلاب ، التي بناها بلدية ماماك في شارع ماماك. سرقت البندقية في يد Halisdemir من قبل المخربين ، مما أدى إلى إتلاف التمثال. النصب ، الذي تم بناؤه على ارتفاع 15 مترًا حيث يمثل النجم 249 شهيدًا ، يتضمن صورًا من البطولة في محاولة الانقلاب وتمثال عمر Halisdemir ، الذي يرمز إلى ليلة 15 يوليو. في حديث لهوريت أنقرة حول الهجوم القبيح على تمثال هاليسدمير ، قال المواطنون: "هذا الهجوم على تمثال طفل صنع اسمه في التاريخ مع بطولته ليلة 15 يوليو يجب ألا يعاقب. إذا كانت هناك صورة كاميرا ، فيجب العثور عليها في أقرب وقت ممكن. " افتتح في عام 2017 تم افتتاح نصب شهداء 15 يوليو ، الذي بنته بلدية ماماك ، بحفل في الذكرى الأولى لمحاولة الانقلاب الغادرة. تم بناء النصب التذكاري في شارع ماماك حيث توقفت الدبابات في ليلة محاولة الانقلاب على مساحة 2000 متر مربع وبارتفاع 15 مترًا. النصب ، الذي صممه النحات الشهير O famousuz Ertürk ، يمثله 249 شهيدًا مع النجوم. توجد صور البطولة في محاولة الانقلاب وأسماء رمزية ليلة 15 يوليو أمام النصب ، وتمثال عمر Halisdemir ، الذي غير مسار الانقلاب.
In a coup attempt on July 15, 2016, vandals attacked the statue of a junior officer, Omar Halisdemir, who was killed by SCAF soldiers who shot the pro-coup brigade Samih Tarazi, who attempted to seize command of the Special Forces, was martyred by soldiers. Unidentified people were affected by the statue of Omar Halisdemir on the anniversary of the July 15 martyrs, which opened on July 15, 2017, the memory of the coup attempt, which was built by the municipality of Mamac on Mamac Street. The gun was stolen in Halisdemir's hand by vandals, damaging the statue. The monument, which was built at a height of 15 meters where the star represents 249 martyrs, includes pictures of the championship in a coup attempt and the statue of Omar Halisdemir, which symbolizes the night of July 15. In an interview with Hurriyet Ankara about the ugly attack on the Halisdemir statue, citizens said: "This attack on a statue of a child whose name was made in history with his heroism on the night of July 15 should not be punished. If there is a camera image, it must be found as soon as possible." It opened in 2017 The July 15 Martyrs Monument, built by the municipality of Mamac, was opened with a ceremony on the first anniversary of the treacherous coup attempt. The memorial was built on Mamac Street where the tanks stopped on the night of the attempted coup over an area of ​​2000 square meters and a height of 15 meters. The monument, designed by the famous sculptor O famousuz Ertürk, is represented by 249 martyrs with the stars. Pictures of the championship are found in the attempted coup and symbolic names of the night of July 15 in front of the monument, and the statue of Omar Halisdemir, who changed the course of the coup.
tera_mer on Google

Rami Aladimi on Google


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